View Full Version : Guild Wars II trailer

Nov 19, 2009, 10:34 AM
I'm curious to what you think of this trailer.


The game promises to be a fully persistent world and they are introducing some new PvP and PvE concepts according to their press releases...Also a way will exist to use your Guild Wars I data in Guild Wars II...Finally, they promise it to have no subscription fees.

I've played Guild Wars for years, but I don't know much about Guild Wars II outside of what has been released. ArenaNet is keeping a tight lid on things.

Nov 19, 2009, 10:43 AM
I'm not sure.
I watched about 35 seconds, and got bored. :/
I'll try to watch it again later though.

Nov 23, 2009, 12:46 PM
As long as it's free to play, i'll play all the way through the first storyline, and cap a character...
I got bored when they opened up new quests and stuff with the new expansions/stand alones.
I didn't want to make a new character, and start from scratch, but it also felt weird to drag my capped character through 3 more games, when there was really not that much to gain, besides a few new abilities, and some new armor, and weapons.

Nov 23, 2009, 12:57 PM
Seems ok. I've been a bit leery about getting into new online games, as of late. And yes, this would be a game to perhaps leave GW1 for, but I guess a few factors will be there. I mean, GW1 looks pretty good already, and has great Hardware Requirements. I'm currently not really in the market to invest in another machine, so if they go all steep with the HW reqs for it, then I'll probably hold off for a while and stick with GW1.

That's one thing that the online games had done for a while now. Been more like traditional Strategy Games in trying to keep it running well on hardware the majority of folks have, instead of catering to the demands of just those with gaming machines. Not surprisingly, the biggest and most successful MMOs did just that.

Last thing I need is to have to upgrade because the latest online RPG needs a computer that can eat Crysis for breakfast, and then some. Of course, keeping their free-online play model is a big deal. It's always allowed me to have Guild Wars along with other games, because I didn't have to add a new monthly payment plan to play it. I have my limits on that and don't want more than 1 to have to deal with. It also keeps the pressure off of trying to maintain your money's worth by having to log on and play so much. I need time for other games, because their demands on hours are also long.

Epically Leet
Nov 23, 2009, 01:03 PM
Saw that trailer a few weeks ago. I think it's awesome, but perhaps not because it necessarily is awesome, but because I'm highly anticipating the game and was pleased to see anything of it that made it feel like it was actually real. At last.