View Full Version : Rare Multiple-player spawning monster help

Jan 7, 2010, 05:47 PM
OKay I'm in a hunt, in both PSP and soon PSP2 for aura-invoking units that cause a special aura. I found some monsters only appear in front of multiple players.For example I noticed that the only way to get the dark wing is through a Delnadian, which show up in missiosn like True darkness with 3+ players. Now I'm wondering if there is a legit non hacking way to make these monsters spawn on their maps? I'm the only person I know around here who plays PSP, and well kind of hard to collect an Item if the monster doesn't spawn. Like does a party of 3+ in mutliplayer free mode or a party of 3+ in story mode count?
If not any way around it?

Jan 7, 2010, 06:00 PM
If you have a PS3, you can do Ad-Hoc mode using the PS3, which acts as a tunnel, to other players. Or, if you have some workable network adapters in your house somewhere, or a computer capable of doing this (some MacBooks can), you could try using Xlink Kai. It's a pain to set up and takes a lot of working with it before you actually get it going, but that's another way to do Ad-Hoc games.

And I believe that you can still use the AI party members to accomplish whatever you're needing in the multiplayer maps.

Jan 7, 2010, 06:08 PM
Alrighty, good to know. That might help me out in the future with getting things like the rappy suit XD.

The AI, hmmm go figure I never thought about doing that. Thanks now I know that my night off won't be wasted hunting down other relics and objects.