View Full Version : *tear* no spread needle?

Nov 15, 2009, 09:25 PM
I picked up PS0 today and looked at the possible weapons you can get... I was depressed by the site of no spread needle, =[! but at least the psycho wand is "kinda there" I prefered the old look of it.

So what do you think about having no spread needle?

Nov 15, 2009, 09:50 PM
The lack of a Spread Needle weapon is fine with me. I've seen and used one often enough for the last nine years to make not care much for it on a new game. I'm more interested in seeing new content in the next generation of Phantasy Star games.

Nov 15, 2009, 09:55 PM
It would have been nice if maybe they replaced the cannons with shotguns. Seriously, they learned nothing from PSU, Cannons are virtually worthless still in this game.

Nov 15, 2009, 10:24 PM
spread needle is kinda like the gunblades... dunno why they made it like that... T__T

Nov 15, 2009, 10:28 PM
Only certain gunblades fire in multiple directions though right? Sorry, I barely touch those things. If I want a saber, Ill get a saber, if I want a slow, single firing rifle, Id take a cannon.

Wait no I wouldnt, cannons suck...

Nov 15, 2009, 11:05 PM
It would have been nice if maybe they replaced the cannons with shotguns. Seriously, they learned nothing from PSU, Cannons are virtually worthless still in this game.

Last I checked, laser cannons were godly in PSU, because the AI loves to live up perfectly. (And very high percents on the bullets)

Nov 15, 2009, 11:12 PM
Last I checked, laser cannons were godly in PSU, because the AI loves to live up perfectly. (And very high percents on the bullets)

Blech...shows how long its been since I quit that game.

Nov 15, 2009, 11:37 PM
I feel your pain. No spread needle? Come on, I'm gong to have to aim with my RAmar?

Nov 16, 2009, 12:17 AM
Last I checked, laser cannons were godly in PSU, because the AI loves to live up perfectly. (And very high percents on the bullets)

Yup laser cannons had best dps than any other ranger weapon with 3 or more enemies.

Nov 16, 2009, 04:23 AM
erm, have you guys been hit by the spread needles on the floor yet?

the traps on the floor that shoot out in a 180 spread..... with bright yellow needles.

so they did put spread needles in kind of

Nov 16, 2009, 12:56 PM
Actually spead needles are in the game. They have made some tweeks tot he ranger weapons, like bazookas doing single target damage rather than AOE damage. The added the Gunblade and guess what Gunblades do when aimed? They become a spread needle. Why on earth would they take the ability for spread needles to loose their ability to chain and take the AOE capability on Bazzokas (at least the one's I've tried)? Well the answer is quite simple.

1) They want to have 1 AOE non-chain weapon in the game, so they chose Bazzokas for that
2) They actually want you to use the PA, so the bazzokas get AOE on some (or maybe all, again I haven't tried them all) PAs.

That way you have a choice:
Want high damage on a sigle target? Go bazzokas
Want the ability to hit multitargets for a ton of damage? Go Laser
Want to be able to hit multi-targets and still maintain good damage on single? Go Gunblade
Want long range? Go rifle
Want a fast weapon? Ho handgun
Want a low-DPS multiple-damage weapon that can chain? Go mechs

So it's not like PSO where there was vritually no diference between Rifle and Handguns and Spead needles where kinda slow but OP since they chained.


Nov 16, 2009, 01:50 PM
Bazookas are fail - unless u have one with that beat down PA.
Gun Blades are the Spreads though possible to do a 9 button press combo with those, you can get creative with them
then Cannons I actually started using these and liked it now ITS VERY USEFUL ON FALZ to especially if u wanna rid of those annoying balls cannon is the way to go.

Mute City
Nov 16, 2009, 01:54 PM

Think you're wrong on several fronts.
Bazookas aren't really high single target damage. I can outdamage pretty much any other weapon class with Mechguns, and they fire faster, AND they have more useful PAs.
Bazookas are just useless, period, and Cannons are right above them in uselessness.

Nov 16, 2009, 10:18 PM
personally i dont care i knew there was no shotguns so i wasnt expecting it to be there in the first place the one item that really pisses me off its not in the game is addslot how evil is it to have rare armor and no addslot

Nov 16, 2009, 10:30 PM
This. ADDSLOT is freaking essential.

Nov 16, 2009, 11:25 PM
This. ADDSLOT is freaking essential.

maybe if we are lucky they will have it for an event or something