View Full Version : PSP2 Rebalanced Races?

Dec 4, 2009, 01:16 PM
There's a "mini-guide" going around on Gamespot/Gamefaqs in the forums about how PSP2 has more balanced races.

It goes on to say about how CAST can now be used as a pretty darn good support techer/buffer, and that CAST can excel very well in of course Guns, but can almost equally Melee as well as Beasts. It also says Newmans can make great gunners, more so than humans now, and now apparently Beasts are the worst techers amongst the 4, but excel at everything else.

How much of this is truth? Has anyone noticed a rebalance? Would be neat to be a CAST support techer.

I'll grab a link to that "mini-guide" in just a sec + I'll edit. :-)

Dec 4, 2009, 01:21 PM
Casts still own.

Beasts are gods.

Newmans are better.

Humans suck worse than they did in PSU but have a flashy attack.......that newmans have anyway.

Also, CAST was the best support in PSU because buff efficiency isn't effected by TP and they have high ATP/ATA for their superior melee attacks vs. attack technics from a newman anyway. Also, Paradi.

Dec 4, 2009, 05:30 PM
Yes, a CAST acrotecher has always been the best acrotecher around lol

I don't know about all this stats comparisons, I just make a character I like and enjoy the game xD

Dec 4, 2009, 06:01 PM
I make Rupika and run around monologuing so race balances aren't an issue for me... but then I am tossing 1900 damage Digas.

Dec 4, 2009, 06:25 PM
The races are pretty balanced in this game. They are what they should have been to begin with, Beast = Best Fighter, Cast = Best Gunner, Newman = Best TECHNIC User, Humans = Great Balance between all three types.

On a side note, we all know that Techers in PSU were trash compared to the other major classes, but in this game Techers are fucking amazing. (Not overpowered or broken though :P)

Dec 4, 2009, 06:30 PM
PSU has gone through a few rebalances. Originally techers were superior for most missions in v.1.

Dec 4, 2009, 07:06 PM
The races are pretty balanced in this game. They are what they should have been to begin with, Beast = Best Fighter, Cast = Best Gunner, Newman = Best TECHNIC User, Humans = Great Balance between all three types.

On a side note, we all know that Techers in PSU were trash compared to the other major classes, but in this game Techers are fucking amazing. (Not overpowered or broken though :P)

"Correct" race/class combinations are poor game design, though. It kind of defeats the purpose of letting the player pick their own race/class combo instead of just making every beast a Hunter, every CAST a Ranger, every Newman a Force, and every Human a Braver and leaving it that way. Hell, I saw people saying they didn't want "wrong" race/class combos on their team just in demo games. That is serious bad mojo.

Oh, well. At least my favourite CAST Fortefighter/Protranser will be able to make the transition without losing too much in the process. CASTs still have better ATA, DFP, and now MST than beasts, and now the ATA actually means they do a shitload more damage than beast Hunters when the guns gotta come out. That, and I can ditch the flimsy Protranser bit altogether, and just tack some A-rank heavy guns (S-ranks would probably be too expensive, with Hunters paying full price for most ranged weapons) onto her Hunter class.

Dec 4, 2009, 09:00 PM
PSU has gone through a few rebalances. Originally techers were superior for most missions in v.1.

ahh... good old time :)

Dec 5, 2009, 04:36 AM
Was it my mini-guide? I'll act as though it was, sounds pretty similar.

"It goes on to say about how CAST can now be used as a pretty darn good support techer/buffer, and that CAST can excel very well in of course Guns, but can almost equally Melee as well as Beasts."

This is confirmed true, although you could always use casts as a support force, the fact that long ranged weapons use ATA now gives them more validity along with the ability to choose your weapons. You can be a force with say, rifles now (although longbows would be more logical in this situation) TP long range weapons on a cast force will be behind, but not really badly cast rangers with TP based long range weapons on a cast ranger...however, less bullets, and obviously a ranger using ATP-guns would be MUCH better damage output.

Cast forces can melee too, like said, but their damage with long range will be higher.

I'd say give them a powerful melee weapon (Like swords maybe?) longbow and cards use ATA+tp to calculate damage so go crazy and don't be afraid to sacrifice SUV slot for good units to boost all the stats you're pulling from (TP, ATA, MST, ATP)

"It also says Newmans can make great gunners, more so than humans now"

That's a bit misleading... Because Newmans have higher ATA, they will immediately do much more damage with TP based long range weapons. However, Humans *might* be doing slightly more damage with ATP based long range for a window...eventually, Newmans will do more damage as ATA is such a major contributing factor. Still, long bows are going to hurt harder from newmans than any thing humans can do.

Humans do have the ability to melee infinitely more as a gunner based class than newmans, however....but humans seem kinda "bleh" to me as a ranger, honestly. Not bad, but not great either especially compared to godly casts in this class.

Basically, Humans will be roughly the same with ATP based guns for a while, but eventually will be behind Newmans...and much further behind newmans with longbows/cards. From there you have to decide how much you like techs or melee...but if you like melee, casts will do the job better. Harumph.

"and now apparently Beasts are the worst techers amongst the 4, but excel at everything else"

I never said that...Beasts make decent techers too, as their TP isn't THAT bad (compared to cast its QUITE good) but you will probably end up playing them FOmar style (right down to crappy accuracy!) Like I say, there is no bad force.

Beast gunners are a tad goofy but you can always stick swords on them and go to town... their bravers are also kind of weird. They don't have the ATA to use the gun side of braver well at all, they don't have the TP to use the force side of the class either that great....I think they make the worst bravers of the 3, but even that isn't TOO bad.

Overall, the game seems really balanced and like I say, the only flat out difficult choice is Newman hunters. (I SERIOUSLY hope they get some special equipment or something to make up for that bad typing.... everything else works!)

The lines have really blurred. Humans are IMO the best race, because not only are they balanced in all stats, but they also are the best at some stats as well. I have a hard time seeing the point of a Newman force to be honest, humans are almost as good with techs, infinitely better with defense/surviving, and can melee plus the def to back it up.

I'd never use a human though, I prefer freaky typing. (SO tempted to make a HUnewm...talk about self hate. No a HUnewearl would be worse)

Dec 5, 2009, 09:43 AM
Humans = Great Balance between all three types.

For efficiency? Not at all. Having personal experience I'd say they are the worst as rangers.

Dec 5, 2009, 12:47 PM
Since no one seems to have mentioned it, Beasts now have the highest evasion and humans have the highest defense, mental strength, and stamina. This makes them both ideal candidates for Braver.

And there's no way Beast is a better ranger than human since human has more ATA and PP.

Dec 5, 2009, 01:17 PM
Wow I wasn't expecting this from Beasts, so they finally ARE the classic newman of the franchise ^^ that could be a reason for me to make a female Beast for the first time, I wish their nanoblast was different...

Dec 5, 2009, 04:02 PM
There's new nano blasts.

Pilan I don't think beast bravers are *bad* I just think they are mediocre compared to the rest of the bravers. Other bravers can utilize 2 (or in human's case 3) play styles from the main three very well. Beasts like I say, bad ATA and bellow par TP, and a reduction of ATP from being a step down from a hunter doesn't make a "great braver" in my books, but not a bad one. Beast Bravers seem like they might be good to play like an "acromaster"....

Human Bravers are so adaptable they can't really be compared to any thing else now.

Beast rangers are again, not optimal but they are capable of doing melee with greater accuracy then a beast hunter. Human rangers have absolutely no "shine", even defense isn't as important with their class. Human accuracy is only one step above beasts... that isn't that great either in my books. Basically humans as rangers are closer to how humans used to be...bland. At least as hunters they offer a sane way to use techs as that class (especially female humans, obviously)

Dec 5, 2009, 05:56 PM
But the old nanoblast have the same animation I believe, and the female combo animation has always been uncontrollable lol