View Full Version : First encounter with Humilias after Normal mode

Jan 13, 2010, 11:47 AM
So I read all the posts about Humilias. I was working my way through Hard mode thinking there's no way he's as hard as people are making him out to be. Just stay between his legs! Besides, I have a max chain Flozir to give me 40 seconds of uninterrupted Razonde! This will be cake!

It wasn't cake. It wasn't even pie. It was.... a humiliation :(

Jan 13, 2010, 12:27 PM
He was difficult for me for awhile on my HUcast, but as the old folks say "you don't learn as much the 3rd time the mule kicks you in the head" after running him a bunch of times I eventually found a little process that works for me.
I've been using my Dioskuroi over my Sword lately cause million rave charges quicker and has a wider arc to hit both legs easily with, which is key.

Start of Fight pop PB
Right as he begins "hover mode" and is sitting still, unleash PA hit both legs
Don't do it if he starts moving otherwise you're going to be hell bent to keep up with him and will probably have to roll to avoid lasers and get between his legs.
Just stay behind him as he shoots lasers
After he shoots lasers if there is a person in front of him a ways he will go sword mode, back WAY off even if behind him it can hit you as he swings the sword back.
After sword he will ground slam which has a much smaller radius and gives you time to unleash your PA or tech w/e.
If no one is far ahead in front of him he will skip sword and go to ground slam
After ground slam he jumps back and either A. hover mode or B. split mode
Split mode usually happens only when A. you've done enough damage to him from the start of the fight (note at the start of the fight until he takes enough damage he only shoots 1 laser type, after the 1st split mode he'll use both) or B. he's hover mode-ed about 4 times.
The best times to hit him with PA's in normal mode is at the start of hover mode or right after the ground slam.

Now when he split modes you see him start to break apart in 2, ROLL in case the top part charges you right off the bat, otherwise it will circle 1-2 times then charge you but rolling off the bat still gives you time to roll again.
Stand in front of the bottom part, to force it to charge, roll out of the way, roll immediately after cause it will shoot lasers at you... after that unless the top part is teleporting around which shouldnt happen if you force the bottom part to charge early, Humilias will reform. You can't damage the seperate parts of course.

The final hurdle is in normal mode SOMETIMES when he goes to hover mode he will activate the tiles which have 2 main settings:
If his hp is high/medium he will only activate the tiles that he or you/allies step on, and they can cause a status ailment based on color (orange = burn / blue = freeze).
If his hp is low he will activate all the tiles and they will blink and explode within a couple seconds of each other.
The thing I've noticed is instead of rolling around to dodge the explosions if I hold down the button to charge my PA and walk around I will eat the explosion damage but not get knocked down so I can keep up with Humilias and not get lasered to death.


Well these are my obvservations anyway.

Jan 13, 2010, 12:39 PM
So I read all the posts about Humilias. I was working my way through Hard mode thinking there's no way he's as hard as people are making him out to be. Just stay between his legs! Besides, I have a max chain Flozir to give me 40 seconds of uninterrupted Razonde! This will be cake!

It wasn't cake. It wasn't even pie. It was.... a humiliation :(

Haha! Welcome to the Humilias Hate Club! XD

Jan 13, 2010, 12:52 PM
Dang, he must have been really low life when he finally got me then... He was doing the attack where all squares light up simultaneously

Jan 13, 2010, 04:11 PM
Opo, wait till you fight him on SH XD

Jan 13, 2010, 06:11 PM
He's easy on Normal and Hard, but from what I"ve heard, he's pretty fast and deadly on SH. Wait til then and then you can talk lol.

Jan 13, 2010, 06:17 PM
He's easy on Normal and Hard, but from what I"ve heard, he's pretty fast and deadly on SH. Wait til then and then you can talk lol.

Actually, he can still be very easy if you have a Slow and Ice Protect. After that, it's all about dodging his attacks ^^;

Jan 13, 2010, 06:25 PM
He still tends to OHKO me if I forget to Jellen him every so often. Other than that he can't kill me unless I don't watch my HP. I still find Octo Diablo more annoying. It might be because I refuse to learn how to fight him though.

Jan 13, 2010, 06:25 PM
Wait until Super.
Hope you like those floor-tiles.

Jan 13, 2010, 06:32 PM
Humilias is only hard cause of his trap floors and inadequate dps from your character.

Jan 13, 2010, 06:36 PM
Wait until Super. Hope you like those floor-tiles.
lol.. my thoughts exactly. I bite stamp him for 1900+ each time, and still even after dozens of bite stamps it doesn't faze him.

Jan 13, 2010, 06:40 PM
Actually, he can still be very easy if you have a Slow and Ice Protect. After that, it's all about dodging his attacks ^^;

I have all the protects except for Dark and Slow. I'll need to find that one before I go to Arca on SH xD

Jan 13, 2010, 06:40 PM
He was difficult for me for awhile on my HUcast, but as the old folks say "you don't learn as much the 3rd time the mule kicks you in the head" after running him a bunch of times I eventually found a little process that works for me.
I've been using my Dioskuroi over my Sword lately cause million rave charges quicker and has a wider arc to hit both legs easily with, which is key.

Start of Fight pop PB
Right as he begins "hover mode" and is sitting still, unleash PA hit both legs
Don't do it if he starts moving otherwise you're going to be hell bent to keep up with him and will probably have to roll to avoid lasers and get between his legs.
Just stay behind him as he shoots lasers
After he shoots lasers if there is a person in front of him a ways he will go sword mode, back WAY off even if behind him it can hit you as he swings the sword back.
After sword he will ground slam which has a much smaller radius and gives you time to unleash your PA or tech w/e.
If no one is far ahead in front of him he will skip sword and go to ground slam
After ground slam he jumps back and either A. hover mode or B. split mode
Split mode usually happens only when A. you've done enough damage to him from the start of the fight (note at the start of the fight until he takes enough damage he only shoots 1 laser type, after the 1st split mode he'll use both) or B. he's hover mode-ed about 4 times.
The best times to hit him with PA's in normal mode is at the start of hover mode or right after the ground slam.

Now when he split modes you see him start to break apart in 2, ROLL in case the top part charges you right off the bat, otherwise it will circle 1-2 times then charge you but rolling off the bat still gives you time to roll again.
Stand in front of the bottom part, to force it to charge, roll out of the way, roll immediately after cause it will shoot lasers at you... after that unless the top part is teleporting around which shouldnt happen if you force the bottom part to charge early, Humilias will reform. You can't damage the seperate parts of course.

The final hurdle is in normal mode SOMETIMES when he goes to hover mode he will activate the tiles which have 2 main settings:
If his hp is high/medium he will only activate the tiles that he or you/allies step on, and they can cause a status ailment based on color (orange = burn / blue = freeze).
If his hp is low he will activate all the tiles and they will blink and explode within a couple seconds of each other.
The thing I've noticed is instead of rolling around to dodge the explosions if I hold down the button to charge my PA and walk around I will eat the explosion damage but not get knocked down so I can keep up with Humilias and not get lasered to death.


Well these are my obvservations anyway.

I was playing freeplay with one other person and they were somehow able to hit both legs with their milias breaker's over end. i then proceeded to try to do the same with my milias sword and couldnt do it, there must be some trick.

Jan 13, 2010, 06:44 PM
I was playing freeplay with one other person and they were somehow able to hit both legs with their milias breaker's over end. i then proceeded to try to do the same with my milias sword and couldnt do it, there must be some trick.
You must hit him on the sides of his leg, but not from the front or back. That's how I bite stamp him on both legs anyway.

Jan 13, 2010, 08:49 PM
I was playing freeplay with one other person and they were somehow able to hit both legs with their milias breaker's over end. i then proceeded to try to do the same with my milias sword and couldnt do it, there must be some trick.

There is, I've been using my Dioskuroi's Million Rave to hit both legs cause its easier to do cause of the wider range over Sword Over End. It'll be hard to do after he jumps back and goes into hover mode cause by the time you get to him and line up on the side he'll move and mess up the positioning, unless you're able to get him near the "wall" so he can't jump back far and can get to him quicker.

Anyway the best time to Over-End him is when he goes to ground slam, when you run through his legs when he's shooting lazers, lock on to the.... I believe it's his right leg that is forward every time he ground slams, well which ever leg goes forward lock on to that one and circle behind the leg that is back. So when he goes to ground slam it'll be like this:


.......( )........


Where (L) is the forward leg you're locked onto, ( ) is the rear leg, and X is you, and because the length range on Over End is so long you'll hit both hit boxes of his legs and still be outside of the damage radius of the slam if you position yourself right.

It's easier said then done but once you do it a couple of times you should be fine. The lame part is sometimes his back will be up against the wall and you can't form the diagonal unless you manipulate how he turns, he'll always turn towards you based on whichever side you're closer to left or right.

I forgot to mention this in the earlier post, but of course like some of the other bosses / monsters in the game if you do enough quick big damage to him he will go into a stun phase briefly, now the good thing about this if you have a large aoe attack or line yourself up right you can hit the new hit box that reveals itself when he's stunned which is the head, so you could hit up to 3 of his parts in an attack for lots of damage.

Jan 14, 2010, 12:49 AM
I think in hard and super hard he selfdestructs after you kill him and if you die then you have to do him all over again

Jan 14, 2010, 05:01 AM
You are correct, garmrodin, but well timed rolls and spamming mates should keep you alive.

Jan 14, 2010, 05:11 AM

Jan 14, 2010, 07:39 PM
I think in hard and super hard he selfdestructs after you kill him and if you die then you have to do him all over again

yes he does its really annoying learning this first hand