View Full Version : Quest Alternate Seat of Heart ending?

Dec 12, 2009, 10:11 PM
I was playing Seat of Heart on GC Ep 1&2 Plus offline, on vhard, and everything was normal, except for when I got to the final room of the Control Tower where usually you see the final cinema where Cal goes into the Mother thing. Instead what happens is the battle music that's playing throughout Control center didn't stop, and when I got to that final room, some text appeared that said "Ill Gill, finish them" or "stop them" or something, and three Ill Gills spawned. Even on very hard Ill Gills are a pain, and they used their megid attack and killed Elly, so I didn't beat them. I replayed the second half of the quest and the normal ending happened.

Does anyone know why the Ill Gills would appear instead of the normal ending? What I want to know more though is what happens if you beat them?

Dec 13, 2009, 01:29 AM
you know whats even weirder? one time I had aRecon follow me into the cut scene at the very end of the quest and it killed elly. nothing I could do about it.

what is also weird is sometimes the ill gills will not even show up. its always happend for me.

if you beat the ill gills you just progress as you do normally.
I beleive they do not appear if you get about 80-100 percent of the switches correct the first time.

I think the battle music and "finish them" part is normal. what I'm still uncertian of is when the ill gills don't show up at all. though, it doesn't bother me if they don't show up. :)

Dec 13, 2009, 02:56 AM
Oh that makes sense. I remember most of the switches so I haven't gotten them wrong in a while. Back when I first did the quest I don't remember if they showed up or not. I actually probably died, because it was on Ultimate and I don't think I can fight three Ill Gills at close quarters with a partner on Ultimate. They just immobilize me too fast then that megid attack is sure to get either me or Elly.

Dec 13, 2009, 03:17 AM
I have a question about this quest, so I might as well ask it here.
When I try to start it on BB, it says I have to get to a certain point in the game before I can play.
What is this? Do I have to beat Jungle, Seaside, etc. to start it?

Dec 13, 2009, 03:39 PM
You have to beat Control center, which means beating those three levels all in one run and unlocking the switches, then going through that big door next to the initial teleporter. Then after a few rooms you'll fight Gal Gryphon and unlock Seabed, which should be all you have to do to be able to play the quest.

Dec 13, 2009, 06:15 PM
ya. what Veiwtifuljoe said.

same goes with the 1&2 GC plus version.

Dec 14, 2009, 03:27 PM
Thanks. I'm on BB, so all everything is already unlocked.
Does this still count?

I guess I'll just test it on normal before I spend time clearing on vh or ult.

Dec 15, 2009, 12:27 PM
if everything is unlocked then you don't need to worry. just progress through the game like normal and when your able to do the quest, just do it. if not. you might need to progress further some how.

Dec 15, 2009, 03:01 PM
For Blue Burst you have to do the government side-quests that involve the control center areas. Multi-mode only.

Dec 23, 2009, 07:04 PM
Slightly off topic, does the Ragol Ring quest saga (or w/e you wanna call it) have to be done in ultimate?

(it ends with Seat of the Heart, so it still kinda fits in this thread) :)

Dec 23, 2009, 10:33 PM
For Blue Burst you have to do the government side-quests that involve the control center areas. Multi-mode only.

Is there perhaps a list of these specific quests somewhere?

Dec 23, 2009, 11:12 PM
Look for the second guide within that link titled:
Sue Subplot additions for online quest: Seat of the Heart (Ragol Ring)

I've followed it countless times on normal/Vhard but no luck, once i get pso back i'm gonna give it a shot on ultimate.