View Full Version : PSP2 Hunter newmans?

Dec 11, 2009, 05:40 AM
Hey, I had tried to post a topic earlier, but it doesn't seem to have posted. I was wondering how Newman hunters are in this game... I've believed them to be the worst type casting possible, and was wondering if there was ways of compensating that I missed.

For those of you that use them, how are they? What are their strengths over conventional hunters? Can PA's really be spammed that much more then non-newmans? How is tech use on them? What are you guys doing to make them worth while?

Dec 11, 2009, 09:51 AM
My newman Braver is mainly melee, but I expect to raise all classes in time, never had a problem in PSU as a newman fighter, melee combat is overpowered lol

Dec 11, 2009, 09:57 AM
If this is anything like the older versions then the 5-shooter R-mags and a whip on a newman is very powerful.

I haven't been able to play more of the demo because my ac adapter no longer works on my PSP and usb mode takes forever to charge up. So I've been playing mostly just PSZ for now. >.>

Dec 11, 2009, 10:03 AM
R-mags are very powerfull indeed, but I can no longer play this game without parring ANY attack from the enemies XD and left handed weapons don't allow you to parry...

Dec 11, 2009, 10:22 AM
It's really pretty obvious exactly how Newmans would benefit as hunter. They have the second highest ATA, meaning they can hit higher level enemies more easily than Beasts, occasionally resulting in greater output, and they can deal more damage with guns. They have the highest TP, meaning they can cast spells for high damage against the few melee resistant enemies that still remain as such in the game and their Resta may be useful. You can also combine the TP and ATA advantages with Bows, Cards, and R-Mags to help steady their output. They have the highest PP and second highest PP recovery rate, meaning they can cast spells and shoot guns for extended periods of time. Their PP doesn't really help with melee since your bar will be full by the time your chain is high enough to use a skill.

Their disadvantages are pretty much the same as before: lowest survivability of hunters and lowest damage with melee. But you can easily make up for the survivability with PP dodge save and abusing their massive PP gauge and the above methods help stabilize some of the output loss. So, I really don't see anything that bad about it unless you were planning to only use 2 hand melee or one hand with shields.

Dec 13, 2009, 12:37 AM
Hrmm...sounds like they'd make a better Braver to be frank. Yeah it's even MORE of a sacrifice of ATP, but more damage with guns, more damage with techs, more damage with r-mags.

The pp thing, like you say is no great advantage as a hunter, but more of an advantage with again, the two things Braver can do a bit better... it doesn't sound like Newmans have alot to give as the hunter class other then being "BEST TECH HUNTER!!!!!11111" and a bit more adaptability then the other races.

What are the stat percentages of the classes any way? Does any one know exactly how well a ranger compares to a force ATP wise for an example, or a hunter to a ranger's TP?

Landman...as a newman Bravers, how's your damage output?

Dec 13, 2009, 04:09 AM
I couldn't tell, I've barely played through story mode, just logged online twice so I can't compare :P but my numbers go between 50 and 200 lol (200 only on robots using Diga)

Dec 13, 2009, 10:57 AM
Hrmm...sounds like they'd make a better Braver to be frank. Yeah it's even MORE of a sacrifice of ATP, but more damage with guns, more damage with techs, more damage with r-mags.

The question was how they can play effective hunter, not whether they'd be better off as some other class. But, obviously, if you want to do pure melee and nothing else, you may as well just stick to Beast or Cast if that's the point you're trying to get across. However, we've known that since the original PSO. If your interest is playing off Newman's strengths, stick to Force, Ranger, and Braver.

Dec 13, 2009, 11:37 AM
Yeah I guess I'm probably more into a beast/force then. It's just a bit sad that newman have so little to offer the class, considering newman hunters are a staple of the series. Granted, they're alot better now than in PSU so I guess I can't complain too much.

It'd be sick if they had some unique equipment or something. I also think they should have had top evasion, that would have put them very much in favor.

Would a newman hunter have more ATP then a beast force? What about a human braver?

Dec 13, 2009, 12:40 PM
I've always been a newman, so this one's no different. I went ranger first, however. I feel my rifles and shotguns are just that bit more important to me than swords and spears, so I wanted the higher PA levels.

Dec 13, 2009, 02:04 PM
Would a newman hunter have more ATP then a beast force? What about a human braver?

A Newman hunter has more attack than any Ranger or Force and the same attack as a Cast Braver at 15/5. At higher levels, I wouldn't be surprised if a Newman hunter had more ATP than non-hunter.

As far as making Newman hunters better, I'd argue they are good enough. It all boils down to whether or not you want to make Hunter into pure melee or more of a versatile mix. I personally like to keep twin handguns, machineguns, and tech mags on hunter. If you just want to play sword, spear, axe, and double saber happy, I'd recommend avoiding Newman.

Dec 13, 2009, 07:57 PM
Cool, THAT helps. They are almost like a human braver then with lower defenses and more TP/atp from the sounds of it....