View Full Version : gc brightness circle with slots?

Jan 12, 2010, 09:31 AM
if i use a star amplifier on a spirit garment (4 slots) , will i loose the slots , when
it becomes a brightness circle?

Jan 12, 2010, 02:11 PM
It should keep your slots, mine did on PSOX.

Jan 12, 2010, 09:53 PM
yes you will keep your slots. i actually did this yesterday on my gamecbue with my 4 slot armor. i kept my slots

Jan 12, 2010, 10:15 PM
Why couldn't I just do that? *sigh* I ended killing zillions of Gol Gibbons on Ultimate just to find a 4 slot brightness circle *facepalm*

Jan 13, 2010, 03:24 AM
Found Brightness Circle > Made Brightness Circle

So don't feel bad about it.

Jan 13, 2010, 04:33 AM
yes you will keep your slots. i actually did this yesterday on my gamecbue with my 4 slot armor. i kept my slots

thank you , bit more leveling and ill try it (ramar/purp lvl107):-)

Jan 14, 2010, 12:51 AM
Why couldn't I just do that? *sigh* I ended killing zillions of Gol Gibbons on Ultimate just to find a 4 slot brightness circle *facepalm*

I'm sure that finding a 0 slot one and then getting 4 addslots probably takes less time even.

Jan 14, 2010, 03:04 AM
I'm sure that finding a 0 slot one and then getting 4 addslots probably takes less time even.

hmmm , not sure bout that , took me bout 15 runs on very hard temple to
get the spirit garment ive got!!! then to pick a run for the addslots ....

Jan 14, 2010, 09:49 PM
man thats a bummer where it took so long to get your spirit garment. :( i found mine on my first run. but i figured i just got lucky too lol. but atleast you got one haha

Jan 15, 2010, 07:25 PM
hmmm , not sure bout that , took me bout 15 runs on very hard temple to
get the spirit garment ive got!!! then to pick a run for the addslots ....

Well, I have a Redria, and opening all the boxes Forest 1, Cave 1, and Mine 1 on hard yields one addslot every two runs through those levels in my experience, so that's not much of a problem I don't think. I also meant just that it's probably quicker to take the first Brightness circle you get and find addslots than it is to keep hunting until you find one with 4 slots.

Jan 15, 2010, 07:27 PM
Im a redria as well. I found my brightness circle by endlessly killing gol gibbons on ultimate

Jan 17, 2010, 06:10 AM
well im at lvl 112 now , i used the star amplifier on my spirit garment it changed to a brightness circle
and wow , gave me big boost on dfp+evp so im happy ........just now wondering what to go for next.......?

Jan 17, 2010, 10:54 AM
lol try going for the Aura field. thats what im going for now. 20 more lvls and i can use it. 152 is a long way away from 132 :/ i gt a magic rock moola and spirit garmet. so try going for that. it looks cool when eqiuped just it ha a bad side effect drains TP over a period of time

Jan 17, 2010, 12:19 PM
lol try going for the Aura field. thats what im going for now. 20 more lvls and i can use it. 152 is a long way away from 132 :/ i gt a magic rock moola and spirit garmet. so try going for that. it looks cool when eqiuped just it ha a bad side effect drains TP over a period of time

ive already got one but no slots:-(

may look for a df field?

Jan 17, 2010, 10:06 PM
nice. i want an Aura field but not at the right lvl :/ i got the things to make it but just not the right lvl. i could go find one but that would take a while. but i want to hunt for a DF field too.