View Full Version : JP PSP 11/19 & 11/20 Official Blog

Nov 19, 2009, 07:18 PM

I've been busy playing the demo so I haven't actually gone and looked through the updates in a bit but this latest post adds on to the information posted in Famitsu this week.

Story Mode

Episode 2, "The Destroyer in Black," takes place on Moatoob in the rainforest map. A rainforest? In my Moatoob? The players will meet Tonnio and Lina, as well as Yuto, who shows up as an enemy first. There are also various "penalties" for stepping in to traps this time around so flipping in to first person will save you from whatever these penalties are.


Episode 3, "The Created Hope," will take place in the Undersea Facility run by Inhelt on Parum. You'll still be partnered up with Lina and Tonnio and you'll be the cane man, Natsume Shu. Companies all over the Gurhal system, including Little Wing's parent company Skycladd, have invested in Inhelt.


Emergency Missions

These are the rare missions of PSP2. They only show up in Multimode and Internet Multimode. They range from maps like the fire or ice SEED maps from the previous games or the ever popular PSO-themed maps. However, if you do another mission the emergency mission will disappear, so do it!

When you get an emergency mission, it'll show up in red underneath all the other missions.

This is a familiar mission, perhaps?


Does this mean that the reflector is back? :(


Flaming Meseta Grab
Run around a flame field and race to grab the most meseta. There are catapults and damaging traps as well. Downing an enemy will allow you to grab the meseta they had been carrying but being downed will mean the enemy can take your meseta so you have to decide between fight or flight.

Bitzkrieg Deathmatch
A small arena is the perfect place to really beat on your opponents when you feel like it.

Famitsu Collaboration
The Famitsu mag is a shield this time around. When you guard, Famitsu will pop up in the effect but when you just guard, it'll show up real big.


Here's the information from today's posts:

There was a trial play for a mobile wireless router in Tokyo but that's not too important. Three new collaborations were announced:


Tea Dog (and NEW! Tea Dog) decorations and madoug

A Panda Bread decoration


A Moyashimon visual unit

There's also a new commercial up on Niconico. It's pretty funny. It's also embeded in the blog (http://ameblo.jp/phantasy-star-portable2/entry-10392821563.html), so check it out if you want.

Nov 19, 2009, 07:42 PM
I better be able to play the PSO stages offline at any time I want sega, don't pull an AoI on me... >:l
(presumably without the drop boost and the uber rewards, but thats fine)

Nov 19, 2009, 08:14 PM
Very interesting. But I'm a bit irked at the fact that the rare missions are multi-mode only. You're pretty much screwed if your PSP gets shut off for any reason.

Nov 20, 2009, 02:55 AM
I guess 3 battle mission = all we expect to get when game release? since the release date is near

Nov 20, 2009, 03:05 AM
So, the only way to access PSO maps is from the Emergency Mission in Local and Internet Multi?
Any words on that?

Nov 20, 2009, 04:07 AM
So, the only way to access PSO maps is from the Emergency Mission in Local and Internet Multi?
Any words on that?

Emergency Missions

These are the rare missions of PSP2. They only show up in Multimode and Internet Multimode.

There's no word on if they show up in offline mode.

Nov 20, 2009, 04:41 AM
There's no word on if they show up in offline mode.

No no, I mean. If I can select those PSO maps like normal mission?
Or it can be accessible only when Emergency Missions appear?

I do understand that Emergency Missions are only for Multi mode. (Both Local and Online)

Sorry if my question isn't cleared.

Nov 20, 2009, 04:48 AM
Ah. No clue. I have a feeling the answer will be a big fat NO, but it's not been said yet.

Nov 20, 2009, 05:11 AM
If that's true, I'm gonna be the saddest Rappy in the universe. :(

Nov 20, 2009, 05:22 AM
You won't be the only one. Not being able to get emergency missions offline makes me a sad panda rappy.


Nov 20, 2009, 05:48 AM
It could be worse; they could just not have them in the game. :P

Nov 20, 2009, 08:20 AM
Update the original post with some new info.

Nov 20, 2009, 08:26 AM
Do want Ochaken!!

Nov 20, 2009, 08:40 AM
Natsume Shu huh? The man looks charasmatic for his age. interesting.

Nov 20, 2009, 10:41 AM
You people know you can play local multymode "offline", or don't you? :wacko:

I wouldn't be surprised if they added normal missions with the maps, like the normal MAG' in PSU, or the offline missions of fire and ice SEED infection.

Nov 20, 2009, 12:04 PM
Yeah but its the convenience of being able to select the mission from a list rather than just playing over and over for the chance to play it.

Also they added MAG' but MAG' sucked :(
They never added the proper versions as normal missions...

Nov 20, 2009, 12:47 PM
Moyashimon!!! jajaja (seriously I hate that things -_-" but my lady love's that)

well I hope that too PSO stages must be free. but is better than nothing. ^^;

Nov 20, 2009, 12:51 PM
I am sure that they will be part of story mode this time around. At least the Forest. Come on, guys, they would never create a boss and not show it off in story mode. :)

We have seen Rykros/Ragol in a short clip, too, already, and it was part of a cutscene.
And that although Rykros was said to be destroyed.
I think they will use the new hyperspace technology to travel to Rykros. :)

Nov 20, 2009, 03:31 PM
Well, at least it seems that if you run a multi-offline and run it by yourself, I guess that's still possible to obtain the mission. But like other's said, the bad part is that when you play in that mode, you can't use sleep mode or you get kicked out of it. So it just means you have to do all your runs in one sitting, or keep the PSP on. Not a big inconvenience, but a little one nonetheless.