View Full Version : Help with bridged connection from laptop to PS3

Nov 13, 2009, 03:32 AM
Alright. I've been having some problems for about a week now, and I've exhausted the use of random forums and unhelpful service agents, so now I'm reaching out to the PSO-W techies.

Here's my Problem:

I have a WBR-2310 D-Link Wireless Router. I have an Acer Aspire 43370 laptop. Now what I'm attempting to do here is to receive the wireless signal with my laptop, and use a bridged connection to have 'Wired' internet on my Playstation 3. The reason for this is because I want to be able to play my PSP (specifically Phantasy Star Portable) on a little Japanese game called 'Adhoc Party'.

So, when I try to set up this connection on my PS3, it won't connect to PSN. Error Code: 8071002. But here's the kicker, it can STILL get on the PS3's web browser, and search the internet like it isn't hurting my feelings.

I looked into it, and all the websites tell me to change my DNS. I've tried that. I've tried several DNS's from different sites, and I've even tried using the PSN's US DNS.

SO! I thought maybe my router was out of date. I updated. No dice.

I know there's something seriously odd going on here, because when I try to get on my PSN through my router wirelessly to my PS3, it works. It's even decent. But unfortunately that keeps me from using Adhoc Party, since it requires a Wired LAN setup.

I got pretty desperate, so I tried moving my television, which isn't a light flatscreen, into my computer room, and plugged my PS3 into the DSL directly. Bingo! It worked. But my PSP wouldn't register with my PS3. But that part is neither here, nor there, and I'm not worried about that puzzle at the moment.

Now, barring lugging all these heavy electronics, or getting the longest LAN cable known to man, my last option is really to just use a bridged connection from my laptop. Or I could hope that Sega of America would be kind enough to input Infrastructure Mode, but that won't happen.

Oh, and also my PSP and PS3 and everything is using up to date official firmware. Nothing's been warranty void-ishly changed.

So there's my problem. Please help me in any way you can, I would greatly appreciate it. Before you ask, I've tried unplugging and waiting and resetting everything I possibly can, in every order imaginable. So please, don't just chime in with that kind of response. I would really like some unexpected or crazy suggestions please. Whatever it takes.

All I want to do is play my multiplayer game with some friends. Is that so much to ask?