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View Full Version : Xbox 360 New to PSU; looking for friends

Nov 30, 2009, 08:58 PM
Hey PSO-world!

I've been a long-time PSO player, and finally have the means to play PSU online, Xbox 360. I've only been online for a little while, so I'm extremely new. But I've been having fun with it so far. Mostly the story missions, but whatever.

I've found though, that it is a little hard to find people to do missions at my level (40, reached mostly through story mode). I've only ever been able to join a group a half dozen times in the last week.

So the purpose of this topic is twofold. First, does anyone have any tips to a relative newcomer to PSU? Things that would be helpful in leveling, quests that are entertaining, etc. Secondly, I'm kinda sorta looking for someone to play with ^^

My GT is talonrid, if anyone feels like adding me. Regardless, hope to see you guys in game.

Nov 30, 2009, 09:19 PM
Go do the mission in the GRM shop. it has boosted EXP so you will be able to level up quick

Night Crawler
Nov 30, 2009, 11:09 PM
I will be online tonight to help you get started. I will get you some starting gear depending what level you are. We can spend a couple of hours leveling. I can show you the casino and you can start collecting chips for items. I can take you to all my way points I have so far. I will be online by 11pm pacific time. Go to search for shop and you will be able to leave me a message in my shop. It might be locked. If so just send me a message here. I will check it when I get home. We can find a place to meet.

See you then! Night Crawler