View Full Version : PSP2 psp2 worries

Oct 12, 2009, 08:09 PM
is psp2 going to have the same problem the first one had were every time you update the firmware your saved data will get corrupted

Oct 12, 2009, 08:45 PM
That's never happened to me.

Oct 12, 2009, 09:57 PM
Never had that problem either on both my psps. Your memory card sounds like it might be defective.

Oct 13, 2009, 06:12 AM
forgot to mention it was custom firmware

Oct 13, 2009, 11:54 AM
xDDDDD next time try making a copy of your saves in your computer...

Oct 13, 2009, 05:34 PM
i did that and it still says its corrupted even though its not really corrupted

Oct 13, 2009, 06:25 PM
Are you sure your custom firmware doesn't just suck?

Oct 13, 2009, 10:35 PM
Are you sure your custom firmware doesn't just suck?

To expand on Allison's question, are you sure that your custom firmware even agrees with any of your games at all?

Oct 14, 2009, 01:33 PM
it reads all games but phantasy star I read about something called freecheat which can fix it but I have yet to find a good guide on how to get it to work