View Full Version : Confused about certain Mag Questions

Sep 15, 2009, 07:30 PM
Hi, I am new to this board, and have just started playing BlueBurst.

I have been looking over Mags for quite a while and I cannot seem to understand how certain things work. I have a couple questions and I will address each one seperately.

1. The guides say a level 10 mag will get its first evolution, and the evolution is based on whether the character is a HU/RA/FO. My question is when does this condition actually apply? For example, to get a Varuna, would I need to create a new HU character and take its mag leveling the mag on any character at all? Or does it not matter where I get the mag, and the only thing that matters is that a HU character makes the final feed to level the mag to 10?

2. On a similar note, for the next evolution, I understand how the mag evolution is also based on the primary stat between POW/DEX/MIND. What I do not understand is similar to my first question, where is the condition of HU/RA/FO applied? Is it dependent on the character that makes the final feed to level the mag to 35? Or is it dependant on the current style of mag. For example, if I am leveling a Varuna, when it becomes 35, is it limited to the 3 hunter evolutions or can I get a varuna to evolve into any of the lvl 35 stages by giving it to the correct character type to level it to 35?

3. What really confused me is when I read a guide on creating a Mind Rati with stats DEF 25 / POW 25 / MIND 50. The guide I am following is VioletSkye's Mind Rati Guide located http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1279 .

I can follow this guide perfectly fine up to when it describes how to level the lvl 35 Tapas into a lvl 55 Bhirava. I cannot figure out why the Tapas does not evolve at when it hits lvl 50. Following the guide, at lvl 50, fed with a Type B Hunter, it did not evolve as expected and stayed a Tapas with the stats DEF 21 / POW 14 / DEX 0 / MIND 15. Looking at the charts, a Type B hunter with Mind > Pow > Dex should evolve it into Bana, unless I am misunderstanding something. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it is not evolving into Bana and staying a Tapas.

4. My next question is also about the guide in the previous question. Assuming it gets past lvl 50 staying a Tapas, the next step in the guide is to level it to 55, and it will turn into a Bhirava. The guide tells you to use a Type B hunter, but from the evolution charts, Type B Hunters do not get Bhirava, which confuses me. From my understanding, it would have to be a Type A Hunter with Pow > Mind > Dex to get Bhirava. This part is just baffling my mind.

5. Assuming it turns into a Bhirava at lvl 55 with a Type B Hunter, following the guide I am able to keep feeding it Trimates and eventually difluids until it hits 100. During this process, the order of the stats changes from Pow > Mind > Dex to Mind > Pow > Dex when you start feeding it difluids, however, the mag never evolves at lvls multiples of 5. This is the last scenario that completely leaves my confused.

I know these questions might seem very noob, but thats what I am, and I have looked everywhere for clear answers, but have had no luck. Thanks in advance to whoever can help me out!

Sep 15, 2009, 07:48 PM
1) It is based on what character levels it to 10.
2) If the character who leveled it to 10 was a HUnter, the level 35 evolution will be a HUnter one.

Sep 15, 2009, 10:22 PM
This will tell you what Section ID, Class, Gender, and what the MAG stats must be for every evolution type. It also tells you what PB it will receive at the evolution and what the MAG's abilities are.

I never liked the mag feeding guides, however, the Master Mag Gallery has yet to prove me wrong on evolutions.

Also, yes, every 5 levels a mag can change into a different mag if it's conditions change to a different mag evolution standard.
Example: You have a Varaha Lv.50 and you're a type A section ID Hunter with stats that are Pow>Dex>Mind.
But then the mag is given to a type B section ID Hunter, still with the stats of Pow>Dex>Mind. Once it hits 55, it will evolve into a Kama.
So basically, as long as you know what the mag will turn into and the conditions needed to make your desired Rare Mag, which I'm assuming is Rati, the Master Mag Gallery should do you fine.

Sep 15, 2009, 10:37 PM
@Ketchup, Thanks I understand my first two Q's now perfectly!

@Special K, That Gallery is one of the sources that I have been using to understand how evolutions work. However, it doesn't explain why some things are happening that I have described in my last 3 questions in the OP.

For example, according to the gallery, a type B HU with MIND > POW > DEX should turn into Bana at lvl 50. However, if you read over my third Question, when I feed it a dimate, it doesn't turn into Bana at level 50, but stays as a Tapas. This is where my confusion started. There must be something I am overlooking.

I am also using the MagFarm application to double check the guide, and it looks like, it actually doesn't turn into Bana, so I am confusing the rules up somehow.

Thanks for your replies guys, but the core of my problem is I have trouble understanding how that Mind Rati guide that I linked to is working. If anyone understands it completely and could care to explain that would be awesome!

Sep 16, 2009, 05:26 AM
I think the guide leaves out certain evolutions like the evolution to Bana from 50 to 55 because, and I'd have to check the master mag gallery to be sure, it is a redundant photon blast. The guide has you get certain specific photon blasts, and if you evolve to a mag that gives a photon blast you already have, then nothing happens to your photon blasts. So, it's possible that the guide doesn't specify the evolutions where you don't get a new photon blast. Once you have 3 blasts, then there is no way to change them and no matter how you mag evolves after then, you'll always have those three.