View Full Version : PSU pc/ps2

Rusty Spoons
Nov 28, 2009, 07:47 PM
hey i just started playin psu:aoti for the ps2 again.
im on a decent amount (at least every other day or so) and was seein if anyone wanted to meet up and play. i want my friend list to be bigger than 3 hahaha.
i know the population is pretty much dead but i know i still love the game and im sure there are others like me out there.

soooo lets meet up and play!
anyone that needs someone to play with or some help or anything just let me know. as of now im only like lvl17 but im grinding up pretty fast. ive played psu before so im no noob, i just have a low level heh:-D.

hope to see you online!

Nov 28, 2009, 08:39 PM
Hey I just started playing again on the pc/ps2 servers today. I'm usually on everyday but this weekend I'm helping some friends move so I might not be able to play a lot. I have some low level characters too so we can lvl together if you want. Just PM me when you're on or search for my shops. You can either look up zach which is my main or Blind Rose which is my low lvl.

Rusty Spoons
Nov 29, 2009, 05:33 PM
alright, cool cool. i'll look for you. my chars are: rust(who i will playing most) and rusty_spoons. well, i guess i'll see you in game!