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View Full Version : Just joined PSO BB, need leveling advise!

Nov 25, 2009, 05:03 AM
Hello everyone, I just joined PSO BB after years of playing Episode 1 &2 on Gamecube, and i'm playing online for the first time ever.

Does anyone here have any helpful advise on leveling or just great tips in general for a guy playing online for the first time in this game? Any useful info is welcome.

I'm currently a Lv. 5 RAmar, using Master's Rifle.

Nov 25, 2009, 05:20 AM
Try to raise a mag, first and foremost. That's most imporant, and there are several guides here.

Overall I'd say enjoying yourself is more important than burning yourself out on getting "the best" XP, but at your level (and pretty much all the way up 'till level 100), your best bet would be doing TTF (Torwards the Future). It is an episode 1 quest labeled under the "VR" section.

Nov 25, 2009, 11:33 AM
Or you could not be a mindless TTF drone and try some of the mass killing quests like the Mop Up Operations and Endless Nightmares. Or if you really want to put your skills to the test, try Realms of War in episode 4.

Nov 25, 2009, 11:43 AM
Those quests are really hard for someone who is low level and doesn't have gear.

For starters, just do TTF until you've at the least got a decent MAG. Or you can just join open parties doing old school full clears, which doesn't happen often on BB.. might want to stay clear of episode 4 unless you've got someone else with you.

Also, I recommend checking shops on that private server's forums, there's usually at least a couple of people who have a freebie list of starter rares. Sometimes they even give away screwed up MAGs for you to use before you can make your own. Just don't beg for anything.

Dec 8, 2009, 01:36 PM
Update: Now a lvl 18 RAmar, with a Mag lvl around 35-40.

Thanks for all your help guys, I'm on my way to success!

Dec 8, 2009, 06:46 PM
Psobb I have a lv 120 or 125 something like that anyway for fast levels go to quest, and ttf (towards the future)

Dec 8, 2009, 08:52 PM
more players YAY! im lvl 113 FOnewm named Rilis, and my advise is don't try to rush ur lvling by doing ttf, it just makes u bored after a while and y play a video game if its not fun at all, so my advice would be play ttf until u dont find it fun and then just have fun and let the lvls come to u its what i did it took me 6-7 months to get to my current lvl (u dont have to go that slow i was just a really relaxed player)

Dec 9, 2009, 12:38 AM
If anyone needs help feel free to ask me. You can pay $5 to get into Team Mr.Cat Approved for 2x XP and it's fantastic. I am using charge gold weapons and a 200 mag and got my racast from 1-40 in 3 hours soloing. That gives you an idea of how fast you can level if you put your mind to it, and I'm sure I'm not the fastest.

BUT if you are bored, TRUST ME, even the most grindy people will not stand repetitive runs on PSO...So do something entertaining. GLHF

Dec 9, 2009, 05:10 PM
Wait a minute so ur cheating and getting 2 times xp then making people pay to join! WTF

Dec 9, 2009, 05:22 PM
I Pay nothing and i get 3x exp, i remember an event that had for a short time a 5x exp

So anouncing a 2x exp that you need to pay where there are other places that offer 3x exp for free is worthless.

Dec 9, 2009, 05:34 PM
I Pay nothing and i get 3x exp, i remember an event that had for a short time a 5x exp

So anouncing a 2x exp that you need to pay where there are other places that offer 3x exp for free is worthless.
Is the private server you are playing on as stable or as updated as the 2x EXP one in question? Most likely not. (Unless, of course, you are playing on a version that isn't BB. Then it really wouldn't matter.)

Dec 9, 2009, 06:31 PM
No it's not that stable, but that wasn't the subject now was it.

Dec 9, 2009, 08:36 PM
Wait a minute so ur cheating and getting 2 times xp then making people pay to join! WTF

So anouncing a 2x exp that you need to pay where there are other places that offer 3x exp for free is worthless.

Ne...Just Nevermind.

Dec 11, 2009, 12:38 PM
What character class can grind ttf the fastest if you're just starting out and plan to grind it until it stops levelling you up efficiently?

Dec 11, 2009, 04:31 PM
What character class can grind ttf the fastest if you're just starting out and plan to grind it until it stops levelling you up efficiently?
HUmars. With black armor and long white hair. Name your character Sephiroth.

Dec 11, 2009, 05:33 PM
HUmars. With black armor and long white hair. Name your character Sephiroth.

Totally what I was about to post.

Dec 16, 2009, 12:10 AM
Just like everyone else says do TTF. Towards The Future in the VR section of quests in Episode 1 If you keep doing that with some good friends you'll be there in to time ^^

Dec 16, 2009, 12:27 AM
MA4C ep4 is pretty good exp. too. People also play it a lot so it's easy to find a game. It's not quite as easy as TTF though, so you'll need a good group. If you want my opinion though, grinding a quest over and over is really boring, especially if your only goal is to level up. If you know of a cool item you can hunt, I'd do that instead. It's really cool when you finally find it, and then you're like "Oh wow, I just gained 15 levels doing nothing but forest." Of course that is also repeatedly spamming a quest and good get boring as well. Or you could just play whatever you feel like at the moment (that's what I usually do), and you might get something cool, and you'll level up without feeling like you're grinding. Really though, the level up curve doesn't get that hard until around 190 or so.:-P

Dec 16, 2009, 05:03 PM
I Pay nothing and i get 3x exp, i remember an event that had for a short time a 5x exp

So anouncing a 2x exp that you need to pay where there are other places that offer 3x exp for free is worthless.Well, coming from you, it probably isn't for BB. Also $5 isn't that much and it was a donation. I'm pretty sure donations aren't worthless.

Honestly, I never knew you were a braggart.

Dec 16, 2009, 05:15 PM
Wtf, I delete one post and they both go away. Oh well, I'll say it again.
To clear up any confusion on that 2x experience, since people obviously are having some trouble understanding it, a certain private server will put you on a team called "Mr.Catapprovd" for a $5 monthly donation for helping to support the server, all members on that team get 2x experience while on it. Be thankful they're even doing that, they don't need to give us crap so stop acting like 2x or 3x experience should just be handed to you. :wacko:

Dec 16, 2009, 05:19 PM
It is for PSO BB, the admins have control over the exp multiplier and they decided to set it to 3x.
You don't think the server you play on is the only one do you?

Each server atracts players in its own way, publicity, fair moderation, bad moderation, char import, char restore, non char restore, different drops, different rules, different exp, original exp, these are all strategies to gather more ppl

Dec 16, 2009, 05:48 PM
It is for PSO BB, the admins have control over the exp multiplier and they decided to set it to 3x.
You don't think the server you play on is the only one do you?
I know what server you're talking about there, broski.

Each server atracts players in its own way, fair moderation, char import, different drops, different rules, different exp, these are all strategies to gather more pplTrue. For people who are fairly new to the Phantasy Star Online series, that server suits them.

Dec 16, 2009, 07:21 PM
I don't know about the other server, but I was just clearing up the Mr. Cat thing.