View Full Version : PSP2 Damage Cancel

Nov 27, 2009, 02:21 AM
I've got some bad news. According to the spoiler sakura wiki, damage cancel is back. I tested this out looking for knuckles in Bruce today and it seems to be true. I could take down a Bill faster by myself than 3 people concentrating on a single one. Doh.

Nov 27, 2009, 02:41 AM
Damage cancel?

Nov 27, 2009, 03:17 AM
and I thought that I could kill bil de vear 1:1 faster than other 3 players because of my B rank 10/10 50% lighting twin saber.. -,-

but I hope it doesn't happen so often right? what is the condition this time?

Nov 27, 2009, 03:33 AM
This is a good thing! It'll make challenge mode that much harder like it was in PSO XD.

(in PSO TA, you never go after the same enemy if it is a small one, and you time your attacks to all count against big things.)

This will make things more interesting in PSP2 as you will need to time to add up the chain. It might be host dependent, though. *shrug*

Nov 27, 2009, 03:48 AM
and I thought that I could kill bil de vear 1:1 faster than other 3 players because of my B rank 10/10 50% lighting twin saber.. -,-

but I hope it doesn't happen so often right? what is the condition this time?

All the time :cry:
online that is.

Nov 27, 2009, 07:44 AM
More challenges are welcome ^^b

Nov 27, 2009, 07:54 AM
Whats damage cancel exactly?
I think I get the idea and if its what I think it is then firstly: it sucks hard and secondly: its true because I see it all the time, like watching that JP guy who put Bruce S runs on youtube, he takes out Kogg Nadds in practically one combo of Robado but when I was doing Bruces runs they would take forever, but in the videos he was usually taking them on solo...

Nov 27, 2009, 11:58 AM
It's the price to don't feel the lag (and I mean internet latency), PSU's lag is very annoying, recieving a hit long after "dodging" it and interrupting your next action (and just counter being almost impossible to use because you are not sure if you got hit or not). Or we could think Sonic Team can't do better, but we are not paying for a server this time unlike in PSU...

Damage Cancell in PSO worked like this: 1 ranger shots to booma one dealing 500 damage, 1 hunter slices to booma two dealing 800 damage, 1 force rafoies both boomas dealing 300 to each. Total damage: 300 to each booma because both the ranger and the hunter attacks were cancelled by the Force's rafoie.

Nov 28, 2009, 12:54 AM
It's the price to don't feel the lag (and I mean internet latency), PSU's lag is very annoying, recieving a hit long after "dodging" it and interrupting your next action (and just counter being almost impossible to use because you are not sure if you got hit or not). Or we could think Sonic Team can't do better, but we are not paying for a server this time unlike in PSU...

Damage Cancell in PSO worked like this: 1 ranger shots to booma one dealing 500 damage, 1 hunter slices to booma two dealing 800 damage, 1 force rafoies both boomas dealing 300 to each. Total damage: 300 to each booma because both the ranger and the hunter attacks were cancelled by the Force's rafoie.

Did only techs do this? So would it be better that everyone attacks their own enemy instead of ganging up on them?

Whats the point of implementing this besides making it more challenging? Someone mentioned it helped with lag... but I'm not really sure why it would.

Nov 28, 2009, 02:45 AM
Does this mean that we'll get exp even if we didn't tag the mob like PS0?

Nov 28, 2009, 03:53 AM

That is all.

Nov 28, 2009, 04:02 AM
PSU portable 2 = more PSO than PSU lol

Nov 28, 2009, 08:20 AM
Did only techs do this? So would it be better that everyone attacks their own enemy instead of ganging up on them?

Whats the point of implementing this besides making it more challenging? Someone mentioned it helped with lag... but I'm not really sure why it would.
I think it's a server problem, not a challenging "feature", the server only receives one of the damage data, and that's the one it will apply to the enemy's health, the problem is mainly two players attacking the same enemy, so multytaging techniks are a main problem, but a swod or shot worked the same, so if you were using a FO online in PSO you'd better use Foie, Zonde and Jellen/Zalure only lol

Nov 28, 2009, 02:32 PM
This is just like the FedEx arrow. You didn't notice before hand, and won't notice ever until someone tells you. And you probably won't be paying attention to it either, whenever you guys are playing. :T


Nov 28, 2009, 03:03 PM
This is just like the FedEx arrow. You didn't notice before hand, and won't notice ever until someone tells you. And you probably won't be paying attention to it either, whenever you guys are playing. :T


Not quite... its more like noticing the arrow, and wondering "hmm why is there an arrow" and then someone says "its because they're a delivery company" and you think "ahhhh that makes perfect sense now!"

I noticed enemies taking abnormally long times to die all the time, but its especially noticable on time attack missions. I just didnt know there was a reason for it until I heard of this damage cancel but now I can clearly see thats whats happening.