View Full Version : Ults trouble

Dec 31, 2009, 06:48 PM
Okay so i'm running a RAmar and i'm learning al ot of things with rangers so far. I'm having some trouble in Ruins, i don't know what type of level i should be for this part of the game...

Mainly i'm curious about what the characters become like in later levels. I know how the FOney turns out, but i have never really gotten a melee based character either RA or HU past level 70 before. How does the power come along? Do you kill somewhat fast in ruins, sort of like how you would do in early difficulties?

I'm currently level 51, pushed myself past DA RA LIE and Mines with my RAmar, but i had to do him as a force lol. Surprisingly the RAfoie lvl 15 killed Da Ra Lie pretty quick, but i was too weak to kill him with melee. (I'm not sure if anyone else thinks the ranged weapons are still melee but they run off the same stats)
Then i ran mines. I had to bring two sets of equipment, one for forcing and one to switch out for my power and frozen shooter (to deal with baranz and sinow's)

Anyhow, just curious about how the characters end up in higher levels...i'm not really sure what the suggested level is for Ruins in ULTS, though i always hear that ULTS in general is about 60-80. I just don't want to do all this busy work to stay alive later on.

Dec 31, 2009, 08:21 PM
I ran a HUCast, and was killing in one or two weapon combos. But I had the Demolition Comet, so...
Anyway, Rangers tend to do a bit less damage(correct me if i'm wrong because my ranger was lvl 40), and my HUCast was lvl... 105? I can't remember, and I lost the memory card he was on.

Dec 31, 2009, 08:30 PM
Yeah i figure he will kill a bit slower than a HUcast, lol.

Anyway, i just wasn't sure how the atp stats increase would turn out. Like what the type of power of 1200 ATP at base would do for a character's killing power. So far i'm doing well, but ruins is a bit hard to handle at low 50's, not sure what level i will have to obtain for it to be more forgiving as far a defense.

Jan 18, 2010, 01:50 PM
you cann feed a better mag yourself,
like my friend,
his raceseal has very much lower dmg than my hucaseal,
in depends of hat my hu had a savitri with much Atp on it xD
and my friend´s Rukmin has lower atp points, but if you have a stranke rifle+x, photon booster, high shifta you can get yourself a quickliy run :D

The best tip for a ranger i can tell you,
is that you have to fight well with shots,
in depends of swords are shots the best weapons für ra´s (you all know this)
so you have to be good in fighting with shots, so you can mob the monster, freeze them with some -barta and kill them with the shot :)
or use some photon class weapon^^

Jan 18, 2010, 02:12 PM
My biggest problem right now is I am playing using a keyboard and its a little difficult to manuever sometimes, you know to turn and hit the enemies behind me. I feel like a b*tch sometimes because I end up running away back through the door and as you are aware the enemies respawn or turn away when you do that. I find the mech gun very helpful in most places but I too still have difficulties with the ruins, I am a lvl 20 and those ruins I dont even attempt anymore because I just got used to the robots and finally feel I am making headway with them.

My guess is after I can solo the first 3 missions, forest, caves, and mines easy enough, that I will be ready to take on the ruins. And after I can do the ruins by myself Ill be ready for Hard. lol.

I still dont feel the rifle is that great, I prefer the pistol because its faster and in most cases the enemies close in fast enough making the extra distance the rifle has obsolete in my mine. but that is just me. Ive been sticking to pistols and mech guns at this point in the game.

Jan 18, 2010, 06:13 PM
Below levels 110-120, HU > RA, except on mines maybe, but above that, RA > HU. You'll be frustrated with your power for a while, then lvl 15 S/D will help a little. Eventually you'll be strong enough to use mechs and shots won't suck, and hopefully you'll have yourself a spread needle, then you'll be set. Hu's can power their way through ult easier, though mine is pretty annoying. Eventually though, they're lack of rifle usage and limited ATA will hurt them more than Rangers' lower ATP.

Jan 18, 2010, 07:23 PM
Below levels 110-120, HU > RA, except on mines maybe, but above that, RA > HU. You'll be frustrated with your power for a while, then lvl 15 S/D will help a little. Eventually you'll be strong enough to use mechs and shots won't suck, and hopefully you'll have yourself a spread needle, then you'll be set. Hu's can power their way through ult easier, though mine is pretty annoying. Eventually though, they're lack of rifle usage and limited ATA will hurt them more than Rangers' lower ATP.

Has nothing to do with ATA or the lack of a rifle. Has everything to do with the Ranger's "Holy Trinity" set.

Jan 18, 2010, 10:06 PM
Give RAmar V502, demon special needle, frozen shooter, ranger wall and max ATA, then RAmar rules Ruins :D