View Full Version : FL Studio 9-

Nov 13, 2009, 07:11 AM
Just wanted everyone to know, Fruity Loops Studio 9 is the mother fucking shitAWESOME!

To anyone that wants to edit music, make beats, or do anything with music, get this.
Whether it's buying or downloading, get it!

Anyway, what are your experiences with Fruity Loops?

I actually didn't like it at first, like 6 years ago when I tried it lol.
Though, once you get some editing and creating under your belt, it's a great program.

Too bad it's $400...(or free, for those of you that know how to do that).

Nov 13, 2009, 07:49 AM
I heard it was good. I'm currently using the Logic Pro Studio Suite, myself. It's also a fairly expensive package if you aren't upgrading from an earlier release.

I haven't really done Fruity Loops, but I hear it is a promising entry.

Nov 13, 2009, 08:31 AM
I would use this baby... If it weren't just for Mac. <_<; But when I saw an old roommate of mine use it with some music presets, it was sex in your ear. XD

Nov 13, 2009, 02:58 PM
I prefer Reason 4, I find I can make better quality music with it.

Nov 13, 2009, 05:24 PM
I would use this baby... If it weren't just for Mac. <_<; But when I saw an old roommate of mine use it with some music presets, it was sex in your ear. XD

It's not just for Mac lol.
I have Windows Vista 64-bit.
(When you download it, it auto detects which bit of Windows you have too, like most programs).

I refuse to ever use a Mac again.
Other than me not liking much change on PC's/Mac's, I just don't know why I don't like it.

Nov 13, 2009, 06:25 PM
I refuse to ever use a Mac again.
Other than me not liking much change on PC's/Mac's, I just don't know why I don't like it.

Why PC's are better. (http://mvpc.ytmnd.com/) :wacko:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Mac's are usually a lot more expensive, and I have never seen anyone with a custom-built Mac rig, as in they bought their own hardware components and assembled it themselves, instead of ordering one directly from the company and having it built for them. My dad swears by em though, but I think it's because he's always had bad experiences with PC's: he picked up a virus, THEN installed and un-installed several different antivirus programs on his laptop (including Norton and McAfee :disapprove: ) to try to get rid of it, and I think he essentially ripped his registry a new one, because after several hard-drive wipes, it still acts peculiar... he REALLY needs a new computer, imo.

Also, wtf is this.


Nov 13, 2009, 06:34 PM
Why PC's are better. (http://mvpc.ytmnd.com/) :wacko:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Mac's are usually a lot more expensive, and I have never seen anyone with a custom-built Mac rig, as in they bought their own hardware components and assembled it themselves, instead of ordering one directly from the company and having it built for them. My dad swears by em though, but I think it's because he's always had bad experiences with PC's: he picked up a virus, THEN installed and un-installed several different antivirus programs on his laptop (including Norton and McAfee :disapprove: ) to try to get rid of it, and I think he essentially ripped his registry a new one, because after several hard-drive wipes, it still acts peculiar... he REALLY needs a new computer, imo.

Also, wtf is this.


...That thing...is a waste of people's time and money.
I just hated Mac's ever since the school systems started using the big ones.
The ones with the screen as the computer..
I don't like the price for one, second, I don't like not having a right click button..
Everything drag and drop is cool, but we have that on PC too. (just maybe not to the extent of Mac).
My friend has one.
He has a 75gb hard drive, 1gb of ram, 14 inch screen. (Mac book, not pro). $1,102.
I have a 250GB hard drive, (came with 2GB of ram, but now have 4gb), 15 inch screen. $800 (after buying 2 4gb stick of ram).

No viruses, no slowdown, nothing wrong with the software for me. (Hardware is a different subject).
For him, his Mac is 10 months newer than mine, slow as hell, sucks with games, no viruses, and no hardware problems, but software is very shitty.

PC wins for me, 100% of the time.
Hardware is easier to fix 90% of the time.

Nitro Vordex
Nov 13, 2009, 08:22 PM
You're basically paying for the name more than anything.

Nov 13, 2009, 08:28 PM
Yea, which is shit.
I don't like anything Apple, or Mac.
I have an Ipod Touch, and hated it.
The battery doesn't hold a charge, my Zune hold a charge for about 5 days before it totally dies on me.
(I'm not just basing my hate on owning an Ipod Touch).
Friends have/have had Mac Books, Mac Book Pros, and other Mac/Apple items, and I just hated all of them.

Nov 14, 2009, 04:04 AM
You're not just buying a mac, you're buying a lifestyle!!!

Nov 15, 2009, 12:16 AM
I like how this thread turned into a lol Windows-Only thing. :disapprove:

It's all about personal preferences though.
Aaaand I happen to prefer Macs since we use them for school. >>

On topic: I have never tried Fruity Loops, but my friend who produces/ writes/ plays for an EBM band hated the hell out of it. He uses something else, but I don't know what it's called, but I do know that he swears by it.

Nov 15, 2009, 12:58 AM
I think it's amazing.
Oh, and this program does work for Mac, but it's not Mac only.

Fruity Loops only turned so awesome after 8 and now 9 is just the awesome.

Mute City
Nov 15, 2009, 05:28 PM
Fruity Loops is alright if you're just doing music as a hobby or something.
But if you're serious about it you're eventually going to want to upgrade to Logic or Pro Tools or at least Reason.

As an addendum: Windows isn't bad if you're also doing music as a hobby. But Mac is far far better due to the majority of audio editing programs being Mac-only or just having better compatibility and support on Mac.

Nov 15, 2009, 06:40 PM
I've written, produced, recorded and edited about 30 songs.

Fruity Loops isn't the only program I use.
I use Cool Edit Pro 2.0, Camtasia (for songs with videos, and it even helps to edit songs), and FL Studio 9.

All programs for PC, and they are amazing.
I'll never go to Mac to do editing or even recording or anything.

I'm serious about the music, but I'm not trying to get rich off the songs.
It's something me and a few friends do for fun, to not be bored, to entertain ourselves, or even our families.
My sisters and their husbands love the music, and I know I do!

Nov 15, 2009, 08:24 PM
Adobe Soundbooth also is a good program. I'm not adept in it, but it helped me get the gist of song editing.

It's not just for Mac lol.
I have Windows Vista 64-bit.
(When you download it, it auto detects which bit of Windows you have too, like most programs).

I refuse to ever use a Mac again.
Other than me not liking much change on PC's/Mac's, I just don't know why I don't like it.

My bad, I mistook the program for Fruity Loops. XD

Nov 15, 2009, 09:24 PM
:o It is Fruity Loops.

Nov 15, 2009, 11:53 PM
Mac is very user friendly for media related programs.

And yes, Fruity Loops is awesome. I've had some fun with it while bored, and a good friend of mine I LAN with is really a beast with making cool techno-ish songs with it. XD

Nov 16, 2009, 01:14 AM
That's what I love about it.
You can make techno, rap, rock, and if you're good with FL, you can make piano solo's, organs, orchestra's and many many many more things.

Nov 20, 2009, 08:07 PM
I used to make beats with Logic and FL 5 i think it was..I havent used any of the newest versions of FL but I have used reason quite a bit recently.

The one thing that brought me back to FL was how relatively easy it was to sample using that program