View Full Version : i need some help

Dec 23, 2009, 03:06 PM

ok im a lv75 HUcast and i just unlocked Super Hard mode and its difficult for me cuz im kinda weak hehehe i kno its sad but yeah.... thats why i am here...

and yes i know my equipment is pretty weak i dont kno why but i cant find any weapons that are close to my level

Heat Klau Solas+ 20
Arquebus Armor+ 25

ATP 843(400)
DFP 504(222)
ATA 497(260)
EVP 291(117)
MST 186(185)

ummm i restarted my Material upgrades cuz i really messed that up x)

i was thinking of doing Power 25 Guard 25 Swift 15 and HP 15
this is wat i curently have done

i appreciate all the help thx :D

Dec 23, 2009, 03:11 PM
I'm level 71 and super is very hard for me too, so I just go online and let others do the killing for me XD but If you don't have wi-fi (judging from your FC) then I'm not sure what you'd do. Probably just do Access Field on Gurhacia Valley...enemies are weaker on field I believe.
For mats; I would go with around 15 ATA mats, 20 DFP, 15 EVP, 15 HP, and 15 ATP.
For mag; Go with something similar, focus on HUcasts' weak points...but like I said that's just what I'd do.

Dec 23, 2009, 03:17 PM
I'm level 71 and super is very hard for me too, so I just go online and let others do the killing for me XD but If you don't have wi-fi (judging from your FC) then I'm not sure what you'd do. Probably just do Access Field on Gurhacia Valley...enemies are weaker on field I believe.
For mats; I would go with around 15 ATA mats, 20 DFP, 15 EVP, 15 HP, and 15 ATP.
For mag; Go with something similar, focus on HUcasts' weak points...but like I said that's just what I'd do.

i guess i should focus on his weak points like HP and Guard since HUcast has the highest ATP in the game

Dec 23, 2009, 03:19 PM
If you're alone and no one else is healing you, then you should go with DFP, EVP, and HP. ATP is already really high, so you probably don't need to put too much into it.

Dec 23, 2009, 03:20 PM
Switch out those DFP mats with more EVP mats if you want to go that route. Trust me, those will help a lot more.

Dec 23, 2009, 03:20 PM
I would ditch the HP and EVP and use that on POW and DEF.
Its my opinion but I would go with a 40/30/30 or 60/20/20 Pow/Hit/Def

Quicker you kill, the less you get hit

Bad Dirt Marvel
Dec 23, 2009, 03:22 PM
HUcast also has the highest HP in the game, so that's not a weak point. My HUcast is up to Level 89 currently (almost to 90) and I've found focusing on strengths to be more beneficial to me. I would focus on getting as much power as possible, and enough accuracy to hit consistently. I'm planning to have at least 550 ATA when I hit Level 100 (I'll probably get up to it sooner).

The HUcast has enough HP to take quite a bit of damage, and the higher your power, the more you'll be dishing out to the enemies.

If anyone has tested any non-power focused HUcast builds and found them to be successful, I'd love to hear about them. I haven't had any luck myself.

Dec 23, 2009, 03:26 PM
I know HP isn't a weak point, but I figured more HP just means more hits you can take, right? But I guess I am being contradictory saying go for the weak points with one of them being a strong point...

Dec 23, 2009, 03:31 PM
Makes you wish that PP/HP mats were separate like in the old games huh

Dec 23, 2009, 03:39 PM
I just went all into POW same with my mag.

No reasons.

Dec 23, 2009, 03:43 PM
I just went all into POW same with my mag.

No reasons.

I like how you add no reasons to everything you say. Any reason?

Dec 23, 2009, 04:42 PM
yeah but since my mag is also based on just POW i think im going to with DFP/EVP/HP/ATP should be 25/25/10/20 ??

Dec 23, 2009, 04:47 PM
For the weapon, make sure you have a Celeb Element on it and a good PA. (Over-End on swords, for example.) Also try to get your hands on an Element Boost; with Celeb, it will make you hit a lot higher than a divine power would. I recommend to use your other 3 slot places for power boosting items. For your mag, I'd do 50 power and 50 hit. (Or 100 power if you feel accurate enough already.) And for material usage, you could do the same as your mag, it all depends on how accurate you are in battle.

HUcasts have very high HP and Defense already, so you don't really need to raise those up. On the other hand, they have very low Evasion, but you would need to raise it by a lot to make it significant, so it's better to leave out Evasion in my opinion.

Dec 23, 2009, 11:30 PM
50 HIT??????????? AND 50 HIT ON YOUR MATERIALS, WHAT????????

Grind the best armor you have, get rid of the sword, get a four slotted armor and throw on some pow units, feed your mag pow things and put your hit to about 30-40 depending on the type of weapon you're going to use. Claws, you dont really need hit for. Swords suck. Double Sabers suck. Use Claws, Daggers or Sabers if you have a good one with Force Ride.

As far at materials are concerned just throw into pow. Seriously. Learn to dodge roll, ignore dfp and evp and concentrate on killing things quicker with higher DPS. The game isn't that hard, and there is no penalty for dieing so just chill and work it out.

Level 75 is sort of low for a noob playing SH, you're in a bit over your head. Hard mode gives a similar amount of EXP. SH isn't that much more profitable