View Full Version : PSZ IRC Meetup/Games

Dec 25, 2009, 08:11 PM
The link in my signature is the link to an active PSZ IRC where myself and a lot of other friends/players (Currently 27 people connected) meet up and organize games. It's ran by GBATemp but the community there is as legit as they come. If anyone wants to play, just click the link in my signature, put in your nick (Max of 9 chars) and connect. There is a friend code bot you can store your FC in (!fcadd name xxxx xxxx xxxx) and look up other peoples' friend codes (!fcsearch Blueberry) for easy adding and such. To operate it, just join the channel and type !commands.

If you want to connect via mIRC or an IRC client connect to irc.efnet.pl and join the room #ps0.

ONLY LEGIT PLAYERS. No hacks. No illegit weapon collection, we will notice illegit things via Wifi rankings.

Disclaimer: Im just spreading the word, I in no way moderate, operate or am affiliated with the people who run this IRC. :3

Dec 26, 2009, 12:37 AM
Lol, the way you typed it made it sound like an advertisement...not trying to insult you or anything. I'm just saying

Jan 29, 2010, 03:12 PM
You guys dont seem very popular.