View Full Version : Losing my mind...

Feb 23, 2003, 09:42 AM
I'm a YELLOWBOZE and the rare that I'm currently searching for is the HEAVEN PUNISHER. Don't ask why, I know that it "sucks" in ultimate, but I want this weapon so badly. I used to have a duped one on dreamcast version and it rocked, so I figured I'd get a legit one for the GC version. I've done an eternity of addicting food quests and last night I think I lost it...I resorted to voodoo and superstition to find this rare("maybe if I circle him five times to the right...and then five times to the left...and then cast every spell on him....D@MNIT!!!-star atomizer-"). Please, for the sake of my sanity, I need to know if a fellow YELLOWBOZE has ever found this rare of a crimson assasin and about how many runs through the Ult. Caves it took.

Oh---by the way--I found a red scorpio this morning which was cool...until I found out that its special was WORTHLESS!!! Oh well, back to the caves again!