View Full Version : Eternal Tower Boss Drops?

Nov 20, 2009, 03:44 PM
Is it me, or do rare drops from bosses seem to be extremely rare on Very Hard? When I did the Tower on normal, I got rares from every boss, of course. On hard, about half the time I got a bunch of greens and no rares. Now I'm doing the Very Hard Tower, I just finished the floor 50 boss, and only one boss so far has had any rares for me D:

Does anyone else seem to experience this? Is this just how the tower is programmed? Or is the amount of rares you get proportional to your performance in the battle? It seems possible. It takes me, a Ranger, forever to kill Shot Mothers because they move around so freakin' much. Blade mothers, too, take a while, but not nearly as long since I can just beat on them until my teammates die and they start charging me. Force mothers are the only ones I DON'T have trouble with, and the only rares I got were from the only one of them I fought so far. It seems possible that the rares you get have something to do with how much damage you do, or how much damage you take, or how long you take to kill the boss, but it (like a lot in this game) seems like horrible trolling on Sega's part if that's true :|

What do you guys think?

Nov 20, 2009, 03:55 PM
Probably just your luck. Every time I've done the Tower (on Normal, Hard, and Super, mind you), each boss has dropped at least three or four rares.

Nov 20, 2009, 04:01 PM
I did on normal like 2 bosses both 1 rare...
On hard like 6 bosses in total always 2 rares or 3.
I think ur just unlucky... :-(

Nov 20, 2009, 04:26 PM
Finished the floor 60 Blade Mother in record time. Trigrinders, Digrinders, and mates. I must be really unlucky :|

I guess it doesn't have to do with your battle time though.

Nov 20, 2009, 04:29 PM
Its because the 'rares' (4*-5* non-unique weps) you get from Normal or Hard Eternal Tower are nothing compared to the 'rare rares' (6*-7* unique weps) you can get from Very Hard Tower, so your chances of finding them are much lower. :)

Nov 20, 2009, 04:31 PM
I've gone through 17 mothers on eternal super so far. Usually get 1-2 rares per mother, but they're the easy common 7 star rares, not the unique good ones like Lavis, Kouga Shuriken, Twin Psychoguns etc.

1.25 rare drop rate in field mode, 1.5 in wi-fi field, unless you want a Tower specific rare (psycho wand, emperor axeon, gigas romulus, radam soul, Garland Zwei) it's probably better to stick with field mode after you clear it once. Tower exp is awful too.

Nov 20, 2009, 11:53 PM
Ok, I just finished Very Hard tower. I'm a ranger. Did I get any guns? No. I got a bunch of 7 star hunter and force weapons, mostly doubles. This is BS. Am I just REALLY UNLUCKY or did Sega make it so you get other classes' weapons so you have to trade with people?

Nov 20, 2009, 11:57 PM
you are just unlucky. also take this into consideration, there are three normal mothers; force, hunter, and ranger. each type drops more rares of its own type as in a force mother drops force weapons while hunter mother drops hunter weapons and so on.

heaven's mother can drop any of the three types