View Full Version : EternaL Story

Feb 25, 2003, 12:11 AM

Waves skipped across the beachs shore, gulls soared overhead, the sun beating down lightly. A man with long white hair stared off into the distant horizon, holding a sword like no other, and clad in an ancient styled suit of purple armor. Watching the glowing orb seemingly lower into the sea, light fading, and bringing upon a new cycle to the planet. Ragol... How many had visited upon this place, to seek their dreams, and fortunes? So many,yet so few accomplished their goals. Many did not have the heart to do so. This man, standing before the beach, had done all he could. Went beyond his hopes, stepped above the cloud his dreams were on. Now all he could do, is wait and watch. The wind caught his hair, letting it flow in the light breeze. Would others find their destiny here, as he had so long ago?

Pioneer 2 sat silently in the stars. Many events had transpired. The defeat of Dark Falz, the return of Rico. So much had happend. Still, many great heros were lost, and dubbed legends for their deeds, in service of human-kind. Weather they were soldiers, or one of the many re-knowned hunters from Pioneer 1, and Pioneer 2. They were all mourned this day. Activity was at it height this day. As others, even young ones now learned of all these stories. Now many more aspired to go down to Ragol, in search of glory. Stores prospered, nurses prepared the hospital for the flooding of wounded. The Principle issued new assignments. A new day dawned.

What new heros would the dawn bring?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DB on 2003-02-24 21:13 ]</font>

Mar 5, 2003, 05:09 AM
Stars hovered overhead, a huge ship slipped across the endless landscape, in which those stars adorned. Darkness, which their light pierced through, in an endless dream. With this ship, hope was brought about. A new land for all. A beautiful planet sat below them. Their ambitions, and ideals, would all be focused on gaining this land for themselves. What they did not know however, was something already inhabited it... Something dark, and spiteful.

Hateful of all life, and yet needing it, as a human needs water to survive. This thing, thrived off the life of other beings, their thoughts, flesh, emotions... That creature, a dark entity, some refered to as a god... It lived off them. And awaited them. Its burning red eyes staring up, and through Ragol... Knowing they would come. For their loved ones, that he had already taken from them.

They would come for him. And he would have a feast, even greater than his last...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DB on 2003-03-05 02:11 ]</font>

Mar 5, 2003, 06:46 PM
Not a bad story, but check the spelling.

Mar 6, 2003, 06:50 AM
I like it a lot. I especially like your talent for expressing feelings.