View Full Version : Question for FOs

Nov 29, 2009, 09:17 AM
As a FO what technique should I regularly use (besides Resta.)

I have up to Foie lvl 11, Zonde lvl 12, Barta lvl 8, Megid lvl 8, and Grants lvl 8.


Nov 29, 2009, 09:43 AM
I guess it depends if you are more of a support character or a nuker ... usually this is my setup:

Zonde Megid Attack
Shifta Grants Resta

Zonde - It's pretty useful to clear large groups of weak enemies, also it rarely misses ( auto-target ) some people prefer Foie's high damage, tho.
Megid - GiMegid + Megid is probably the best combo you'll ever get, close enemies together w/GiMegid, spam AOE Megid.
Attack - uh ... I mostly use Attack to break boxes / walls
Shifta - MST up = more damage / more healing
Grants - pretty useful. I always use this in enemies who don't have any weaknesses, no weakness to Megid, or have high resistances ( SH comes to mind ).
Resta - obvious

I'm mostly a nuker, but when I take the support role I change Grants to Deband, Zonde to Zallure, and Attack to Anti ( boosted Anti serves as Reverser, as it revives allies ). I also change the whole pallete setup, so I can have healing / Megid in the first and buffs in the R.

Not the best setup, but it gets the work done.

Anti Megid Resta
Zallure Shifta Deband

Each of us plays in a different manner, so just stick with what you like ... those are just my recommendations.

Nov 29, 2009, 09:55 AM
You have to use everything in super hard depending on monster resistances, or you'll do crap damage. Normal and hard just use megid.

Nov 29, 2009, 11:29 AM
Megid is best used in swarms and it burns through you're PP like crazy. If the enemies aren't all close to each other then it's best to use the other techniques.
When fighting Dark Falz, Grants is the best technique to use.

Nov 29, 2009, 05:40 PM
I find Zonde to be the most PP efficient and the least number of enemies that have resistance against it, pair that with Shifta and Zalure and you are back to Hard mode damage against enemies.

In my experience Jellen/Deband is useless, if you get hit by the mega hit from a boss you will either by dying or dead and will be in need of a Resta. But yea, each dungeon will have certain spells that do the best damage.

Zonde and Megid stand out the most for small enemies, Foie resistance is usually low on big enemies, Rabarta misses too much and regular Barta costs too much for the linear shot, and Grants is great for the second part of Dark Shrine.