View Full Version : Looking for opinions. =)

Feb 23, 2003, 12:48 AM
Hi all, I used to play the old dreamcast PSO and now I am very interested in PSO Episodes 1 & 2. It looks really fun, but after scanning through the site and reading several threads my mind hasn't really been made up. I am hoping ya'll could help me with your input. =)

My first concern is whether it is really different from the old PSO, the new levels, fun factor? I want to get addicted, hehe. Second of all, it seems there is still a fair amount of hacking and duping occuring. Maybe I read incorrectly, but this really drives me away. I like legit stuff; however, if the duping problem is a minonr one... It can be ignored. =)

And the new characters/weapons, are they fun? I'd appreciate any enhancements or big changes from the old PSO.

Also, I read a lot about FSOD. What exactly is this? I recall BSOD from PSO 1. Is it any way related to this?

I know it is rude to ask these questions when I can read about them, but I prefer to hear most from an actual players P.O.V. I appreciate any and all comments, thank you all for your time and help. =)

Feb 23, 2003, 01:01 AM
On 2003-02-22 21:48, puchigu wrote:
Hi all, I used to play the old dreamcast PSO and now I am very interested in PSO Episodes 1 & 2. It looks really fun, but after scanning through the site and reading several threads my mind hasn't really been made up. I am hoping ya'll could help me with your input. =)

My first concern is whether it is really different from the old PSO, the new levels, fun factor? I want to get addicted, hehe. Second of all, it seems there is still a fair amount of hacking and duping occuring. Maybe I read incorrectly, but this really drives me away. I like legit stuff; however, if the duping problem is a minonr one... It can be ignored. =)

And the new characters/weapons, are they fun? I'd appreciate any enhancements or big changes from the old PSO.

Also, I read a lot about FSOD. What exactly is this? I recall BSOD from PSO 1. Is it any way related to this?

I know it is rude to ask these questions when I can read about them, but I prefer to hear most from an actual players P.O.V. I appreciate any and all comments, thank you all for your time and help. =)

The game plays basically like it did on the DC. They changed around character stats and enemy stats. The game seems to be a bit easier this time around.

The new weapons are done very well; they look might spiffy. I don't play a FOmar, but I love the HUcaseal I have.

FSOD is frozen screen of death. The game locks up and you have to manually turn off your GC then turn it back on. Any items you have unequipped are lost. Recently, due to a new double save, people have been experiencing FSOD, which lead to character corruption.

Personaly, the GC version is what I think ST imagined PSO to be.

Feb 23, 2003, 01:02 AM
i like it more, there are a ton more items and the payer stats are alittle better this time around

duping is not as rampid as it was on DC well for now.

FSOD is a freeze where it corrupts the mem card, deleting it

BSOD is a freeze where it deletes ur inv items, not all but most.

its very addicting, i say get it

Feb 23, 2003, 01:05 AM
Thank you very much for responding. I have 2 or 3 more questions though...

1) How are the people online? Friendly? What about those lobby games...?
2) Is the offline version fun? I may have to play it until I can afford a modem and stuff. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I'm poor like that.

Thanks a lot. Again. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Feb 23, 2003, 02:29 AM
Yeah, I think the community is great. Most of the people are courteous and want to help you out any way possible. It's like, all of the characters in a game are depending on each other to survive. It makes sense, doesn't it. I think that's why the community is so friendly most of the time. Why would you want to piss off the guy who's got your life in his hands? I've only had one problem, people don't really like to be told what to do.

Ex:I used 10 moon atomizers in under a span of 3 minutes. So I asked the people that kept dying to stop being so careless. They started cussin at me and such, then I had to go back and buy 10 more moons for them. When I came back to the level everybody had gone to the Boss Fight without me!! This made me a little angry. All because I told them to stop dying....

some people are so mature....

Online is still definitely worth it!!

Feb 23, 2003, 02:31 AM
On 2003-02-22 22:05, puchigu wrote:
Thank you very much for responding. I have 2 or 3 more questions though...

1) How are the people online? Friendly? What about those lobby games...?
2) Is the offline version fun? I may have to play it until I can afford a modem and stuff. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif I'm poor like that.

Thanks a lot. Again. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Online is better than the DC version due to the sole reason of no widely available keyboard. You don't have to put up with too many lobby conversations about slutty HUnewearls or why DBZ sucks/rocks.

Lobby games? Soccer? Soccer rarely gets used. Like most online games, people crowd the first server/lobby/whatever they see, which means lobby soccer is rare.

They added offline Battle Mode, Challenge Mode, and splitscreen play--up to four players. They didn't add any new offline quests, though.

Feb 23, 2003, 04:15 AM
Ok, I might be of some help, because I am coming from PSO v.1 to PSO v.1 and 2, I skipped v.2 for DC, because of the Hunters license fee.

Stuff I like: Ver.2 levels... very good stuff.. I like playing them very much. I like the fact that in v.2 there is a mix of monster types: i.e. Native and Dark in same area... so multiple weapon %'s are very good stuff. I like, no I love the trading system, even if you don't want to trade, you can ask someone to show you stats on an item through there, and it just works pefectly.. definately better than v.1's ok, we drop at the same time B.S. People online seem much happier on this game, I think because they can't get their stuff stolen anymore, except by FSOD, which I'll be talking about in the Stuff I dislike section of this post. I like Ultimate, which I didn't get to play in v.2 (because I didn't buy it) but it's good stuff. Good experience *drool*. I absolutly love the weapon model changes to all the 9 star weapons, they look very cool, as well as all the new weapons, they look very nice too. I haven't played too much of the new characters, but I've heard good things from them. Oh, A little nice thing about the guild cards, is that you can write a message on them to remember who people are, whether you put your friends name on it, or like what I've done, just to remember good trading people, also what they are looking for, so I could go back to them, and ask if they still needed the item, So that's nice too. There's plenty more, I just can't think right now, I'm at work it's 2:51 AM, and my brain is not functioning very well... I appologize.

Stuff I dislike: The most obvious was the fun double save FSOD, which should be all good now. But it's a bit late for my first 2 characters... *R.I.P.* The Frozen Screen Of Death occured when I entered a team online, and when you go to Pioneer where you start, it saves your character there, well it would freeze right there. You'd hit the reset button.. .nothing.. next best thing... power button. When power was restored.... Message came up stating to the extent that your data has been corrupted, and it must be deleted. Yes or No? well No is what I tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and tried. But yes was eventually the only choice that seemed logical, which then I had to restart. So.. that wasn't fun. But I'm still here kickin... I'm back up to 109, which is going ok. The duping, is I'm sure still a problem in the game, but if you don't mind getting super cool rare items, then eh.. whatever... as long as you don't dupe, you keep your head clear of any wrong doing, because you know the majority of this stuff is unobtainable, and if someone is trading it without much regret... it's duped... come on, I got a Tsumikiri J-Sword +50 the other day for a Gifoie Merge.. 13 star fully grinded sweet weapon for a 7 star barrier that sucks.. whatever... I know it's duped.. but I traded something that I found and merged, so I'm in the clear with myself, and still consider myself legit, but lets not turn this thread into a moral issue. More bad stuff... Well The lack of U.S. Keyboards forced me to buy a japanese ASCII keyboard for $108.00. But Now that I'm using it. I see it was well worth the money. It is very cool, and quite comfortable to use as an everyday controller. It unfortunatly in my eyes is a neccessity for online play. It is very difficult to use the onscreen keyboard effectively. And the Quick Chat Messages, only good for making silly sentances like "Altma > You are good at practicing Bonsai Trees!" Yeah... anyhow... Another thing, that I don't like, but this isn't neccessarily toward just v1 and 2, but the lack of rare monsters. I have been playing 3 characters, 2 which have been deleted, and this one I'm on now, and I have seen 2 (two) yes count them both, 2, rare monsters. WTF? A hildebear and a hildetorr. I see all these people on here saying Oh i've only seen a hundred and fifty thousand of those, and I'm only getting a 83% rare drop rate... I haven't seen enough to get a percentage going... my brother is playing he's at like level 63, he's seen 4 rare monsters... grr! no, double grr! ... Well now that I've vented that steam, I feel better. I guess there is only one more thing, that I absolutly hate, which is my addiction. I have to get my fix of PSO everyday, if not I start going into convulsions and twitching. I have no more life, my homework doesn't get done. It's PSO everyday. Nothing else.

Well of course the opinions in the above post are mine, and you can't have them with out the expressed written permission of AltmaX Inc. Ummm... or the forged expressed written permission of AltmaX Inc. Or if PSOW lets you have them. Or someone on the street wants you to have them... Basically you can have them... I'm done.