View Full Version : Simple Grammer

Mute City
Dec 9, 2009, 10:05 PM
So I'm not really a Grammar Nazi, and I made this post in another thread but I feel it deserves its own thread so everyone can see this, and I can link to this thread whenever I see people making the mistake.
I'm not claiming to be a perfect English speaker, but these two examples are things I see people doing ALL THE TIME, and it irks me a bit.
First off.
Should of
Could of
Would of.
How can I should of done something? You can't "of" anything. You can HAVE something. But how can you "of" it?
Now I know where people get this from, mispronunciation of Should've, but really you guys. You all should know better.
tl;dr: ITS SHOULD HAVE. NOT SHOULD OF. SHOULD HAVE. Like you SHOULD HAVE payed attention in English class instead of picking your nose and passing notes.

Secondly. People not using "is" and "are" correctly.
Aeris you dumb broad.
Is is singular.
Are is plural.
IE: This guy IS sick.
These guys ARE sick.


And this is a slightly unrelated one but it still gets to me.
Walla isn't a word. Its Voila. Kinda like Walla, but with a V in front. Vwalla.Voila.

Once again. I'm not the perfect English speaker. But C'mon guys. Really.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Dec 9, 2009, 10:19 PM
I like to think thats why Sephiroth killed her. She's a dip and she needed to get shanked.

Powder Keg
Dec 9, 2009, 10:21 PM
Once again. I'm not the perfect English speaker. But C'mon guys. Really.

Don't worry. You've already shown us that with your topic title.

You had to have done that on purpose...

Epically Leet
Dec 9, 2009, 11:05 PM
I like how the topic says "grammer".

Anyway, your =/= you're. Thought I'd throw that in there.

Dec 9, 2009, 11:18 PM
Coming from someone complaining about stuff as (s)he did.
I should of seen this coming.

-Oh wait.

Dec 9, 2009, 11:55 PM
Oh my gosh, there are a techer here! D: RUN GUYS!

Dec 9, 2009, 11:57 PM
damn, you guys is makin a fool outta this one.
You should of checked your topic a little closer.

Mute City
Dec 10, 2009, 12:17 AM
Cries of hurrdurr "grammer"


Dec 10, 2009, 12:22 AM

I really hope so.
Or you is a fool.

Mute City
Dec 10, 2009, 12:33 AM
It was sopposed to be a 'lol OOH YOU SILLY GUY' type thing. Sorta like a 'O i c wat u did there' but I guess these jokes go over people's heads and I need to spell it out for you all.

And another thing, I hate it when people don't know when to use 'an' or 'a'.

Epically Leet
Dec 10, 2009, 12:38 AM
I thought it could be that.

Dec 10, 2009, 12:40 AM
I bet he feels special now, after we didn't catch his shitty joke. :wacko:

Mute City
Dec 10, 2009, 12:49 AM
I bet he feels special now, after we didn't catch his shitty joke. :wacko:

I bet u mad that you didn't catch on. :wacko:

Dec 10, 2009, 12:51 AM
I don't think he's mad.
I think your sad.

That was an good joke.

Dec 10, 2009, 02:07 AM
I bet u mad that you didn't catch on. :wacko:

u mad ?

y u mad ?

I are Just kidddding +%

Epically Leet
Dec 10, 2009, 02:22 AM
Rofl. What's up with you guys and saying "u mad? y u mad?"...? XD

It's hilarious.

Also, you is a Hildetorr.

Dec 10, 2009, 02:29 AM
Rofl. What's up with you guys and saying "u mad? y u mad?"...? XD

It's hilarious.

Also, you is a Hildetorr.

xD No clue. It just sounds funny to me lol.

And heck yeah, I is a Hildetorr. :wacko:

Dec 10, 2009, 09:42 AM
I like to think thats why Sephiroth killed her. She's a dip and she needed to get shanked.

Indeed, not like that's even remotely close to the limits of the poor English translations on that game...

Dec 10, 2009, 09:57 AM
The title is the worst joke.

Dec 10, 2009, 03:21 PM
I have never aspired to become a speechwriter, politician, or mainstream political columnist. Nevertheless, if you can look beyond my pitiable writing style you'll certainly see that I have something important to tell you about Mr. Mute City. For practical reasons, I have to confine my discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which I have something new to say.

I am not in any way placing the blame on Mr. City for irresponsible killjoys who abandon the idea of universal principles and focus illegitimately on the particular. That notwithstanding, Mr. City is still culpable for plotting to fund, assemble, and train the most semi-intelligible chuckleheads you'll ever see to censor any incomplicitous apothegms. He has already begun giving rise to condescending doofuses. I wish I were joking, but I'm not. What's more, I am deliberately using colorful language in this letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how it's easy for armchair philosophers to theorize about Mr. City and about hypothetical solutions to our Mr. City problem. It's an entirely more difficult matter, however, when one considers that his rejoinders are eerily similar to those promoted by madmen such as Pol Pot. What's scary, though, is that their extollment of careerism has been ratcheted up a few notches from anything Pol Pot ever conjured up.

It seems clear that we'll know soon enough just how mentally deficient these kinds of lamebrains can be. But we ought to look at the matter in a broader framework before we draw final conclusions on the subject: We see that this is no laughing matter. It is no more complicated than that. I can't stress this enough, but in a rather infamous speech, Mr. City exclaimed that the federal government should take more and more of our hard-earned money and more and more of our hard-won rights. (I edited out the rest of what he said because, well, it didn't really say anything.) In all fairness, he claims to be supportive of my plan to evaluate the tactics he has used against me. Don't trust him, though; he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Before you know it, he'll hand over the country to parasitic present-day robber barons. Not only that, but a colleague recently informed me that a bunch of deplorable, unprofessional degenerates and others in Mr. City's amen corner are about to devastate vast acres of precious farmland. I have no reason to doubt that story because Mr. City keeps saying that might makes right. In such statements, as in most of his propaganda, there are major omissions and layers of codswallop wrapped around a small piece of the truth. The real story is that Mr. City says that everyone would be a lot safer if he were to monitor all of our personal communications and financial transactions—even our library records. Why on Earth does Mr. City need to monitor our library records? To ask that question another way, will Mr. City's shots to the heart of all that is wholesome buy him his long-sought victory for loud chauvinism with its showy irreverence and glorification of all that is arrogant? I have asked God for answers, but it appears that this is a closed-book test. Let me simply suggest, therefore, that Mr. City wants all of us to believe that there won't be any blowback from his causing riots in the streets. That's why he sponsors brainwashing in the schools, brainwashing by the government, brainwashing statements made to us by politicians, entertainers, and sports stars, and brainwashing by the big advertisers and the news media.

All in all, if Mr. City's metanarratives get any more nerdy, I expect they'll grow legs and attack me in my sleep. Although Mr. City lies routinely—even under oath—Mr. City claims that I'm too repressive to show you, as dispassionately as possible, what kind of short-sighted, mawkish thoughts he is thinking about these days. Well, I beg to differ. Unsettling as that is, the more infuriating fact is that if clericalism were an Olympic sport, he would clinch the gold medal. Others have stated it much more eloquently than I, but there are two related questions in this matter. The first is to what extent Mr. City has tried to make life less pleasant for us. The other is whether or not I want to extricate as many people as possible from Mr. City's grip. That may seem simple enough, but Mr. City is an opportunist. That is, he is an ideological chameleon, without any real morality, without a soul.

There is no such thing as evil in the abstract. It exists only in the evil deeds of evil people like Mr. City. He is secretly planning to violate the basic tenets of journalism and scholarship. I realize that that may sound rather conspiratorial and far-fetched to most people, which is why you need to understand that Mr. City is out to overthrow democratic political systems. And when we play his game, we become accomplices.

To most people, the list of Mr. City's churlish, neurotic long-term goals reads like a comic strip but his campaigns are actually taken seriously by his helpers. Pardon my coarse language, but Mr. City has warned us that in the blink of an eye, pusillanimous junkies will effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet. If you think about it, you'll realize that Mr. City's warning is a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense that if we don't do something soon, Mr. City's wicked crusades will rise like a golem with a million hands on a million throats to choke the honor out of decent, hardworking people. He is planning to prop up corrupt despots around the world. This does not bode well for the future because I have never read anything he has written that I would consider wise, logical, pertinent, reasonable, or scientific. Mr. City's statement that he has his moral compass in tact is no exception. What's more, almost every day, he outreaches himself in setting new records for arrogance, deceit, and greed. It's undoubtedly breathtaking to watch him.

If it were up to Mr. City, schoolchildren would be taught reading, 'riting, and racism. He is notorious for trying to burn books. That conclusion is not based on some sort of paltry philosophy or on Mr. City-style mental masturbation, but on widely known and proven principles of science. These principles explain that Mr. City claims that the world's salvation comes from whims, irrationality, and delusions. That claim is preposterous and, to use Mr. City's own language, overtly cheeky. No history can justify it.

Mr. City indubitably believes that we can change the truth if we don't like it the way it is. Unfortunately for him, that's all in his imagination. Mr. City needs to get out of that fictional world and get back to reality, where people can see that his most recent oleaginous claim (viz., that the rest of us are an inferior group of people, fit only to be enslaved, beaten, and butchered at the whim of our betters) is a tissue of lies, bias, and emotional manipulation from beginning to end. Every store in the country should have that chiseled in large letters over the entryway. Maybe then people would grasp that contrary to my personal preferences, I'm thinking about what's best for all of us. My conclusion is that what's best for all of us is for me to carve solutions that are neither horny nor pernicious.

Inherent in our legal construction of pessimism is the notion that Mr. City needs some serious professional help. Ergo, if you were to ask Mr. City, he'd say that he doesn't remember turning the trickle of nonrepresentationalism into a tidal wave. Not only does Mr. City indisputably have a very selective memory, but he does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, Mr. City discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent. He is doing some serious mau-mauing. So don't feed me any phony baloney about how he would sooner give up money, fame, power, and happiness than perform a lousy act. That's just not true.

To get even the simplest message into the consciousness of contentious pickpockets it has to be repeated at least fifty times. Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence by telling you the following fifty times, but Mr. City makes it sound like he is a refined gentleman with the soundest education and morals you can imagine. That's the rankest sort of pretense I've ever heard. The reality is that I have in fact told Mr. City that the only thing more unconscionable than a disorganized joker is a raucous disorganized joker. Unfortunately, there really wasn't anything to his response. I suppose Mr. City just doesn't want to admit that it's easy enough to hate him any day of the week on general principles. But now I'll tell you about some very specific things that he is up to, things that ought to make a real Mr. City-hater out of you. First off, it's possible that I challenge him to admit he was wrong and thereby begin the healing process. However, I cannot speculate about that possibility here because I need to devote more space to a description of how it's doubtlessly a tragedy that Mr. City's goal in life is apparently to slow scientific progress. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that I am making a pretty serious accusation here. I am accusing Mr. City of planning to take credit for others' accomplishments. And I don't want anyone to think that I am basing my accusation only on the fact that he claims that we should abandon the institutionalized and revered concept of democracy. I suspect that the absurdities within that claim speak for themselves although I should add that Mr. City's ideas are based on two fundamental errors. They assume that Mr. City can make all of our problems go away merely by sprinkling some sort of magic, pink, pixie dust over everything that he considers acrimonious or iconoclastic and they promote the mistaken idea that truth is whatever your grievance group says it is. Lastly, for those who read this letter, I hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.

Epically Leet
Dec 10, 2009, 03:29 PM
"Intelligent message" generator?

Dec 10, 2009, 04:26 PM
Thread is off topic now, locked.