View Full Version : PSP2 The enemy you have a special hate for.

Lucky 777
Jan 5, 2010, 04:49 AM
Even though we all love the newfound difficulty of PSP2 we all know that there monsters we despise so much that some of us would waste a SUV or blast on them.They may not be the strongest but they usually ruin a good run.I'd like to know which enemies fit this description for you.
For me its the new Nano Dragon whose breath is freaking overpowered compared to PSO.And Olgohmon,I hate those Barta SPAMMERS!

Jan 5, 2010, 04:54 AM
Those worm things are so annoying. They're just a waste of time with their constant dig and pop up routine.

Lucky 777
Jan 5, 2010, 04:58 AM
I can see why,no one likes having to chase an enemy 60 percent of the time to kill it.

Jan 5, 2010, 05:18 AM
Fucking Uber Dogs in Shizuru's Castle. They shoot the beams, and scream when you get close and it confuses you. I like the fact that they are difficult to kill, but sometimes......


Jan 5, 2010, 07:10 AM
Those worm things are so annoying. They're just a waste of time with their constant dig and pop up routine.

Bul Bunas/Goshins are very annoying (though I remember them being MUCH more annoying in PSU. I'm not far into the game yet, but I found perhaps Sand Rappies to be the most annoying for me right now. They can just chase you to no end/burrow, can be FAST,and when 3 or so are about, it's very annoying.

Jan 5, 2010, 07:20 AM
I would say the Bel(?) Pannons.

Jan 5, 2010, 09:36 AM

Jan 5, 2010, 12:32 PM
Bel Panons. Run SEED Express specificly on A or S then tell me you don't hate them. It's impossible not to hate them.

Jan 5, 2010, 12:41 PM
Definitely the desert rappies. I hate their sound effects, random dive bombs I can never see coming because of the camera, and pecking attack of certain death. Why the hell are they so strong. They are just 14 inches of flesh and feathers ;p Bel panon barta spam sucks too.

Jan 5, 2010, 12:53 PM
I forget the name but the new Dark jellyfish-like enemies. I hate the squeeky sound they make when they move and their annoying habit of casting Dam Megid all the time with no visual warning to get out of the way.
Second place is Nanodragons for their overpowered beam attack.

Jan 5, 2010, 02:34 PM
Gun turrets. They are pointless, sidelined objects that pelt you constantly from far while you're trying to kill a monster that's killing you at the same time. Oh, and Poltys. I HATE Poltys.

Jan 5, 2010, 02:56 PM
I HATE Poltys.

The last extra mission on Clad 6 (not the fanta one) will be your worst nightmare, level 192 Poltys, last room has 30 or something or them all in one small space... ugh

Jan 5, 2010, 04:26 PM
Shizuru himself; with that "bing!, -200hp, hahahahaha, bing!, -250hp...." etc. and three of him...shifta/deband'd....lv.60....with a level 49 character...http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-gonk.gif
But Bel Pannons, sand rappies and nanodragons, ESPECIALLY NANODRAGONS(lv 70 nano + lv 88 chara = dead in two or three hits with mouth laser), go to the spot.

Jan 5, 2010, 04:30 PM
Those Metroid things that spit out dam-megid and walk at the same time. They're really annoying! That is, of course, without a gun.

Jan 5, 2010, 04:57 PM
I hate these ones...


Jan 5, 2010, 05:34 PM
Those Metroid things that spit out dam-megid and walk at the same time. They're really annoying! That is, of course, without a gun.

I hate these ones...
Eyup, those are the ones I was talkin' about earlier and couldn't remember their name. Stupid squeeky, dam megiding Jedin.

Jan 5, 2010, 08:36 PM
+1 to the Metroids, I hate anyone damusing me while walking or comboing me, so that includes Bel Pannons, but the new Metroid enemies are very annoying, I have to use charge beam on them lol

Jan 5, 2010, 08:41 PM
Bil De Golus. Why can't he just stand still and die like the rest of the boss pinatas.

Normal mobs...Sinow Hidoki or whatever it's name is.

Jan 5, 2010, 09:05 PM
Olgohmon hands down. If you get frozen by their barta, they'll spam you to death with more barta >.>

Jan 5, 2010, 09:52 PM
Normal mobs...Sinow Hidoki or whatever it's name is.

It has to be this. The come at the most annoying times and there always buffed.

Jan 6, 2010, 02:20 AM
It has to be this. The come at the most annoying times and there always buffed.

and they seem ungodly resistant to bullets, but in melee they can consistently attack and pivot to always hit you...so annoying.

Jan 6, 2010, 03:28 AM
I hate these ones...


This thing. It has some sort of high damaging smoke attack that can hit on all sides too.
Nightmare for my beast hunter....

Also those plants early on...

Lucky 777
Jan 6, 2010, 05:24 AM
Well I,ve harbored a new dislike towards Deljabans,because of the fact they have 3 hit comboes.Also Sand Rappies seems to be this games idea of a combo breaker seeing as I Always get dive bombed in the middle of a very good chain to have it ruined.Also I'm very suprised by the amount of hate the metroid seed gets but it makes sense since he's virtually unapproachable.
But the mini boss who I'm suprised didn't get mentioned at all is freaking BUG DEGGA my beast got offed in Nanoblast caused of that Electric tackling reject!

Jan 8, 2010, 12:46 AM
The fucking rappies. I hate those punk bastards. I hated them in AotI because of the rapid sleep balls, but sand rappies?.....Whole new level of hatred. But the #1 most annoying thing about them? You can never actually kill one. No matter how bad you nuke them, they escape, get to take baths, hug their wives, eat dinner, I hate them.

Oh, and if your a force, you have absolutely no choice but to loathe Go Vaharas. They are virtually unapproachable/unavoidable/undefeatable without either a DECOY or Nosdiga spam. One hit KOs, quick close-in speed, unbelievable leap range, relentless attacking. Oh and they block absolutely everything. They were the #1 reason my force felt useless in PSU, and one of the biggest flaw exploiter in PSP2. There is no technic you can do except Nosdiga that wont get you fucked up mid-cast. Oh and if there's more than 3? Spread your legs, bend over, kiss your ass goodbye.

Lucky 777
Jan 8, 2010, 03:53 AM
Thank god Onmagoug dropped Okarod on the 2nd try because I cant stand cowardly bosses,and thank god he has an abuseable pattern.Also Remius are Go Vahras really that broken towards forces?If so I'm glad I rarely solo.Also I see what you mean about Rappies who freaking survives an SUV!!? Also is Challenge mode multi only?I dislike my current ugly shield and i cant use Artemis yet.

Jan 8, 2010, 06:32 AM
Bel pannon, or them friggen wack-a-mole style worms. Both are annoying, panon for just beign a waste of time or Photon Points, like being bombarded by 4 to 6 of them at once and they only have strength in psychologically annoying you with numbers, and them worms are just annoying period. Oh I'm here ohh you got one hit slarp slarp time to move da-hyuk. *undersgrounds you can't touch me slarp slarp Dahyuk.

Rappy and Jaggo for being annoying, jaggo for being a wanna-be Cghao mimmicat thats just plain ugly and a waste of time. Rappy for well, either beign a constant surprise with no consistant spawn area, or for the fact that their cute over-sized mutated baby chickens.

I cannot say I know your hatred for Vahras, btu I do hate thos Vahra variants... the Vandas or whatever they are... LOATHE entirely, they just seem to keep coming and spamming freeze attacks or technics in anydirect you kill on your focused on killing the one remaining in a bunch next thing you know your gettin frost beams up your arse and are frozen stiff while the one looming close to death somehow lives while your frozen stiff and pwns you while the others come up behind and start slappin you.

Jan 8, 2010, 07:28 AM
My hate goes towards online mode enemies due that I need to block counting the host's level of connection as I need to block with lag. The guys that can be annoying without Just guarding properly due to lag can be Chaos sorcerers and Shinowa hidoki with their whole new movelist. Shadeens can be easily countered with twin handgun, as long as your build possess a ranger weapon, which I find useful T Handgun on hunter. For that stage I uses Ranger LV2's Full charge shot so I 1 barrade kill them (as human) using Elemental Bullets.