View Full Version : PSU A brighter day 2

Dec 21, 2009, 04:14 AM
What class whould you people recomend for it i tried FM and i failed epicly so i would like to hear peoples stratagies and vids or pics that can help!?!?

Dec 21, 2009, 04:29 PM
yup i failed epicly also...Fighmaster sucks ass cheese for this mission, Tornado dance and Dus majjara is fine and dandy till the block with all 200% hp monsters. i cannot for the life of me keep karen alive AND do the mission in under 11 minutes. PLUS!!! those carriguines rape me like big time.......especially the attack buffed one thave i've never got passed. He ALWAYS kills me not matter what i do :(, im guessing there must be somekind of strategy for this one.

I would try on my Gunmaster and rape the hell out of everything with my shottys but im only at the 3rd story mission (AOTI story missions) with this charecter...help would be greatly appreciated :)

Sakuya Kumashiro
Dec 21, 2009, 07:16 PM
I found that FM is good for this mission. Tornado Dance takes care of the carriguines. Majarra/Spiral/Jabroga for everything else. Also, ps2 users suffer from a bit of slowdown in block 4 of this mission, which makes it a bit harder.

Dec 23, 2009, 03:11 PM
My suggestion is to keep at it. The more you do it, the better you will get at doing it.

I did it as a neuman fighmaster, so I couldn't imagine other races having too much of a problem with it. Just make sure all of your photon arts are of a proper level. You can try using Dus Robaddo instead of Majarra and spiral dance. Since Robaddo won't throw things around randomly, Karen will tend to stay next to you making it easier to star her. Tornado Break worked pretty well, but I was a bit too weak as a neuman using that instead of Robaddo. I'm pretty sure my Beast or Cast could use Tornado Break which is faster and has a wider range.

Also, don't use star on Karen too often if there aren't Carriguine on the screen. Both Karen and Ethan use resta when they are in the yellow. As long as you are drawing aggro from the enemies they will keep each other healed. It's only when the Carriguine show up that you should look into using Star Atomisers.

Gunmaster is good for this mission "only" if you have a good level rising prism. Again, as a neuman gunmaster I was able to finish it with level 50 Rising Prisim with Mayalee Prism for emergency "get the heck off of Karen" situations. Barada Yoga and Rising Shot picked off stragglers.

My finishing time as an Acrotecher was 10:58. Fighmaster was 10:03. Gunmaster was 10:45. Fighgunner was 10:49.

I haven't been able to do it as any other class yet. At least not as my neuman. I would imagine a cast could easily trim a minute off of my Fighgunner, Fighmaster and Gunmaster times (Paradi). Acrotecher was mostly luck (thanks Vish Diragac), but a cast acrotecher may be able to do it with a similar amount of luck.

If you are using a techer class, you might want to avoid using Giresta unless you want to constantly babysit them. Both Ethan and Karen stop healing themselves once Giresta is cast on them. They only cast resta if Giresta isn't active/has worn off. If you are going to use Giresta, be sure to use resta as the main heal source since it's quicker and has a much wider range. They tend to get out of giresta range quickly.

Of the techer classes, as I mentioned before, Acrotecher is the only one I've been successful with completing the mission. Wartecher I always tend to be about 30 sec ~ 1 min too slow. Masterforce gets slowed down by the Gaozoran on the first block, that and if the Carriguine both charge me at once, I tend to die. As a Fortetecher, I haven't been able to kill the first group of Deljaban quickly enough before the Carriguine shows up. Fighting that first Carriguine pretty much kills any chances of finishing before the time limit.

I haven't done acrofighter yet. There's a chance that I will be able to finish it as acrofighter, but I don't want to guess as to how until I actually do it.