View Full Version : Item Elements vs. %s

Jan 11, 2010, 10:55 AM
I'm not very picky with my weapons. I'll grab the nicest looking one I can find. (Only lvl 81, so I've never seen anything REALLY good)

After my first-ever round of Wi-Fi play, I pwn everything manage to get by alive with my X(lvl1)Blue Buletta, with 40%s in all but Dark. It was a quick trip through Super Arca Plant, with 2 forces who pretty muck kill everything.

I find, not surprisingly, a bunch more Blue Bulettas, a few with lvl 3 elements, but no %s.

Fnding myself a a conundrum, I give one a Celeb, and max grind it, and keep it.

So whats better? A weapon with a high-level element, or a weapon with awesome %s?

Jan 11, 2010, 10:59 AM
Both :)

But a better answer would be it depends on which element and which percents AND whether you care about changing your weapons out. It's pretty easy to find a weapon with just one high percent. Find one with a high percent for each type and switch them out. Other than that, if you're using celeb, check which is doing more damage. If it's close, go with the one that doesn't burn your money away.

Jan 11, 2010, 11:01 AM
Celeb effects final damage while % affects ATP/MST. element always wins unless the enemy has over 50% resistance

Jan 11, 2010, 11:09 AM
A level 3 celeb mech gun with Element Boost will do more damage than a lv 1 with good percents. Obviously you want high percents though. You should be after level 3 mechs with high percents.

Jan 11, 2010, 11:18 AM
After testing, the Lvl 3 CelebBB(Lvl 4 with an Element Boost I had) did more damage, it seems. Especially against dark.

I'll try to look for a magical Hi-Level gun with better %s, though. Or a better weapon in general >_>

Good thing cash isn't a problem, with all the money I've found.

Jan 11, 2010, 11:53 AM
Crimson Vis aren't too hard to find. Just keep doing Gurachia runs. Vulkures drop them once in a while.