View Full Version : Rare area?

Dec 7, 2009, 10:45 PM
so i was going though a quest on hard and i was in the arca plant was in the second part of the quest and after i killed all the monsters a teleporter showed up and i went into it and showed up in a Colosseum looking thing and fought 9 Arkzein's. i didnt get anything good out of it but i don't ever remember doing anything like that. was that part of the quest or did i find a rare area?

Dec 7, 2009, 10:59 PM
It is a rare area called the "Arena" where you fight 2 waves of 3 monsters that are the strongest in that area, normally in the set up of 2 regular and 1 special variant.

Dec 7, 2009, 11:00 PM
You found an "arena" which is a rare instance of sorts.

Dec 7, 2009, 11:02 PM
You found the Arena. The Arena can appear in the halfway room of any field (in field mode or in quests that don't start you off halfway through) and throws you up against three waves of three of the area's toughest enemies (in the Arca Plant's case, Arkzeins), and has a high chance of including boosted hostiles and rare variants.

It's perhaps the most common rare area. Here's the rare area list by field:

Gurhacia Valley and Ozette Wetlands: Cake Shop
Rioh Snowfield: Usanny Nest
Paru: Rappy Nest
Makara: Booma Nest
Arca Plant and Dark Shrine: Pizza Parlour
Any: Arena

Also, go back to the bank lady at the Hunter's Guild counter and ask to see your player records. You'll have the Duelist title for finding the Arena.