View Full Version : Thoughts on Final Fantasy 13

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Nov 23, 2009, 09:04 PM
Seeing as its almost around the corner, I'd like to see who is interested in it. As for me, meh. I couldn't care less. After 12 my love for the Final Fantasy series has taken a complete nosedive. Well...more like crashing and burning like the Hindenburg. No More Heroes 2 has my heart this year.

Nov 23, 2009, 09:08 PM
nice music and graphics... Lightning gets on my nerves already and why dose the only black guy there have a goddamn baby chocobo living in his fro?

Nov 23, 2009, 09:27 PM
Well, I've never cared for any Final Fantasy game, so I'll expect to skip 13, as well.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Nov 23, 2009, 09:28 PM
Yea, the black guy seems like the typical "Oh lord them white folk is crazy as hell! Why do I get stuck with them anyways?"/comic relief. Why can't we get the middle of the road/witty remark black guy? Racism!

Mike Epps?

Nov 23, 2009, 09:42 PM
I am pretty stoked for FFXIII. I've been waiting for a Final Fantasy game with the storytelling power this game already seems to have since FFX in 2001. The fighting looks pretty nasty, too, although I do wish it occurred in real time a la FFXII instead of waiting for the player to bump into "representative" enemies in the field to transition into a generic battlefield. That's my only qualm so far: lack of seamlessness

Zero Revenge
Nov 23, 2009, 10:06 PM
I'm expecting a letdown. 10 sucked, 10-2 sucked, 11 sucked [not that I even played it. Wasting a number on an MMO is fucking stupid] and 12 sucked.

I hate no FF character more than Tidus and Vaan.

I have no faith for FF13.

Nov 23, 2009, 10:09 PM
It's funny that you mention Tidus and Vaan since in both 10 and 12, they weren't REALLY the main characters. :wacko:

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Nov 23, 2009, 10:24 PM
Yep, and 13-Versus is about an emo who can summon multiple swords. Fun.

Nov 24, 2009, 06:11 AM
11 sucked [not that I even played it.
GG, opinions.

Zero Revenge
Nov 24, 2009, 12:38 PM
GG, opinions.

It's an MMORPG. Why would I waste my time on that? It doesn't even have a concrete storyline, a beginning nor end.

I don't understand why Square wasted a Roman Numeral on an MMO, just call it "Final Fantasy Online."

Oh I looked into the game though, but at the time I was still playing EverQuest and wasn not about to switch over for a very subpar game in comparison.

Nov 24, 2009, 12:44 PM
My thoughts are pretty much explained in the other Final Fantasy 13 topic.
I'm actually looking forward to it, after FF 12, that is. FF12 brought a change to the battle system that I've been waiting a while for. I also loved the monster hunts and the idea of going around the landscape, hunting for mobs, trying to avoid unintended aggro, and taking advantage of mobs that are natural enemies. It also brought itself closer to the idea of actual area-effects.

Anyway, if they build upon that foundation, with some tweaks and improvements, I think I can really get into it. So anyway, I'm optimistic about FF13. Characters and story haven't really wowed me in any of the late Final Fantasies.. VII and on. I mean, even after playing them, it just seems FFIV destroys those stories, IMO. But then again, characters you relate to are a personal thing, so I know everybody has their favorites.

Nov 24, 2009, 12:45 PM
10 was decent, in my opinion, but way too easy (International version's Nemesis/Dark Aeons/Penance aside). X-2 however killed any desire to play another FF game.

XIII doesn't interest me in the slightest- none of the characters appeal to me (which is a recurring problem with FF games lately- why the hell did I have to play Paine in X-2 ._. ), and every single Summon I've seen so far looks horrendous (hel yeh Shiva motorcycle, and hell if I know what Bahamut is meant to be).

The story might save it though- I would normally wait for some reviews but I already know just slapping 'Final Fantasy' in the title will guarantee high reviews.

Nov 24, 2009, 12:46 PM
XI was Square's decision, it made them money, they won in the end.

Anyways, 13 doesent have the charm that the earlier games had, from what little I've seen of it. I'll let the reviews/gameplay vids etc come out before I make my decision on wether or not to buy.

[edit] for brainfarting roman numerals

Nov 24, 2009, 12:51 PM

wasn not about to switch over for a very subpar


Zero Revenge
Nov 24, 2009, 12:53 PM

I already had spent a lot of time into EQ, why would I have scrapped that all for a game that [I felt] wasn't better - or at least that much better to switch from.

Note: Since this of course, I played WoW like a crack addict with a bank account. But has since sworn off MMO's. Consuming, Evil Programs they are. D:

Nov 24, 2009, 01:03 PM
I already had spent a lot of time into EQ, why would I have scrapped that all for a game that [I felt] wasn't better - or at least that much better to switch from.

Note: Since this of course, I played WoW like a crack addict with a bank account. But has since sworn off MMO's. Consuming, Evil Programs they are. D:

Ah okay, I understand where you are coming from now. I know how Everquest is and how ungodly long it takes to progress, so I understand not wanting to swap to another equally as grindy and monotonous game...

Nov 24, 2009, 01:43 PM
Lol, there was already more or less a topic about this... (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170887)

Also, I think it's still too early to pass judgment on the game, especially seeing how IT'S NOT OUT YET. Come on guys, you know companies like Square-Enix have to cocktease the hell out of us with CG cutscenes and what not. And yes, I'm well aware of the early demo Japan got several months back, but I'm sure there's a lot more they've worked on since then to take into account.

Yea, the black guy seems like the typical "Oh lord them white folk is crazy as hell! Why do I get stuck with them anyways?"/comic relief. Why can't we get the middle of the road/witty remark black guy? Racism!

Lol, I understand completely, but I'm just glad that they actually HAVE a black guy as a main character in this game; FF7 was the only other time I'm aware of in the series in which that happened, and even if there were others, if they were before FF7, it'd be pretty difficult to depict them as "racist" other than through story dialogue, because they didn't have the graphical and hardware standards that we do today to accurately depict that sort of stuff. I mean seriously, how many JRPG's do you know of that have memorable black characters in them? Probably enough to count on one hand. YES, Sazh wields guns, YES, he has a fro that conceals random objects, YES, he appears to be stuck with a bunch of other white people, like what often happens in movies. If it doesn't get any worse than that, I'll actually be happy - at least he wasn't a blatant ripoff of Mr. T like Barrett was. Now, if Squenix pulls another Aeris scene or something where he ends up being the only character getting killed, then yes, I will raise an eyebrow to that... but again, there's still a lot of storyline elements that we just don't know yet: what are Sazh's motives for following Lightning around? What is the significance of the baby chocobo? I'm sure those questions will be answered after the game comes out (December 17 in Japan, btw, March 9 in the US/Europe) and people have had time to play it.

I'm expecting a letdown. 10 sucked, 10-2 sucked, 11 sucked [not that I even played it. Wasting a number on an MMO is fucking stupid] and 12 sucked.

I hate no FF character more than Tidus and Vaan.

I have no faith for FF13.


FF10 was actually my 2nd favorite, next to 7. YES, Tidus started out as a pussy, but I thought 10 had one of the more interesting and romantic storylines of the series. FF10-2 just ruined the already-good plot because fangirls were too upset that Tidus supposedly died at the end, and well... I guess Squenix caved in to the response, much like the other FF7-related titles. =x

FF11, I'll admit, I haven't been playing as much lately, partially because one of my friends quit it recently, and the other had his graphics card die out on him, but also because it just takes FOREVER to establish a party and get anything done. Even though both games had their strong points, overall, I STILL think FF11 is a much better MMORPG than PSU ever was, though - you can't even call PSU "MMO" anymore because of how bad the population is nowadays, and FF11 is STILL going strong since its release roughly 7 years ago (flame me as much as you want, you know it's true... I'm not having this discussion again with PS fanboys and other people who don't care - it's a waste of time for all of us).

FF12, I haven't quite finished yet, but I've thoroughly enjoyed it. I know Vaan's character wasn't really developed much, but you have to keep in mind that the storyline of a game doesn't necessarily have to focus entirely on the first playable character you start out as. FF12's storyline was more focused around Ashe (her having to deal with a world at war and becoming the next queen of her nation), Balthier (his motives with dealing with his father, Dr. Cid, who has been obsessed with studying nethicite and its powers, as well as his past life as a Judge), and the other characters' roles in this conflict. Vaan and Penelo were moreso commonfolk of Rabanastre who just caught up in the war that was going on, although they did have significant tie-ins with the plot.

Yep, and 13-Versus is about an emo who can summon multiple swords. Fun.

Lol... Google and Wikipedia are your friends, people. Again, there's not a ton of information out yet, but you might wanna read this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Versus_XIII) and this. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabula_Nova_Crystallis_Final_Fantasy_XIII)

Nov 24, 2009, 01:48 PM
I guess I'm the only one that loved FFX-2. In fact it would be my favorite FF if not for FFIX.

Zero Revenge
Nov 24, 2009, 02:05 PM
You're not going to get any complaints of bashing PSU Tetsaru. I played that for 2/3 months and dropped it hard.

The only thing I did really like about 12's plot was the heavy politicking. And Gabranth. And how the Judges & Empire reminded me of the Holy Empire of Britannia, and their Knights of the Round.

And I felt 10's romance was so forced. Sin was completely unoriginal and completely overly complex. Ye Yuvon was totally fucking stupid, and the massive plot twist at the end I felt was completely unneeded.

I felt that X-2 was better than X.

Oh and I hated the Sphere Grid with my Heart and Soul.

Nov 24, 2009, 02:36 PM
Eh. I'm sure it'll be fine. I don't see myself loving it, but - hyperbole aside - I don't think any of the main Final Fantasy games have actually been bad.

Still - I assure you, it's going to be FFVII-heavy. Eat it up, fanboys. This one's for you.

Nov 24, 2009, 04:58 PM
Hell yeah he does LOL but this game is gonna be off the chain. Kick ass gameplay, kick ass graphics. I don't think its gonna diisapoint, say what you want about 10-12, i think this game is gonna be great. Hell...and dare i say it... I think it might rival 7

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Nov 24, 2009, 05:02 PM
The only Final Fantasy that I will play over and over again is 6 (or 3 in the US). FF13 and FF13-Versus...well...let's just say they better release a demo because I sure as hell won't waste money on it. 12 made me wanna destroy a Renassaince(sp?) Fair out of anger and spite. From reading the two wiki pages Tetsaru showed us I really don't think it's worth my time. Honestly, I'd LOVE to see a new Shadow Hearts game. Preferably set during WW2.

Epically Leet
Nov 24, 2009, 05:28 PM
Not the biggest Final Fantasy fan there is. I have enjoyed the old ones quite alot (up to VI, and the DS remakes of III and IV), but I haven't ever beaten any of them. I would still consider myself a fan of the series, of course, and I do have interest to play anything new in it. So, naturally, I am interested in FFVIII, but I have no means to play it, unfortunately.

Nov 24, 2009, 05:30 PM
So, naturally, I am interested in FFVIII, but I have no means to play it, unfortunately.

Not to harp on your typo, but I wish more people had interest in FFVIII. It's really a shame that so many people still consider it to be a flop.

Epically Leet
Nov 24, 2009, 05:31 PM
Snap! I mean XIII, of course!

I am interested in that one, too, by the way. Squall's awesome. Gunblade is the best weapon of all time, etc.
I have played it, but not much. (PC version was a bit... buggy for me.)

Nov 24, 2009, 06:01 PM
Yeah, it's a strange game. The battle system is easily abused, some of the character development is forced, and the setting is nothing like the other Final Fantasy games, but it really is a good game.

Epically Leet
Nov 24, 2009, 06:08 PM
I particularly like the different setting, myself; makes for a (more) unique experience.

Nov 24, 2009, 06:09 PM
I hate no FF character more than Tidus and Vaan. Tidus grows over time, as the writers intended, from a brash, ego-tripping but ever-cheerful jock caricature to the point where he is mature enough to accept that the only way he has of saving someone he loves is directly connected to his own death, and then go through with the sacrifice. Tidus is awesome if you actually pay attention.... I hate Vaan too, though, no redeeming qualities there. He both sounds and looks entirely female.

It's funny that you mention Tidus and Vaan since in both 10 and 12, they weren't REALLY the main characters. :wacko:I understand and agree with Vaan not being the main character of XII, but Tidus TOTALLY plays FFX's leading role, there's absolutely no way to refute that by saying it's Yuna. In ending Spira's "spiral of death" and killing sin for good, Tidus was the most essential character, then Yuna, then Auron, then the rest.

Sorry, say what you want about any of the other FF games but X is not only my favorite Final Fantasies but my all-time favorite game in general, and I will defend most aspects of it to the bitter end...

EDIT: also I don't really expect there to be many people who haven't played it but intend to at some point in the future on this forum, but I like to black out spoilers just in case :)

Nov 24, 2009, 09:11 PM
FFIV, FFVI, VII, VIII, and IX were the best in the series IMO.

Nov 24, 2009, 09:42 PM
Not to harp on your typo, but I wish more people had interest in FFVIII. It's really a shame that so many people still consider it to be a flop.

FFVIII was my favorite of the modern Final Fantasy games. The only problem with it was that Ultimecia wasn't well introduced and felt very... "Ok, this all makes no sense... but it's FF, so hey - par for the course... but who the fuck is this bitch and why is she the final boss?" The "FF Breakfast Club" HS stereotype clique friends was annoying for a few moments - but the roles were more like outlines on trace paper that the characters filled out and expanded beyond. Everytime an annoying stereotype was introduced, Square someone managed to make them enjoyable. Irvine, for instance, could have so easily failed as another awkward out-of-place cowboy stereotype. Yet somehow they managed a weird "Japanese Bon-Jovi/Gambit" hybrid that actually worked out. Squall failed for much of the game, but Laguna more than made up for his deficiencies - and Zell... well, at least he's wasn't Wakka. And I actually liked the Junction System as a means to tweak and strategize the characters.

Otherwise, character design, art design, music, etc, was all very well done. Between FFIII/VI & VIII, I've yet to really see much to get overly excited about in FF. VII was a great game, but not anywhere near a favorite title... and has started to induce slight vomiting due to the overwhelming fan fellatio. The others... I only bought them because I knew they'd be decent quality solid titles... but nothing to get overly excited about.

Nov 25, 2009, 05:56 AM
I wish for Final Fantasy IX-2...
A boy can dream...
I miss Vivi.

Nov 25, 2009, 06:49 AM
I guess I'm the only one that loved FFX-2. In fact it would be my favorite FF if not for FFIX.

You are not alone, I may actually be the only person alive who played X-2 before X, and the funny thing is, in the end, I ended up liking X-2 alot more...I could barely even finish X.
I felt almost everything was better (Though I got the sad ending, so the game had a more tragic feel to it.) especially the music...though the story wouldn't hold up next to X's I don't think, since X-2 is exactly that, a continuation.
So it's story wasn't meant to outshine X's story, since X-2's wouldn't exist without it, and anyone who doesn't realize that, should go curbstomp themselves.

Oh and on topic: I really plan on playing this game sometime in the future, though I haven't been following closely, I think it looks visually stunning, and as far as I can tell, nothing overly cheesey is standing out, so my hopes are up. :wacko:

Powder Keg
Nov 25, 2009, 07:14 AM
It's just not Final Fantasy anymore. It might have some of the names that appeared in the series, but that's about it really.

FFVIII was my favorite of the modern Final Fantasy games. The only problem with it was that Ultimecia wasn't well introduced and felt very... "Ok, this all makes no sense... but it's FF, so hey - par for the course... but who the fuck is this bitch and why is she the final boss?"

lol, yeah. Necron in 9 was way worse though.

Nov 25, 2009, 07:18 AM
I will play FF13, if the final boss is named Lady Gagaonia.

Nov 25, 2009, 02:08 PM
lol, yeah. Necron in 9 was way worse though.

Heh. I forgot about Necron. At least with FFVIII, you hear about Ultimecia during the 3rd or 4th disc.

In FFIX, you literally do not know about Necron until just before you fight him. It's absurd. If I recall correctly, he doesn't even have any relevance to the rest of the plot.

Then again, the entire fourth disc of FFIX feels like it was finished up in like a month. That's why I have so much trouble with FFIX - it's one of my favorites as far as the early part of the game goes, but it has such an uneven final act.

Zero Revenge
Nov 25, 2009, 02:50 PM
Heh. I forgot about Necron. At least with FFVIII, you hear about Ultimecia during the 3rd or 4th disc.

In FFIX, you literally do not know about Necron until just before you fight him. It's absurd. If I recall correctly, he doesn't even have any relevance to the rest of the plot.

Then again, the entire fourth disc of FFIX feels like it was finished up in like a month. That's why I have so much trouble with FFIX - it's one of my favorites as far as the early part of the game goes, but it has such an uneven final act.

They briefly mention that some evil entity would be allowed to re-enter the world if the crystals were destroyed. I believe this to be Necron.

Not that I disagree that he's worse than Zeromus or Ultimecia in terms of "LOL SURPRISE END BOSS FIGHT" but he was alluded to early on, just not in name.

God Dammit was he stupid though. I remember first time I defeated Kuja [quite gracefully too] then I proceeded to get 2 shotted by Necron.

Nov 25, 2009, 05:15 PM
I liked FFX-2 for the battle system. The story, however, was pretty bland, and the characters (well mainly Paine) were annoying.

Nov 26, 2009, 08:10 AM
It's just not Final Fantasy anymore. It might have some of the names that appeared in the series, but that's about it really.

I feel that way about Phantasy Star after 4

Nov 27, 2009, 01:14 AM
Female protagonist. That's enough for me.

Nov 27, 2009, 01:40 AM
I wish for Final Fantasy IX-2...
A boy can dream...
I miss Vivi.

Didn't Vivi die? :(

I would kinda want to see like.... a sequel with Zidane and Garnet's children teaming up with Eiko (Eiko would be all grown up and gorgeous ala Rydia FFIV) and Quina. Then meet more characters along the way n shiz. Or maybe a prequel to give more depth about Zidane and Kuja.

Sooo much room for more story with FFIX IMO...

Nov 27, 2009, 03:57 AM
I'll probably get it just because my only games are Eternal Sonata and BlazBlue, and there just doesn't feel like there's as many RPGs to choose from as I'd like.

The only Final Fantasy games I've played were VIII, X, X-2, and the DS remakes of III and IV (not counting side games like Dissidia or FF:CC:EoT, though I enjoyed those very much).

X was my first experience with the series, since I had mostly avoided the fantasy genre up until that point, I enjoyed it, though Tidus is a whiny bitch, he was at least believable as a fighter since he was, after all, a professional athlete beforehand (Although he did kinda pull the swordsmanship skills out of his ass). I also rather liked the sphere grid, since it gave me a lot of control over my characters' abilities. One thing that irked me though, was how often Yuna was removed from the party, as I had begun to rely on her as a cor party member, when suddenly, they began yanking her out of the party after each plot point.

I rather liked VIII as well, though I didn't finish it, I got my ass kicked by the Jumbo Cactuar and kinda lost my drive, by the time I tried to go back to it, I had forgotten what I was supposed to do next.

X-2 was fun, but not good, it was mostly just poor writing and bad fan-service, although the garment grid was pretty nice, as gimicky as the name sounds. The difficulty balance was just as bad, since it suddenly spiked at a certain chapter (I forget which) without warning.

I rather liked IV as well, although I didn't care for Cecil's appearance change on getting pally, while his DK armor wasn't exactly the most stylish thing, his pally design just really rubbed me the wrong way. Superficial complaints aside, I enjoyed what I played of it. I'm not sure how far I was, I had gotten to pally, but got stuck on some bastard turtle boss.

III, I forget how far I got, it was fun, but didn't leave as big a impression as the others.

Nov 27, 2009, 09:04 PM
I'm getting FFXIII case it's been awhile since I played a new RPG, but as far as my most wanted games, Bioshock 2 and Heavy Rain easily rank above it.

I also liked FFVIII. Doing the Lionheart with the last form of the Gunblade was awesome, and it has one of the best soundtracks IMO, esp. Laguna's battle theme! I didn't like FFX that much, Tidus was just annoying.

I'll hold my opinions on FFXIII until I actually play it and won't judge it on videos alone. I will say so far the music doesn't really impress me. I'm not feelin' the battle theme.

Nov 28, 2009, 01:15 PM
I've been a Final fantasy fanboy ever since I first played Final Fantasy Legend 1 on the Gameboy ( and before I get any smart ass answers to this, yes I know the FFL1 is technically not a FF game but part of the Sa-Ga series, for what it's worth I have also played the original FF on the Nes, it's just that FFL1 was the first time I ever played a game called Final Fantasy ) so I guess you can say I am looking forward to FFXIII. I am however very cautious about it and I am afraid to get my hopes up. FFVI and FFX are my ( joint ) favorite games in the series follwed by FFVII. FFIV, FFV, FFVIII and FFIX were okay, I never played FFXI and I hate and despise FFX-2 and FFXII. Needless to say, Square does not have a good track record with me when it comes to FF games. FFX-2 and FFXII in particualr seem to haunt me since they are the 2 most recent FF games that were made and that I have played and I did not enjoy either. So, I am cautious, I can't and won't trust any reviews for this game ( not after all the praise that FFXII got ) so the only we to know whether I will like it or not is to play it for myself.

Nov 29, 2009, 11:06 PM
I think they are screwin with us on the release date. I dont expect to see it hit stores to may at the earliest. If it does come out when they say it will I will prolly quit everything and play it for a good week straight hahaha.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Nov 29, 2009, 11:18 PM
You know what I would love? A continuation to Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. Sure it didn't do well, but it had a certain charm to it. Also I loved how Tristan would always forget the main character's name and just called him "kid" because we all knew he was pretty badass.

Dec 1, 2009, 07:57 PM
Slight off-topic, but I don't care.

Here's the NA box art:


Very plain looking, sadly.

Dec 1, 2009, 08:06 PM
I could be wrong but I beleive Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is the first game in the Japanese Secret of Mana series. The american Secret of Mana is actually the second one... I think.

Zero Revenge
Dec 1, 2009, 09:50 PM
I believe that is correct.

That said. Seikun Denstusu 3 [Secret of Mana 3] has got to be the best SNES game, EVER.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 1, 2009, 10:01 PM
I believe that is correct.

That said. Seikun Denstusu 3 [Secret of Mana 3] has got to be the best SNES game, EVER.

Yep. I played the crap outta the ROM. Gotta say this rivaled the epicness of Chrono Trigger in terms of gameplay and replay value. Oh and it wasn't Mystic Quest that was the first Seiken Densetsu. That would be Final Fantasy Legends 1.

Dec 2, 2009, 12:03 AM

Dec 2, 2009, 12:36 AM
Slight off-topic, but I don't care.

Here's the NA box art:


Very plain looking, sadly.

Hmm, could use some stuff in the background, but Assassin's Creed 2 and Dragon Age also had the same white background thing going on.

Never judge a book game by its cover! :razz:

And lmao at that video, Adriano! Mega64 always does crazy shit. :wacko:

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 2, 2009, 01:45 AM
LOL at his jab against Secret of Evermore. That game was pure crap. I rented it and beated it. I bought it because I thought it would put Chrono Trigger to shame. Nope. Not a chance. God do I hate SoE.

Powder Keg
Dec 2, 2009, 05:08 AM
Oh hey, female Tidus.

Dec 2, 2009, 06:31 AM
Can't wait for another horrible Final Fantasy game to fill in the gap needed for this generation of consoles. The one that shows that anyone will eat up shit if they paint it with enough FMVs and ellipses.

I can't wait for the story to be something so shitty, that the Final Fantasy fans will finally just get up and say "no more." It already looks terrible to begin with. At least the graphics are pretty~~~!

Dec 2, 2009, 08:48 AM
I didn't know where else to put this.
I'll put another one, just in case you clicked this by accident.
Last chance, are you sure you want to know?
Fine. Next time I s...
I swear...oh wait, sorry :(
Cid is revealed, he's an npc this time around.
He will be known as Cid Raines in this Final Fantasy.
It's starting to feel more familiar. :wacko:

Source: here (http://kotaku.com/5415295/final-fantasy-xiii-gets-its-cid)

Dec 2, 2009, 10:11 AM
LOL at his jab against Secret of Evermore. That game was pure crap. I rented it and beated it. I bought it because I thought it would put Chrono Trigger to shame. Nope. Not a chance. God do I hate SoE.
Eh, it wasn't that bad. I thought the alchemy system, in lieu of magic, was nice.

Dec 2, 2009, 01:27 PM
I could be wrong but I beleive Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is the first game in the Japanese Secret of Mana series. The american Secret of Mana is actually the second one... I think.

I believe that is correct.

That said. Seikun Denstusu 3 [Secret of Mana 3] has got to be the best SNES game, EVER.

Yep. I played the crap outta the ROM. Gotta say this rivaled the epicness of Chrono Trigger in terms of gameplay and replay value. Oh and it wasn't Mystic Quest that was the first Seiken Densetsu. That would be Final Fantasy Legends 1.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was a standalone game initially developed specifically for US audiences.

Final Fantasy Adventure for the original Game Boy is the first in the Seiken Densetsu series.

Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 for the original Game Boy are all part of the SaGa series.

Secret of Evermore is a charming, broken game. The good thing is that it's broken in ways that make it more fun (infinite bazooka ammo, anybody?)

Dec 2, 2009, 03:02 PM
I didn't know where else to put this.
I'll put another one, just in case you clicked this by accident.
Last chance, are you sure you want to know?
Fine. Next time I s...
I swear...oh wait, sorry :(
Cid is revealed, he's an npc this time around.
He will be known as Cid Raines in this Final Fantasy.
It's starting to feel more familiar. :wacko:

Source: here (http://kotaku.com/5415295/final-fantasy-xiii-gets-its-cid)
[/spoiler-box]plenty of sites have already posted this reveal without any spoiler protection whatsoever. it's not really that big of a reveal..

Dec 2, 2009, 03:33 PM
plenty of sites have already posted this reveal without any spoiler protection whatsoever. it's not really that big of a reveal..

Not everyone frequents those websites to find the latest on videogames.
And it wouldn't need spoilers if you went out searching for it.
I put that there for the people who don't go to IGN and Kotaku 24/7, and the spoilers were in jest.

Dec 2, 2009, 04:00 PM
I like to think that Square basically figured that since their latest trend was to always star feminine-looking men, that they would just forget the charade and just put in a female lead that they always wanted for so long. :) :) :)

Dec 2, 2009, 04:15 PM
The visuals of FF13 look amazing and it oozes with style. However, the characters are WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY to dramatic. Way to Emo... I would say that it is just based on the trailers but 10 min. of "What is the purpose of my existance!", "Then, what do you expect me to do!?", "You are my son and NOTHING will change that!", and "I will help you fight, even if it means giving up what I cherish the most." is cheezy and blech!!! Kinda like Twilight.

Dec 2, 2009, 05:43 PM
I like to think that Square basically figured that since their latest trend was to always star feminine-looking men, that they would just forget the charade and just put in a female lead that they always wanted for so long. :) :) :)

Terra from Final Fantasy VI and Ashe from Final Fantasy XII would like to have a word with you.

Dec 2, 2009, 05:57 PM
Terra from Final Fantasy VI and Ashe from Final Fantasy XII would like to have a word with you.Vaan's technically the lead in XII, even though Ashe tends to be the star of the show

Dec 2, 2009, 06:02 PM
How about FFX-2?


Dec 2, 2009, 06:47 PM
We try not to think about that one.

Mute City
Dec 2, 2009, 07:25 PM
Vaan's technically the lead in XII, even though Ashe tends to be the star of the show

We've discussed this.
Vaan is only there to be a silent observer in FFXII.
Ashe is really the main character. The entire game is about HER proving that she is the descendant of King Raithwall, and trying to save HER kingdom from becoming the battlegrounds for a war.

Dec 3, 2009, 08:12 AM
Terra from Final Fantasy VI and Ashe from Final Fantasy XII would like to have a word with you.

Well. You got me on Ashe if only because they often made it seem like there were two leads. Terra kind is further back than I was counting. I was starting with FFVII, for the most part since earlier FF games did have some less feminine male leads.

Dec 3, 2009, 08:14 AM
Oh, so you started with the mediocre ones.

*waits to get eaten alive by FF7 fans and xXxSSJSephiroth1337xXx*

Dec 3, 2009, 08:20 AM
Had to. Square wasn't getting that reputation for male lead charaters as much, until those. No only because the newer gen of FF fans came in with that; but for the older ones that followed the Japanese, the reputation didn't start before that. Not with so many remembering FFIV. One of the more masculine designs for a male lead character. No ambivalence there.

Dec 3, 2009, 10:08 AM
We've discussed this.
Vaan is only there to be a silent observer in FFXII.
Ashe is really the main character. The entire game is about HER proving that she is the descendant of King Raithwall, and trying to save HER kingdom from becoming the battlegrounds for a war.

There's a big difference between an enabler and a silent observer.

Dec 3, 2009, 11:36 AM
Okay, you should all really read the Gamespite article on FFXII. It sums up this character confusion very nicely. Basically, FFXII is Star Wars, and Vaan and Penelo are the droids:

[Vaan] and Penelo are R2-D2 and C-3PO -- present for nearly all events, participating in many of them, but not really crucial to the goings-on outside of simply being there. Aside from the death of his brother being tied into the main plot line, the game really isn't about Vaan at all, and even less about Penelo—she's the last permanent party member, and spends a good portion of the early part of the game imprisoned.

Source: http://www.gamespite.net/toastywiki/index.php/Games/18-FinalFantasyXII

Dec 3, 2009, 12:13 PM
Clever comparison, but still wrong. Pinello was held very little bearing on anything, and was missing from the party entirely for a while, even after she joined (if I remember correctly.) There has also NEVER been any confusion as to R2-D2 and C-3POs role in Star Wars. They have always been the comical side characters.

Dec 3, 2009, 01:11 PM
Pinello was held very little bearing on anything, and was missing from the party entirely for a while, even after she joined (if I remember correctly.)

That... that's almost exactly what was said in the selection I quoted. I'm glad you agree?

The flaw in this argument I think is the idea that you're thinking of the main character as the main point of view and we're thinking of the main character as the major player within the plot. They're two different things.

Vaan is does very little to actually effect the plot. Look through a transcript of the major story sequences and I'd wager that 9 out of 10 times he's only commenting on the what's occurring versus actually being the catalyst. Heck - there are several cutscenes in which you just see Vaan and Penelo playing in the background while "the adults" talk.

I'll give you this much, though - if you're thinking of the story of the game as what Vaan is seeing, then yeah, he's the main character. However, if you're actually considering the plot of the game - the events you play through and what changes the game world - then it's unequivocally Ashe.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 3, 2009, 02:34 PM
Ok, a part of me hopes that FF13 and FF13-Versus doesn't go all "Twilight" on me. ESPECIALLY Versus seeing as the main character has the personality of a basement dweller.

Dec 3, 2009, 03:45 PM
I'm still having trouble figuring out how the three FFXIII titles are supposed to tie together. I've read contradicting explanations - some say that they all take place in the same world, while others say they're only tied together through similar themes.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 3, 2009, 04:00 PM
I'm still having trouble figuring out how the three FFXIII titles are supposed to tie together. I've read contradicting explanations - some say that they all take place in the same world, while others say they're only tied together through similar themes.

I've heard the same thing. I tried to understand it but I think I'll just take the Mystery Science Theater 3000 approach to the three. "Just smile and nod."

Dec 3, 2009, 08:51 PM
Ok, a part of me hopes that FF13 and FF13-Versus doesn't go all "Twilight" on me.


Dec 5, 2009, 06:26 AM
I miss all the CG cutscenes of Final Fantasy. They're simply the most beautiful and detailed in the industry. With every iteration after X, they've been cutting back on them...these two entries give hope that they'll be having more of them.

Dec 5, 2009, 01:33 PM
I'm still having trouble figuring out how the three FFXIII titles are supposed to tie together. I've read contradicting explanations - some say that they all take place in the same world, while others say they're only tied together through similar themes.The project of semi-simultaneously developing the three FFXIII's (XIII, Versus, and Agito) is known as Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII. I believe the official story is that they all take place in different worlds with different characters but all have stories that share certain common themes and lore involving magic Crystals that are significantly affecting mankind in the background of the personal, character-centric tales in the games.

Mute City
Dec 5, 2009, 08:32 PM
The real story is that SE wants money and they figure this is the best way to do it.

Dec 6, 2009, 05:47 AM
Omg, they just announced the western release date for XIII! :o


Dec 7, 2009, 01:18 PM
I have to say - the fanboy in me does kind of enjoy seeing more than just one perspective on each Final Fantasy game's world. So far, we have the following expansions:

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

Final Fantasy VII: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy X: Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Final Fantasy XIII: Fabula Nova Crystallis

I know they're cheap money grabs and generally terrible (I'm especially weary of FFXIII, as I've already stated I don't really buy the links they're proposing), but sometimes it's nice to see a little side story added onto a game you've put 50+ hours into.

Mute City
Dec 9, 2009, 02:07 AM
XIII got a 39/40 in the latest Famitsu.
Disappointment of the year confirmed.
Pre-order canceled.

Dec 9, 2009, 04:41 PM
Hehe. I love that reply. It's soooooo...... much a Gamefaqs parody.

Still, I'm curious as to what caused Famitsu to go all ape over Bayonetta. It isn't common for them to give such a score to an action game ala Devil May Cry/Ninja Gaiden. The demo probably wasn't indicative of the whole game, so it really didn't show off what was so special about it other than being a rather dark lead character.

Dec 9, 2009, 04:43 PM
Japanese guy who gave the nine claimed he didn't like the fact how how linear the game can be during the middle of it.

As if JRPGs aren't linear enough...

Mute City
Dec 9, 2009, 04:59 PM
From GameFAQs

Quickie trans:

10: "Although the game is linear until the midway point, the story is substantial, like no FF before it, with its own distinctive appeal. The battles based around changing characters' roles are fresh and highly strategic. The tempo is speedy and you get very excited when fighting strong enemies. Being able to restart battles is a user-friendly feature I'm happy about.

9: "Unquestionably the highest echelon of event and movie scenes. Moreover, changing Optimas on a dime, the varied abilities and being able to use multiple magics at once bring real exhilaration to the battles. That high quality is unfortunately offset by a story that stays linear until the midway point. The lack of gimmicks during the middle of the game also worried me."

10: "The overwhelming graphics expressing every nook and cranny of this unique world, along with the praiseworthy direction, moved me!! The battle system is applicable both to beginners and micro-managers. The fights progress quickly, and have ratings, so you never grow tired and can always battle with a feeling of urgency. The melancholic story is also so dramatic, you can't tear your eyes away from it."

10: "I doff my hat to the overwhelming graphics and story. Since the game's various systems become denser as the story progresses, you find yourself pulled ever deeper into the experience. The summon battles take careful planning and strategy, so I was frustrated a few times, but the feeling of achievement when you win is something special. You'll be sorry if you don't play this!

9/10 guy also said he has some problems calling the game an RPG-like RPG. Whatever that means.
And the game is supposed to be linear up until the mid point. Not linear throughout. Of course this is a jRPG and non-linearity simply means useless sidequests that don't really effect the story at all, unlike wRPGs.

Dec 9, 2009, 05:23 PM
As if JRPGs aren't linear enough...

I'm really struggling to think of how linear that section must be for them to complain about it.

Dec 9, 2009, 05:26 PM
Maybe it's tutorial tier, where you can't move on unless you do exactly as you're told.

Dec 9, 2009, 08:14 PM
TILL the middle of the game. Hm. Must be tutorial hell (hello Kingdom Hearts three billion days divided by zero)...

Mute City
Dec 9, 2009, 09:52 PM
I'm thinking the game will be a lot like the Midgar parts in VII, and then the world opens up dramatically once you make your way out of Cacoon and into Pulse.
And years later people will look back and say "YEAH, XIII WAS GOOD AND ALL BUT THE GAME FELL APART ONCE YOU GOT OUT OF CACOON

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 9, 2009, 10:22 PM
I'm renting the sucker. Gonna put my 50 dollars to killing one of my kidneys with rum and/or whiskey.

Mute City
Dec 11, 2009, 08:35 PM
Serah got some big ass feets.

Dec 12, 2009, 08:57 AM
Serah got some big ass feets.

XD feets... Yeah she does.

Dec 16, 2009, 10:21 PM
JustinTV is having a live playthrough right now. Be warned, spoilers may be seen.

Dec 20, 2009, 12:45 PM
++ Graphics
++ Sound
++ Lightning --> Finally a charismatic cold-heart women (Feminine version of Squall IMO)
++ Leveling/combat system

-- Too much linear
-- Worst main vilain ever (seriously.... Don't tell me a pope kick ass like sephiroth or kuja....)
-- Lightning seem super strong compared to the team (looks like she can solo the game)
-- This game is very feminist (snow is supposed to be the best at empty hand combat but all the strong women made him KO several times....)

Dec 20, 2009, 01:13 PM
If it's anything like FF 7,8, 10 or 12 (never played 11), it's going to be one horrificly terrible game. The series should just be killed anyway now. Either that or get the people that did the GOOD ones ( 1-6 and even 9) and make a new one that won't suck big floppy donkey dick.

Dec 20, 2009, 07:02 PM
kick ass like sephiroth

Alright, I can't trust your review anymore.

Dec 20, 2009, 07:42 PM
*The whole game is completely linear until halfway through [approximately 20 hours].
*There are hardly any towns.
*The party is always fixed. The whole game just repeats the movie-battle sequence over and over [In fact the progression is closer to movie-run-battle-run-movie-boss-movie-run-battle…].
*There are rather a lot of movies.
*Moving around is like a long marathon.
*The whole game system is just a clone of FF10.
*You can’t flee battles [You can’t avoid most battles either as there is no sneaking past enemies, including weak ones].
*Your party is completely healed after each battle.
*If the main character in your party dies it is game over [There are only ever 3 characters in battle, often less, and often fixed].
*The best tactic is almost always endlessly attacking. There is next to no strategy or skill involved.
*The summons’ transformation scenes are a joke [i.e. Odin turning into a horse].
*The story is rubbish… [Spoilers omitted, but complaints centre on Snow’s constant and cringe inducing insistence that he is a hero and will “protect” whatever it is the antagonists are menacing this time]
*Shopping is only done at “online” shops on save points, with no proper shops to be found.
*However, this doesn’t matter as you hardly ever get any money [and you can never buy anything more powerful than what you already looted].
*There have been next to no changes from the demo.
*The status screen displays no real information.
*There are only 8 items usable in combat [For that matter, there are hardly any weapons or accessories, and the “crafting” system mostly consists of spending drops to upgrade their 2 stats].

What is being said about the game.

Dec 20, 2009, 08:04 PM
*Your party is completely healed after each battle.

That just made me not even wanna think about buying the game.

In my Honest opinion Final fantasy was good from 1 to 10 (that being said, I didnt play ALL of them). BUT Anything Final Fantasy that was made and/or RE-made by Square-Enix is To be burned, forgotten and abandoned they killed a decent game series. (CoughFF4RemakeCough)

Dec 20, 2009, 08:22 PM
I'm glad they have FFX's battle system back, but only if they have CTB. That was the first good change to the combat system in many years, maybe with the exception of gambits.

I don't mind that the party is healed after battle. It removes the minutiae of healing your party after a fight, and allows you to actually progress in the game instead of clearing status effects and using potions in a menu. Dragon Age has a similar system that vastly improves on the "fight, rest, fight, rest" BS from just about all D&D style games.

There are some things that concern me, but I still plan on getting it. A departure from FFXII can only be a good thing.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 21, 2009, 12:48 AM
FF6 will always be the pinnacle of the series for me. I saw some youtube vid of Snow fighting the Shiva sisters. All you had to do was guard and hope the Drive guage fills up. Whatever. After that you get your "Super Sexy Ice Chick Motorcycle"! Yea! Snow is one "cool" rider! Kick out the stand and chill loose! Git-R-Done! I don't know what to say about the combat system. It seems like (from the videos) enemies will rip you a new one and you can only focus on one at a time instead of multiple enemies. Well at least I know what off my list for next year. Guess I just whittled it down to 4 games I'm gettin next year (No More Heroes 2, Bayonetta, Bad Company 2, and Phantasy Star Portable 2: English Edition)

Powder Keg
Dec 21, 2009, 02:54 AM
*The whole game is completely linear until halfway through [approximately 20 hours].
*There are hardly any towns.
*The party is always fixed. The whole game just repeats the movie-battle sequence over and over [In fact the progression is closer to movie-run-battle-run-movie-boss-movie-run-battle…].
*There are rather a lot of movies.
*Moving around is like a long marathon.
*The whole game system is just a clone of FF10.
*You can’t flee battles [You can’t avoid most battles either as there is no sneaking past enemies, including weak ones].
*Your party is completely healed after each battle.
*If the main character in your party dies it is game over [There are only ever 3 characters in battle, often less, and often fixed].
*The best tactic is almost always endlessly attacking. There is next to no strategy or skill involved.
*The summons’ transformation scenes are a joke [i.e. Odin turning into a horse].
*The story is rubbish… [Spoilers omitted, but complaints centre on Snow’s constant and cringe inducing insistence that he is a hero and will “protect” whatever it is the antagonists are menacing this time]
*Shopping is only done at “online” shops on save points, with no proper shops to be found.
*However, this doesn’t matter as you hardly ever get any money [and you can never buy anything more powerful than what you already looted].
*There have been next to no changes from the demo.
*The status screen displays no real information.
*There are only 8 items usable in combat [For that matter, there are hardly any weapons or accessories, and the “crafting” system mostly consists of spending drops to upgrade their 2 stats].

What is being said about the game.

This is exactly why I say Final Fantasy is dead. They just need to call it something else, but they can't make money that way. [/gafgarion]

Dec 21, 2009, 03:59 AM
Jeez, and I thought Final Fantasy 7 could be played by a gorilla, but healing after every battle...really? Disappointing...

Dec 21, 2009, 08:11 AM
Jeez, and I thought Final Fantasy 7 could be played by a gorilla, but healing after every battle...really? Disappointing...

That's because the gaming world has been dumbed down and simplified for the modern idiot gamer. The modern gamer can't do anything without being linear, refuses to have a storyline, needs their hand held through the entire game and won't play it unless it's a clone of their favorite game.

Hence one reason the gaming industry is a dying horse. The modern gamer helped to kill it.

Dec 21, 2009, 09:18 AM
*The whole game is completely linear until halfway through [approximately 20 hours].
*There are hardly any towns.
*The party is always fixed. The whole game just repeats the movie-battle sequence over and over [In fact the progression is closer to movie-run-battle-run-movie-boss-movie-run-battle…].
*There are rather a lot of movies.
*Moving around is like a long marathon.
*The whole game system is just a clone of FF10.
*You can’t flee battles [You can’t avoid most battles either as there is no sneaking past enemies, including weak ones].
*Your party is completely healed after each battle.
*If the main character in your party dies it is game over [There are only ever 3 characters in battle, often less, and often fixed].
*The best tactic is almost always endlessly attacking. There is next to no strategy or skill involved.
*The summons’ transformation scenes are a joke [i.e. Odin turning into a horse].
*The story is rubbish… [Spoilers omitted, but complaints centre on Snow’s constant and cringe inducing insistence that he is a hero and will “protect” whatever it is the antagonists are menacing this time]
*Shopping is only done at “online” shops on save points, with no proper shops to be found.
*However, this doesn’t matter as you hardly ever get any money [and you can never buy anything more powerful than what you already looted].
*There have been next to no changes from the demo.
*The status screen displays no real information.
*There are only 8 items usable in combat [For that matter, there are hardly any weapons or accessories, and the “crafting” system mostly consists of spending drops to upgrade their 2 stats].

What is being said about the game.

I'm not quite sure what to make of all this.

I don't mind the fact that the party is always fixed since in other rpgs I tend just to use a handful of characters and ignore the rest, fixing the party means that I will have to use whover the game wants me to, this can be either a good thing or negetive thing.

I also don't mind that the combat system is like FFX since that is my second enjoyed the gameplay in FFX ( my second favorite game in the series ).

Can't flee battles, fuck fleeing, I don't believe in running away from my oponent. I'm not going to miss a gameplay option that I never ever use. As for not being able to avoid enemies on the map, it's a bit strange to do it that way but once again this is a feature I hardly ever use, in rpg's I like to fight as much as possible in order to make my party strong. The only point in avoiding combat is when the enemies are too weak to bother fighting.

I also don't mind getting a game over screen if the main charcter dies. This may the first time this feature has ever popped up in a FF game but I am sure that there rpg's out there that have used a similar system.

I also don't mind the fact the the party is healed after every fight provided that the enemies actually put up a ddecent fight. It's about balance. If each monster encounter is suitably challenging then it is only fair to heal the party after every fight. If the fights are easy however then this feature becomes pointless.

Last but not least, I don't use summons so I don't really care that summon transformation scenes are a joke. The moment I first heard about this feature I thought it was stupid so I'm not really surprised that you don't like em and as I said earlier, I don't really use summons in my FF games.

Everything elese however seems like a negetive. I am going to miss having towns and ( proper ) shops. I also hope I like the story, a FF game without a decent story just isn't the same.

Dec 21, 2009, 11:45 AM
That's because the gaming world has been dumbed down and simplified for the modern idiot gamer. The modern gamer can't do anything without being linear, refuses to have a storyline, needs their hand held through the entire game and won't play it unless it's a clone of their favorite game.

Hence one reason the gaming industry is a dying horse. The modern gamer helped to kill it.

Judging by your comments, I'm guess you just sit around beating classic dungeon crawlers all day long, huh?

(Also, the argument that the Final Fantasy series - a series known for sacrificing gameplay for story - is somehow for people who don't want a storyline, is so asinine that I'm not even sure how to respond.)

So, FFXIII doesn't sound like the kind of game I'd be interested in playing, but it also sounds like the exact counterpoint to FFXII, so it must make some people happy. Anywho, I'll still give it a try at some point - I thought FFX was a decent way to kill time and this really feels like the next logical step for that game.

Dec 21, 2009, 11:52 AM
Hence one reason the gaming industry is a dying horse.

Last I heard, the gaming industry makes billions of dollars a year.

To be fair, when I make less than 20 billion a year it seems my business is dead too.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 21, 2009, 12:09 PM
I think what he meant was that the industry seems very generic lately. If something new comes out it's often sidelined by something mainstream. I kinda agree. All that seems out there now is FPS games and FFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOTBALL games. If it's an rpg its some wannabe WoW/Lord of the Rings clone *cough*DragonAgeOrigins*cough*.

Dec 21, 2009, 12:35 PM
That's because the gaming world has been dumbed down and simplified for the modern idiot gamer. The modern gamer can't do anything without being linear, refuses to have a storyline, needs their hand held through the entire game and won't play it unless it's a clone of their favorite game.

Hence one reason the gaming industry is a dying horse. The modern gamer helped to kill it.Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrretty sure it has a storyline. Everyone always has to jump to conclusions and start naysaying before any game hits the market, give it a freakin chance, none of you have even played it yet. I don't know about you guys, but FFXIII is looking pretty awesome right now, so...at least wait for some gamecritics readings to come down the line before you make your decision.

@ Shattered Weasel

- Final Fantasy games have always been extremely linear. XII was the only exception, and that happens to be my least favorite of the series (although I loved its gameplay). X was linear up until the end boss fight for christ's sake, not just halfway through. Besides, I think the linearity helps to tell a more cohesive story.

- No towns means more action/plot development. Towns always tend to be paced wrong in JRPGs (I think Final Fantasy in general does a pretty good job, but still). I'd rather get to the meat of the story or to some decently fun gameplay moments than waste time restocking and sleeping in inns and whatnot.

- I'm don't think a fixed party is problematic. In fact, it's kind of a solution, allowing the story to be built around specific characters at specific times instead of having to allow for the possible involvement of any main character (a la FFVII, although it was much easier to do without voice acting).

- Lots of cutscenes? As long as they're there to move the plot along (which is the very reason for the existence of cutscenes in any game), then I really don't care.

- Moving around is like a long marathon...does that mean you have to...move alot?

- People say they don't want the luxury of being healed after every battle, but they want to be able to magically teleport out of any battle whenever?

- A lot of people actually have been pulling for this type of auto healing in RPGs. People are tired of annoying, unnecessary potion chugging. Why does it matter when Final Fantasy games always keep you stocked with enough healing items until the point where you can earn enough gil to buy 99 of each anyway (and that point usually comes pretty early in the game, especially if you sell things often enough)?

- Once again, people don't want the healing luxury, but they can't handle this type of challenge. It's just like Kingdom Hearts or Mass Effect. It makes you play more conservatively, and really does add an interesting dimension of difficulty to the game. Also, Final Fantasy games rarely have more than three characters in a battle (IX is the one exception).

- I have no way to refute this point. I just really, really, really doubt its credibility.

- I've seen three of the summon transformations so far (Shiva, Odin, and whichever one turns into a hot rod), and they actually look pretty cool. They're supposed to be over the top

- Once again, I doubt it. There's no way to refute this statement because I don't know, but neither does anyone else in this forum, really. There are almost always multiple camps of opinion when it comes to Final Fantasy stories.

- Save point shops...seems pretty convenient to me. I really don't know whats wrong with this, especially if there aren't that many towns in the game. It only makes sense.

The rest don't seem like very serious complaints either. Once again, just look at reviews, rent, do whatever. If you don't like it, don't buy it, but I would recommend at least giving it a chance.

Dec 21, 2009, 12:41 PM
That's because the gaming world has been dumbed down and simplified for the modern idiot gamer. The modern gamer can't do anything without being linear, refuses to have a storyline, needs their hand held through the entire game and won't play it unless it's a clone of their favorite game.

Hence one reason the gaming industry is a dying horse. The modern gamer helped to kill it.

There are still games out there that cater more to the hardcore gamer. Demon's Souls is probably unplayable to casual scrubs because they couldn't beat the first level.

Of course, I prefer games with multiple difficulties; they satisfy both types of gamers.

Powder Keg
Dec 21, 2009, 12:41 PM
Nothing is anywhere near dying gaming-wise. Squenix just knows they can slap a Final Fantasy name on any piece of shit they produce and it will sell. Square was never best at storylines, either. If they're going to make it a bigger focus point, then I don't even know what to say here.

Fixed party throughout the whole game? Destroying variety = bad. Getting technical, that only really happened in Final Fantasy IV. I won't count the other titles where you choose classes or have character customization.

Game over when the main character dies? This could mean two things: Either the gameplay is ridiculously easy and the main character is overpowered, or, aside from being ridiculously easy, your main character can take a bad shot/instakill and you'll suddenly have a game over. Sorry, that's just more retarded than it is challenging.

Judging from how everyone is saying there are no towns, linear progression, there may be little to no exploration or sidequests whatsoever. A key point every Final Fantasy had that is just being taken away in what will feel like a completely different type of game.

Honestly I might not be bothered if they would just call it something other than Final Fantasy.

Dec 21, 2009, 01:47 PM
That's because the gaming world has been dumbed down and simplified for the modern idiot gamer. The modern gamer can't do anything without being linear, refuses to have a storyline, needs their hand held through the entire game and won't play it unless it's a clone of their favorite game.

Hence one reason the gaming industry is a dying horse. The modern gamer helped to kill it.

Is healing really enough to be so butthurt over? It doesn't have any bearing on the actual difficulty of the fights. You always end up with Megalixir x99 anyway, so what is the difference between jumping in a menu to heal your party, having a gambit, or just having it done for you? And don't tell me the skilled task of pressing a few buttons in the menu is the fine line between idiot modern gamers and the elite hardcore.

On a different note: After thinking about all the changes, I'm actually pretty curious about this. It seems like a significant departure from the usual formula. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, but at least they are trying something new. FFXII tried to mix things up, but ultimately ended up falling flat. FFXII was one of my least favorite FFs in a long time, but the point is that it wasn't as derivative as previous iterations.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 21, 2009, 02:04 PM
That Crystalium system sure does look pretty. I will give this game that much.

Dec 21, 2009, 02:15 PM
Nothing is anywhere near dying gaming-wise. Squenix just knows they can slap a Final Fantasy name on any piece of shit they produce and it will sell. Square was never best at storylines, either. If they're going to make it a bigger focus point, then I don't even know what to say here.

Few videogames actually have worthwhile stories, but the fact that people still whine about Aeris dying in FFVII shows that people care about the Final Fantasy plots, no matter how terrible they may be.

Story has been the hallmark of Final Fantasy games for almost as long as the series has been around - it was one of the major ways to differentiate it from Dragon Quest back in the day.

I never said the stories were necessarily good, but they have always, always been a major focus. You're flat out wrong on that point.

Fixed party throughout the whole game? Destroying variety = bad. Getting technical, that only really happened in Final Fantasy IV. I won't count the other titles where you choose classes or have character customization.

Why is destroying variety bad? I have tons of fun playing through the original Mario Bros game, and there's very little variety there. Sure, RPGs tend to be more non-linear and offer more options, but have you played an RPG exactly like this and found it bad? It might be good and it might be awful. At least they're trying something different.

God forbid people try something new.

Game over when the main character dies? This could mean two things: Either the gameplay is ridiculously easy and the main character is overpowered, or, aside from being ridiculously easy, your main character can take a bad shot/instakill and you'll suddenly have a game over. Sorry, that's just more retarded than it is challenging.

Yeah, because Persona 4 was super easy.

On a different note: After thinking about all the changes, I'm actually pretty curious about this. It seems like a significant departure from the usual formula. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, but at least they are trying something new. FFXII tried to mix things up, but ultimately ended up falling flat. FFXII was one of my least favorite FFs in a long time, but the point is that it wasn't as derivative as previous iterations.

I generally agree with your taste in games, but I'll never understand why you couldn't enjoy FFXII.

Powder Keg
Dec 21, 2009, 02:31 PM
Few videogames actually have worthwhile stories, but the fact that people still whine about Aeris dying in FFVII shows that people care about the Final Fantasy plots, no matter how terrible they may be.

Story has been the hallmark of Final Fantasy games for almost as long as the series has been around - it was one of the major ways to differentiate it from Dragon Quest back in the day.

I never said the stories were necessarily good, but they have always, always been a major focus. You're flat out wrong on that point.

The second half of FF6 was basically an entire sidequest. 7 Wouldn't have been as great without them, either.

Why is destroying variety bad? I have tons of fun playing through the original Mario Bros game, and there's very little variety there. Sure, RPGs tend to be more non-linear and offer more options, but have you played an RPG exactly like this and found it bad? It might be good and it might be awful. At least they're trying something different.

God forbid people try something new.

lmao, did you really just ask "Why is destroying variety bad?" Having to use other options isn't always required, and could create a nice challenge if it is. You're also comparing a completely different genre of games. I could turn around and say "Would you like to play this racing game with everyone having the same car?" Less is not always more.

Yeah, because Persona 4 was super easy.
Never played it, can't comment. The only "leader dying game over" games I'm mostly familiar with are most of the strategy games, Shining Force, Ogre battle, etc...and they were very fair in that aspect.

Dec 21, 2009, 04:04 PM
I should have added that what I posted is from what certain news sources are saying that 2ch are saying about the game. So not only is it a friend of a friend shit but the news is from a chan so it might need to be taken with a grain of salt.

Dec 21, 2009, 04:57 PM
The second half of FF6 was basically an entire sidequest. 7 Wouldn't have been as great without them, either.

That's great. Weren't we talking about stories?

lmao, did you really just ask "Why is destroying variety bad?" Having to use other options isn't always required, and could create a nice challenge if it is. You're also comparing a completely different genre of games. I could turn around and say "Would you like to play this racing game with everyone having the same car?" Less is not always more.

But more isn't necessarily better. Like I said - have you played any RPGs in which your party was decided for you by the plot for the entire game? I don't think it's necessarily a good idea, but having no frame of reference (except for your example of FFIV, which is a great game) I can't make an accurate judgement based off of so little information.

Never played it, can't comment. The only "leader dying game over" games I'm mostly familiar with are most of the strategy games, Shining Force, Ogre battle, etc...and they were very fair in that aspect.

So then you have no idea or direct comparison for what "main character death = game over" means for FFXIII. In other words, you're basing it off of your own bias without anything to back it up. So why not just give it a shot and see if it really changes the game for you? It might suck, but shouting things on a forum without backing them up doesn't help anybody.

Oh, and a more cynical person than myself would simply quote your comment of "Never played it, can't comment" and point out that you basically invalidated all of your arguments. But I think I'll leave that up to somebody else to do it.

Powder Keg
Dec 22, 2009, 03:01 AM
Sidequest =/= main plot/story.

I can base what I think about this game off of Squenix's recent track record of shitty games. Aside from that, what gives you the impression that I somehow know for a fact that it's going to blow? The game isn't even out yet, what do you think this discussion is about? I'm sorry if it bothers you so much.

I mean, 3 characters only, one dies, game over. What are the possibilities, here? It doesn't seem like a good outlook. Hey, maybe they'll have LP's since they're already going the Romancing Saga/Saga Frontier route with healing after every battle--LOL

Dec 22, 2009, 03:08 AM
What this thread needs now is squenixface.jpg, surely someone on the chans has made this already.

Or in the words of Stewie, "Dance, puppets, dance!"

Dec 22, 2009, 09:29 AM
I generally agree with your taste in games, but I'll never understand why you couldn't enjoy FFXII.

I loved the battle system. The gambits removed the minutiae of clearing status effects and healing party members and allowed you to focus on the flow of battle. It's the characters that killed me. the only character that I found mildly interesting was Balthier. Also, the loot mechanics made the game feel like an offline MMO. Not so much fun.

Dec 22, 2009, 09:41 AM
I miss Nobuo Uematsu. ;_______;

Dec 22, 2009, 09:43 AM
FFVII shows more people care about Sex than anything else...

Go to any major Final Fantasy Forum and you get idiotic threads on "who is the hottest FF characters" by losers who couldn't get a girlfriend if their life depended on them.

What I loved about Final Fantasy itself was the music combined with story and characters. I hated how with each passing game the challenge to the series dropped...When FFVII came out and RPGs were mainstreamed in the US...No one would shut up about the game..

I personally liked FF4 and 6 a lot better.....As far as the playstation final fantasy goes I loved FF9 the most including the music.... I loved what they did to the crystal music :P

enjoy ^^


The music keeps me returning as well..

However when FFX came out....They made a lot of changes I didn't like....Specially wiping out the existence of an overworld...I loved the continent in FFIX where you couldn't use magic and had to focus on items.....and the twist thrown on the final dungeon in FF8..

The only thing I liked to FFX was the song "Otherworld" which I learned how to play on guitar (Drop-D tuning for you guitarists out there)..and 1000 words (FFX-2)

I didn't like the direction that FFXII took because the game reminded me of someone ripping of skies of arcadia in certain way with the entire Airbourne fleets and junk.

I don't care much for FFXIII outside the animation and character are in the full motion video in-game...You've seen it all before...Exceptional characters taking the spotlight and doing something in the world they are in...and then you play the game and the in-game graphics and gameplay fall short. ^_^

Well these are my two-cents, sorry for the long post...Playing every FF game from Part I to current...my favorite part still is in part I...the first where you go through the air castle and find the four fiends are still alive when searching on the window looking into space...and the entire Temple of Fiends Revisited (and the Lafein Language)....My second favorite is the way Rydia returns to the party in FFIV ^^

Dec 22, 2009, 09:32 PM
I miss Nobuo Uematsu. ;_______;

Man, I do too. I'm pretty sure he's involved in the music for FF14, though.

FFVII shows more people care about Sex than anything else...

Go to any major Final Fantasy Forum and you get idiotic threads on "who is the hottest FF characters" by losers who couldn't get a girlfriend if their life depended on them.

So if I think Tifa is a hot video game character, and I don't have a gf, that makes me a loser? >_>

I loved what they did to the crystal music :P


The music keeps me returning as well.

I remember that music... it freaked me the fuck out the first time I heard it too! Just goes to show you how much of a musical genius Nobuo Uematsu is. Even if he did leave Square-Enix, I hope he continues to write music for the FF series... it's just not the same without it.

Dec 24, 2009, 07:57 AM
Man, I do too. I'm pretty sure he's involved in the music for FF14, though.

He sure is, in fact he's the only composer for FFXIV. :p

Dec 24, 2009, 08:00 AM
I personally liked FF4 and 6 a lot better.....As far as the playstation final fantasy goes I loved FF9 the most including the music.... I loved what they did to the crystal music :P

I agree with everything said completely here, however calling people out on being losers for not having a girlfriend and thinking video game characters are hot when they are generally projected that way seems kinda ignorant to me.

Dec 24, 2009, 12:34 PM
I loved the battle system. The gambits removed the minutiae of clearing status effects and healing party members and allowed you to focus on the flow of battle. It's the characters that killed me. the only character that I found mildly interesting was Balthier. Also, the loot mechanics made the game feel like an offline MMO. Not so much fun.100% agreement.

EDIT: Actually I kind of liked the looting mechanics, it was fun finding items to synth better weapons in the bazaar. The gameplay overall was great, it was just the not-linear-enough plot structure and lame characters that made me want to repeatedly bang my head against a wall.

Dec 24, 2009, 12:47 PM
For me, even though FFXII may have had the air boats and stuff, so did Skies of Arcadia. Though for me, all of them could be seen as inspirations from Tailspin or Crimson Skies. But then again. I love the whole Air Pirates stuff, so it was a part of why Skies of Arcadia was one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Not to mention, it really gave you an awesome scale of accomplishment when you saw that ending.

For me, I liked the FFXII atmosphere. Perhaps the characters weren't all that, but I thought it was entertaining. The early part of it really gave you the feeling they were pulling in some good political conflict seen in stories like FFIV. However, I think what I liked about FFXII the most, was the much needed overhaul of the battle system. Really, since IV, they couldn't change it except for new looks and subtle changes in the character build screens?

The idea of a free world travel, roaming monsters, and being able to plan how to approach conflict, or hopefully take advantage of mobs that didn't like each other, was a great thing for me. Not to mention, the closest the series has come to, to actually having a sense of area effect powers. (Not just individual/single party effect which was a simple game engine mechanic started way back in the western days of Wizardry I and already advanced past that in the early 80s). Not that all JRPGs need to do that, but if a game wants to be cutting edge, somebody has to step in and make progression. Especially if you have sooo many games in the series.

I guess I kind of enjoyed the loot stuff. But then again, any game that adds looting is going to get points from me. That's my favorite genre, bar none.

Dec 24, 2009, 02:35 PM
The majority of people I've come to know who are in relationships talk about their partner and experiences with their partner....Sure, some mention their opinion of game characters as well.

Its ok to say a game character is hot, cute pretty and nice...sure...

But when you go to a final fantasy forum and see the same people fight for 10 - 30 pages defending their opinion of the "hottest" character out there....almost like they wished they were dating them....It makes you wonder...

The people I know who love video games and their characters post a few replies and move on...they have better things to do. Some almost have no time for games or forums because of their lives....(Just like my cousin and her husband...both were gamers and have almost no time for them now)

So, I do apologize as my generalization should have been worded to reflect the most extreme of people, but anyone who has been in major FF forums know just how painful reading some of the threads are....where it feels your IQ drops by 100 points upon reading a thread (if they so happen to have 100 points to begin with ^^)

Here is another piece i like...Possibly my favorite piece from FFVIII


Dec 31, 2009, 03:42 PM
Sorry for the mini-bump, but I just had to mention something:

As lukewarm as I've been in regards to FFXIII, I've become fairly excited about it all because of an article I read over on Kotaku the other day: http://kotaku.com/5433455/final-fantasy-xiii-impressions-15-years-later-25-hours-in

I have to give you fair warning - it's a long read, and it's written by Tim Rogers, who likes to ramble and disagree with what's popular whenever he can. Still, he points out some really interesting things about the game that sound cool. In particular, the way he goes on about the game's pacing and how it seems to influenced by games such as Call of Duty peaks my gaming nerd interest. FFXIII sounds like it's a really cool experiment, and I can't help but be interested in that.