View Full Version : BB Question: Mind Sato

Jan 19, 2010, 08:12 PM
About an hour ago I reached the 49 -> 50 milestone, I fed the mag to 5/0/22/23 with a Greenil Force, thus turning it into an Ila. I sent it to my Skyly RAcast to turn it into an Asparas. I succeeded, but after playing in battle mode, it reverted to an Ila again.

Is there any way to turn it back into an Asparas? It's at 55 now: 5/0/28/23

It morphed into a Kama ^^;

So uh...yeah, from Kama to Asparas. Does it really matter? They both have the same feeding pattern. Will it matter if I get 5/0/45/50 in the end, with a Kama?

Jan 19, 2010, 09:06 PM
As long as you have the correct ID/Class and correct stat formula on the MAG, you will get the Sato regardless of the MAG you currently have.

Jan 19, 2010, 09:16 PM
Once it reaches level 100 and you have the proper equation it will stay as a sato. But also after reaching level 50 and at any level multiple of 5 you can evolve the mag by feeding it with any character.

The problem here is you didn't feed it and it changed back. This is probably because a particular popular private server that I assume you are using. I had the same issue there but it happened through the common bank. My mag devolved and I even lost the photon blast that I gained in the process but its stats remained.

So who knows maybe it won't stay as a sato. I don't know why they aren't fixing this issue.