View Full Version : Xbox 360 PSU/360 Looking for more friends

Sep 24, 2009, 03:44 PM
Normally, I wouldn't post a message like this, but I'm really excited about playing the Fall/Autumn event on PSU.

In general I need more friends that are actively playing the game, and I think that limits my will to play. Most of my friends have quit the game for good. I've been taking break myself only coming on from time to time.

I'm a mid 20s player that's been around since V.1, and I'm mostly looking for other mature players. I'm laid back, honest, and I'm not too bad of PSU player. I like to level grind and find loot during events, and I occasionally rare hunt with friends when nothing is going on.

If anyone is interested I'll be on this weekend, and probably next week as well.


Noc Codez
Sep 29, 2009, 09:35 PM
Were Looking for new apps :D you should apply to a clan/guild it's the way to go in events no fear of being booted and Our people are really cool/laid back type of people gurantee you'll have fun with us :D
