View Full Version : Game Dead Space 2

Dec 28, 2009, 11:59 AM
My copy of Game Informer came in yesterday and man what a treat.


Some key points that got me excited from the article.

Issac is back and gonna be leading people
Issac mentally unstable
Issac is gonna have personality and have some dialogue
You won't be errand boy and can send NPC to do menial tasks
Balanced pacing instead of constant pressure of fear
Smoother controls and greater accessibility
Actual control in zero gravity movement instead of just jumping from point to point
Plasma Cutter won't be nerfed, other guns will be more awesome
Online is totally gonna be included
Horde mode and possible L4D versus mode?
Release date, sometime 2010
i excite

Dec 28, 2009, 12:18 PM
Fuck yes. I actually didn't play Dead Space until a couple weeks ago, but damn was it good. I'm not really thrilled about the online component. One of the reasons I like Dead Space so much is because it had a focused single player without a lame tacked-on multiplayer mode.

Dec 28, 2009, 12:30 PM
"You'll be able to dismember your friends"

Direct quote from the issue. How awesome...

Dec 28, 2009, 04:29 PM
Fuck yes. I actually didn't play Dead Space until a couple weeks ago, but damn was it good. I'm not really thrilled about the online component. One of the reasons I like Dead Space so much is because it had a focused single player without a lame tacked-on multiplayer mode.

I see nothing wrong with an online co-op mode against endless necromorphs, since the coding and structure should be so ridiculously easy to implement (since its been done in so many games already) that it shouldn't detract from the game.

Some of the rooms in the first would be perfect for this, too.

Dec 28, 2009, 09:06 PM
I see nothing wrong with an online co-op mode against endless necromorphs, since the coding and structure should be so ridiculously easy to implement (since its been done in so many games already) that it shouldn't detract from the game.

Some of the rooms in the first would be perfect for this, too.

I'm not saying that it can't work, it will most likely be acceptable. My complaint is more with the whole "Multiplayer? ME TOO!!" approach that so many developers are taking (probably encouraged by publishers). It's thought that multiplayer modes increase the perceived value and longevity of a game, reducing profit lost to second hand sales. A clearly derivative multiplayer mode doesn't get me excited in the least.

Developing and testing a multiplayer code base takes time, a lot of time. That's less time spent polishing the single player, which was clearly the focus of the first game. There are too many games with forgettable multiplayer modes crowbared in simply to add a bullet point to the box. I don't want one of the bes new IPs in the last couple years to fall victim to the same problem.

Dec 29, 2009, 08:39 AM
The possibility of a Left 4 Dead, Dead Space fusion has me quite excited. However I share amtrax's sentiments in hoping that they properly focus on the single player aspect before tackling the multiplayer.

Feb 5, 2011, 11:49 AM
So I finally beat the game today first play through on Zealot. Overall it was definitely a GG. I thought the single player was lacking something in it's exposition. A certain je ne sais quoi if you will. Since DS2 really has great pacing, and the environment is really huge with some great new weapon additions and new enemies. It seems to do a lot of things right but Something about the story just feels weak to me.

Multiplayer seems all right. Seems kinda like a cluster fuck when all the action is going on and maybe like a good distraction for the weekend but doesn't seem too impressive. I only played like one game though so my experience is very limited.

So did anyone else pick this up?

Feb 6, 2011, 04:01 PM
Enjoyed the main game, wasn't quite as eerie as DS1, but had more action through out. Still, a fun game. Hardcore might make it funner.

Haven't tried the multiplayer yet, probably wont bother to.

Feb 6, 2011, 04:06 PM
It makes you shit your pants. Well for some that is.