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View Full Version : Biggest Mistake

Jan 12, 2010, 09:31 AM
Hiya all,

So I was thinking we have an accomplishments thread so how about one for biggest mistakes made on PSU?

I have 3 I can think of off hand...

1) Trading a Psycho Wand board when it was quite a new drop. I didn't know the value, traded it for a yamata-misaki board....genius.

2) Selling my LKK :P

3) Wasting about 40 mil on a Melan Knuckle board and not realising I had no melan Knuckle materials and they got for about 15 mil each.

How about everyone else?


Jan 12, 2010, 10:05 AM
1) selling a 42% electric stom line for 4 mil when the cheapest 40+% on the market at the time was selling for 40+ mil.

2) Giving my bro my vijerina power, 4-10 guld, 3 46% shinowa lines, and a few other items that total'd somewhere in the 10's of millions, and then one day he decided he was pissed and deleted all the items that I told him I wanted back one day.

3) paying 10 bucks a month for updates that arent exactly that amazing.

Jan 12, 2010, 10:16 AM
I don't think I have anything that top yours. I've been very careful making sure I don't make trades or sell anything too valuable. All I can think of is when the Killer Elite boards were dropping in an event, (was it Protector's Alpha/Beta?) something told me to run it solo, just had a weird feeling I should run it solo but I didn't. Brought a friend along who was also looking for a Killer Elite board. Most of that event I ran it solo 'til this particular time. So we get to the last boss, boxes spawn, boom Killer Elite board dropped and went right to my friend. but I had enough meseta to eventually buy a board but still....not sure if you can call that a mistake or not, but the only thing I can think of that felt like a huge mistake to me. But nothing I can remember tops yours Tifa.

Jan 12, 2010, 11:10 AM
Selling a 30 something light serafi-senba toa npc. Thats it and I doubt ill do anything worse.
OH buying an entire 42%+ rainbow pallet of s rank whips for a wartecher, and then realising that I can only attach a ranks to my pallet.
OH and buying 2 10/10 rattlesnakes and 2 10/10 pakudas with a battlestoppers and a needle cannon both 10/10 for a gunner which i ended up quiting like a week after.

Jan 12, 2010, 11:58 AM
NPC'ing a Sleep / Resist back in the day... I think they were worth around 10 mil @ the time. Pretty minor but painfull none the less.

Jan 12, 2010, 12:16 PM
Hiya all,

Wow lots of replies ^_^ But not good whats happened to everyone.

Stinkyfish - thats horrid he'd just delete items, makes no sense, specially with items that rare :( Yeah I can't bealieve how sometimes we sell things without fully realizing their value its so so frustrating. Aww well lets hope MAG+ is worth it...although its been hyped up so much I wonder...

Bupjo - Aw tis sod's law really, why does sod give laws? He's useless. But yeah nowadays i'm so so careful to check item prices. I know what you mean about jusst having a feeling that an item will drop, or that a synth will go well. Like with rare runs, i've been a bit greedy of late solo'ing PSO Ruins in the hope of a Spread but I've yet to see one lol. But the melan board I just have a feeling it'll be a high % synth...here's to hoping i'll let you know should I EVER get melan knuckle x2 :P

xBullyDogg - Oooo I know that feeling I nearly sold my Degahna Cannon last night quickly selling off items and I just froze and swore out loud lol, need to slow down when I go through sell menu me thinks :P I'm sure i've done that too buying weapons which were none equipable by my player type, did you end up selling them all? Or swapped job types?

Niceones - Yeah Sleep Resists still seem to be worth lots, even after Neudaiz GBR where degahna dropped it quite often. I swear on JP they have items locked so you can't sell them? or have I just imagined that JP players are so privelaged they'd have such a magical ability? :P


Jan 12, 2010, 12:23 PM
My biggest mistake was buying up catilium and mot walna (Lots and lots of it) before the Moatoob GBR and then SEGA saying "Haha no Mugunruk boards" and then never touching those mats again.

Jan 12, 2010, 12:55 PM

I think that the ability to lock inventory items in order to prevent accidental NPC'ing is part of the supplemental update. Too little too late if you ask me! ;) Good luck finding that SN!

Jan 12, 2010, 01:00 PM
My biggest mistake. Selling Ryusaikanoc made for the NPC price, while it was quite new during MAG1. It cost a whole lot more than what was sold. It was bought quite quickly lol.

Jan 12, 2010, 01:08 PM
1) Trading a Psycho Wand board when it was quite a new drop. I didn't know the value, traded it for a yamata-misaki board....genius.Yamata-senba?
Yamata-Misaki was released years after Psycho Wand.

Jan 12, 2010, 01:30 PM
Yamata-Misaki was released years after Psycho Wand.

It was released 4 months after P wands. Yamata-Misaki came out in November of 2007 in White Beast S. Pyscho Wands dropped at Sleeping Warriors S2 which came out in July of 2007. Now unless I'm forgetting an event these were the earliest both came out which would be 4 months.

Jan 12, 2010, 01:42 PM
Yamata-Misaki was released years after Psycho Wand.
This, and when the yamata misaki board came out the p wand board was worth 15/20m tops

Jan 12, 2010, 01:44 PM
Hiya all,

My mistake, it was yamata-misaki but I'm probs wrong about the time. I didn't see any boards in sale on shop so figured they were worth over a stack. Still though I was kicking myself when i realized what i'd done lol


Jan 12, 2010, 01:56 PM
Accidently sold my lightning armor to the NPC back when seabed was THE place to be. This was especially bad because going to get new armor meant running that train mission just to get back unless you had a party.

Devil King
Jan 12, 2010, 02:54 PM
Well I guess for me, I saw this guy on the 4th floor of Clyez city say he just changed his class and wants new equipment, and I didn't have any friends so I thought being nice and generous with strangers would be a good way to make friends. So I gave him my partner card and told him to come to my room, and gave him a bunch of S class weapons and armor that he could use that was just lying in my storage.

He then proceeded to beg for more stuff and I agreed that if he paid me back eventually that I'd get it for him, so I bought him a 7 mil cast rappy suit, and a 4.5 mil De Ragan Slayer, and something else that made it total to 13 mil. After he reached 13 mil, we agreed I'd stop giving him the free ride of expensive items.

But then he starts begging me again for another Rappy Suit that cost 3 million+, which is annoying to me, not just because Rappy suits have no good use like weapons and armor do (or even prestige), but because he actually said the Rappy Suits are annoying because of the chirping sound and sold the one I bought him for 5 million meseta.

To his credit he paid back 3 million, but he went back on his word by asking me to get him to buy him another rappy suit that cost a little over 3 million (it was either 3.5 mi, or 3.1).

All of this might be tolerable if he was actually just a decent person instead of an openly obnoxious racist prejudice jerk.

He also went around telling people it seems about me, in which they sent me a friend invite and asked me to buy them things when I just met them... ... and I am such a sucker and find it difficult to say no, gave them money and bought them various junk. But now that I'm getting on the poor side, I'm finding it easier to say no.

Note though, random acts of kindness, does pay off! I made a great friend when I was talking to a person I was running missions with in the weapons shop, a level 1 just asked me what is a good place to level up and asked me to help, I was thinking something like "ha ha, a level 1 just asked me to take personal time rather than something fast and easy like meseta, and help them level up) but I was like, "sure, let me switch characters so I can heal you", I then proceeded to help out what turned out to be a her for the rest of the day and following days leveing up her character, and she became my best friend. Yay...

This is all recent by the way. Within' the past month.

Jan 12, 2010, 03:25 PM
Trading my 46% 8/8 Ground Agito Repca and other ubers (spears, axes, etc) for Gunner and Tech gear, and then hating gunner...

Holding onto said Gunner gear for over a year trying to get a decent trade out of it, and still not getting what I wanted. :S

Jan 12, 2010, 04:13 PM
It was released 4 months after P wands. Yamata-Misaki came out in November of 2007 in White Beast S. Pyscho Wands dropped at Sleeping Warriors S2 which came out in July of 2007. Now unless I'm forgetting an event these were the earliest both came out which would be 4 months.All right, I was certain White Beast had been released after the first 'Winter Event', I guess not >_>

Jan 12, 2010, 04:55 PM
Mistakes?....I remember being in a party and it was the first time I saw a partner machine in a mission and I thought it was a person and was responding to the non-sense it was saying xD

Jan 13, 2010, 02:20 AM

I did that too SuperRygar, first time i ever ran MAG run I thought the Ash NPC was a player and kept trying to talk to him, and responding to what he said thinking it was so cool he was wearing PSO HUmar armour...oh dear lol


Jan 13, 2010, 04:32 AM
NPCing my 46% Armas line by mistake

Jan 13, 2010, 04:56 AM
This seems to be a common problem. Hmm idea for future update... If you sell an item to an NPC shop, so long as you don't exit the shop window you should be able to buy back items that have just been sold :D


Jan 13, 2010, 06:12 AM
Mistakes?....I remember being in a party and it was the first time I saw a partner machine in a mission and I thought it was a person and was responding to the non-sense it was saying xD
I did that, too. XD I even had to ask why it's level was so high.

Jan 13, 2010, 08:16 AM
Making a Sweat Deathic (when Catilium actually was rare to get).

Jan 13, 2010, 09:03 AM
"Loaning" an Agito Repca to someone with a jp name I thought was cool so he could take pictures of it. I haven't seen them since.

On the other hand, I have helped several new players out recently that have really appreciated the helping hand and seem really cool. Back to 200/200 cards now on pc/ps2 servers....usually about 30-40 online everytime I log on. :)

Jan 13, 2010, 12:32 PM
2 billion meseta on Mugunburga boards to come out with... NOTHING :(

Jan 13, 2010, 12:47 PM
Playing PSO. Now here I am on PSU that promised so many updates and change from PSO and ends up been worse. I want to quit but I can't *sigh*.

Jan 14, 2010, 05:49 AM
This seems to be a common problem. Hmm idea for future update... If you sell an item to an NPC shop, so long as you don't exit the shop window you should be able to buy back items that have just been sold :D


In the AOTI Supplemental Update, you can "lock" your items so they can't be sold to the NPC.

On-topic: My biggest mistake was playing PSU for 2.5 years.

Professor Xavier
Jan 14, 2010, 05:56 AM
My biggest mistake was quiting and deleting everything the day before they announced an update after months of nothing new. All that being said. Please read my post.

(I saw this great movie. Let me tell you all about it!)

I promise it has nothing to do with any movie. It is not a spoiler!! Read it and you will understand. Maybe the wrong title but everyone should read it!!

Jan 14, 2010, 05:58 AM
Aww whys it such a big mistake? I notice a few people who seem to be against PSu yet still on the forums? Is it because you've moved onto one of the PSU portables? I'm not really fussed about lack of updates, I've racked up well over 1,000 hours and still haven't played every run, haven't completed any of the story mode etc so i've still got alot to keep me entertained :)

Its odd, in a way I almost hope the server goes down sooner so a private server can be opened :D


Jan 14, 2010, 06:16 PM
Maybe only a big mistake for PS2/PC servers, but just now I went into guardians hq, but was looking at the tv, my brother said someone with a name with a L greeted me but I had already entered the lobby when my brother told me... One chance to get a card thrown away :(

I have another, I read about Innocent Girl before trying it and I saw that I had to talk with Vivienne. I answered everything she said (example: congratulations when you level up) until the first cutscene came (and it did take more than usual). I felt really sad when I noticed the dumb mistake.

that cast named kai
Jan 14, 2010, 06:32 PM
back during the parum gbr,

i gave away an armas line board to a random, before i realized they were going for nearly a stack
(i though i was giving him the frauduke board instead)

Jan 14, 2010, 06:49 PM
I would have to say making my very first PM, 50 Strk/ 30 Rng/ 20 Armr... thats when I started online about a year ago. Although my reasoning for making it was to be able to produce those
variety of items which actually worked

Jan 16, 2010, 11:23 AM
Aww whys it such a big mistake? I notice a few people who seem to be against PSu yet still on the forums? Is it because you've moved onto one of the PSU portables? I'm not really fussed about lack of updates, I've racked up well over 1,000 hours and still haven't played every run, haven't completed any of the story mode etc so i've still got alot to keep me entertained :)

Well, I can't say it was entirely a mistake. I did make some friends and created lasting memories with those friends. I just wasn't satisfied with PSU anymore, so I went back to playing PSO, where I belong.

Having 6000+ hours logged into PSU and doing all the things I did in the game, I'm proud of what I accomplished in PSU. But, it was just my time to leave that game.

Jan 16, 2010, 01:58 PM
Well, I can't say it was entirely a mistake. I did make some friends and created lasting memories with those friends. I just wasn't satisfied with PSU anymore, so I went back to playing PSO, where I belong.

Having 6000+ hours logged into PSU and doing all the things I did in the game, I'm proud of what I accomplished in PSU. But, it was just my time to leave that game.

Do you ever get the feeling that you accomplished something, but know in real life you did absolutely nothing? That's how I kinda feel about my Assassin's Creed II platinum right now...

But anyway. My mistake in PSU was not ever using my alts. They were PM slaves and nothing more. Got stale.

Jan 16, 2010, 02:06 PM
"Quitting", giving away everything I owned, only to return a few weeks later.

Jan 16, 2010, 07:52 PM
Do you ever get the feeling that you accomplished something, but know in real life you did absolutely nothing? That's how I kinda feel about my Assassin's Creed II platinum right now...

Nope. :wacko:

Jan 17, 2010, 11:06 PM
My biggest mistake was thinking SEGA could handle something as simple as building power maintenance... OOPS! Big Mistake.

Goodbye 50% lightning armas line!

Jan 18, 2010, 02:01 PM
spending money to play PSU.
