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View Full Version : Does anyone find damage traps useful?

Jan 19, 2010, 10:44 PM
Freeze traps are the reason that I don't despise using android characters, and confuse traps can as if not more useful than freeze traps in certain situations. However I can't think of any tactical situation where damage traps are useful. Maybe if I could lay one and time it perfectly with my combo so it hit the enemy right between finishing the previous combo and starting a new one, it would help. They never even do enough damage to justify using them just as another attack.

The only time I use them is when fighting a Canune circle, I drop one to hit all the surrounding Canabins before they self destruct. Does anyone have any better uses?

Jan 20, 2010, 12:01 AM
I've found damage traps are quite useful, if used right. the exposion on them is quite big and they deal okish damage with a small knockback.

You also forgot slimes in the caves, gather them up and drop 3 of them. either split or get blown up =D

Jan 20, 2010, 12:48 AM
I've found damage traps are quite useful, if used right. the exposion on them is quite big and they deal okish damage with a small knockback.

You also forgot slimes in the caves, gather them up and drop 3 of them. either split or get blown up =D

Yeah, big explosion, knockback, damage, but all those things first of all won't prevent me from getting hit because of the delay in explosion, whereas freeze and confuse traps incapacitate the enemies for the length of two combos. I see how they might be kinda useful if I just toss them out occasionally, but I guess my point is they aren't nearly as useful as freeze and confuse traps.

I also don't really know about using them for slimes... what happens?

Jan 20, 2010, 02:02 AM
The damage traps blow up, dealing damage to them even if they are on the floor moving around as a puddle =D.

I tend to drop a damage trap just before the things get to me, normally with good timing, it explodes just as a finish my combo, allowing me to get the another combo in without taking any damage

Jan 20, 2010, 03:52 AM
The damage traps blow up, dealing damage to them even if they are on the floor moving around as a puddle =D.

I tend to drop a damage trap just before the things get to me, normally with good timing, it explodes just as a finish my combo, allowing me to get the another combo in without taking any damage

Hm, that could help, I hate fighting enemies like Slimes and Deldepths that you have to wait for.

Yeah, that's what I described in my first post, that being the main thing I would see them as being useful for. That would help hunters, not so much rangers I think.

Jan 20, 2010, 06:23 AM
I dont think, that works on deldepths.... in ult they move just too fast to have consistant effects.

To be honest? i'ma load up PSO now and see what else that could be useful for D:

Jan 20, 2010, 06:07 PM
You can kill the slime using one Dt only by using the trap over by where the slime spawned.

You can use it to attack the epsilon if you are in the worse situation possible. (Fail)

You can use it to attack glitched merrisas.

You can use it to irritate people that can see traps by throwing their aim off.

Jan 20, 2010, 07:37 PM
you can also use them in battle mode to kill yourself when you run out of HP in order to avoid being killed by your opponent

Jan 22, 2010, 03:16 AM
In JP BB, the glitch about merrisa has already been fixed since Ver.1.25.3.

Anyway, just like what Sienna said, you can kill slime only by one damage trap.
And damage trap is also useful when you need to deal with slime and deldepth in challenge mode.

Jan 22, 2010, 12:06 PM
I'd like the damage trap if is was as powerful as the one in the caves near those boxes where the laser fences are. Turn your tv up and the boom it make is kind of loud. 'Cause I can take plenty of hits, I tend to run into that trap just for the hell of it.

Jan 22, 2010, 08:50 PM
I don't use them for anything other than bombing slime spawns. Although I occasionally throw one out just to stun them for a cheap hit.

Red Ring
Jan 23, 2010, 04:37 AM
I was one of those people who hated casts. I'd cry about them not having techs. I cried about them having slow regeneration rates. I cried about them having to restock on supplies and try to avoid getting hit or use zerk weps. I saw them as gimps in the game only useful at making others useful but after I played the crap out of PSO for years I found racasts to be the best class near level 200. Techs become less and less useful to you. You actually end up preferring the instant recovery and abilities from their usable items over techs. you end up feeling like a god with the ability to see traps, regenerate fairly fast, have exclusivity to one of the best weapons in the game (iron faust), the best def armor in the game (blackhound), immunity to adverse effects that are a real pain in ult, the ability to mooch off of people's resta but not really worrying about it because you're so strong you don't take much damage anyway.

Really the list goes on and on how great casts become once you max them out. I will always be cast now in PS games. All their traps are great.

I now understand why they say casts are the newb class. I used to think they were tedious and annoying but then you realize all the stuff fleshies have to offer is the true inferior stuff that you dont need at high level.

Jan 23, 2010, 03:56 PM
I used to think they were tedious and annoying but then you realize all the stuff fleshies have to offer is the true inferior stuff that you dont need at high level.
Overexaggerated statement.

Jan 25, 2010, 04:39 AM
I was one of those people who hated casts. I'd cry about them not having techs. I cried about them having slow regeneration rates. I cried about them having to restock on supplies and try to avoid getting hit or use zerk weps. I saw them as gimps in the game only useful at making others useful but after I played the crap out of PSO for years I found racasts to be the best class near level 200. Techs become less and less useful to you. You actually end up preferring the instant recovery and abilities from their usable items over techs. you end up feeling like a god with the ability to see traps, regenerate fairly fast, have exclusivity to one of the best weapons in the game (iron faust), the best def armor in the game (blackhound), immunity to adverse effects that are a real pain in ult, the ability to mooch off of people's resta but not really worrying about it because you're so strong you don't take much damage anyway.

Really the list goes on and on how great casts become once you max them out. I will always be cast now in PS games. All their traps are great.

I now understand why they say casts are the newb class. I used to think they were tedious and annoying but then you realize all the stuff fleshies have to offer is the true inferior stuff that you dont need at high level.

Techs: Though I agree forces peter out at higher levels where other characters tend to excel faster, the fact that forces never have trouble with any part of ep.1 cannot be ignored. I'm blowing through ult with a Fomarl, arguably the worst casting force. For non-cast non-forces, I almost never use any techs besides resta, anti, and boosts, and for soloing, Huney and Ramarl boosts put them ahead of casts. I imagine that woulde continue after maxing.

Items: I carry di/trimates with my fleshies too just to have the option, but I prefer resta anytime, especially because for the most part I'm not using the TP anyway. With Resta, I can beat Seabed with my Ramarl without using a single restore item, mate or fluid. I don't see my hucast ever being able to do that.

Traps: That's why I have a Sense Plate on my Ramarl. Deband more than makes up for the loss of DFP. Lack of freeze traps in the main drawback that I usually feel while using non-casts. Next is cure/paralysis, but I usually keep one handy in case I need to play temple (it's easy enough to avoid on cave.)

Red Ring
Jan 25, 2010, 08:26 AM
im only talking about racast and racaseal. v502, hell needle, extra boost to arrest needle thanks to being cast, mille marteaux for tagging and very good hard attack damage, iron faust ungodly powerful with three shot burst even in comparison to baranz that your ramarl has to use, large assortment of traps so you dont have to sit there and resta yourself all day, standstill shield plus blackhound and extra hp making it almost impossible for you to get knocked down in most areas or really take much damage at all. my char had a red ring, adept, gael giel, v101, v502, heavenly/resist, all maxed out stats including items i listed above and more like excal and heaven striker. the racaseal had no enemies to fear lol. got so boring running through the levels i quit.

but yeah i understand giving props to the ramarl buffs and debuffs... overall she can keep em. go zalure needle and higher atp lol.

also, no real reason for soloing at all. never solo'd once in my life lol. Fo better learn to buff.

so if you play PSO normally. Go into rooms with other people and go through a level together... The only real thing you have to do as a cast is swap weapons depending on enemies you fight. you have the best items always equipped and never have to adjust them when you get level 200. Just go in and fire fire fire. No constantly buffing yourself or falling down and dealing with adverse effects. pure terminator with traps as icing on the cake. did i mention you can see traps so you know what switches to hit and where to walk always? pretty much god really...

and it will ALWAYS work out like this. a racast with a FO is the strongest combo in the game. polar opposites attract in pso. the middle guys are just fodder.

highest base stats and rape weapons plus benefits = racast
highest buffs/debuffs = fo

fo + racast = gawd

Feb 2, 2010, 04:30 AM
im only talking about racast and racaseal.

extra boost to arrest needle thanks to being cast
The only difference from Ranger fleshies. In which the counter for this is unreduced Demon's Needle for them, which is debatably better than Arrest Needle.

also, no real reason for soloing at all. never solo'd once in my life lol. Fo better learn to buff.
Point loss.

Relying on techs = (techs > traps)

Feb 2, 2010, 05:26 AM
I won't dispute what you're saying if we're talking about multiplayer, especially online, but I don't think you can dispute what I'm saying about solo, because solo, Ramarl is queen. I like solo, because I like making and developing characters on my own. It's why I have so many...

Also I just completed the Retired Hunter with my Racast, and quests like that are a HUGE pain without Resta. I had failed it at least two times before because Donoph died, and I decided I just had to be really liberal with my Star Atomizers, but I still couldn't be as liberal as I would have been with Resta.

Feb 3, 2010, 04:42 PM
This really got off topic. I only see Damage Traps as useful when used against slimes, or alongside another trap. Freeze/Damage trap combo immobilizes and hurts the entire mob, allowing me time to kill off as many as I can or create an escape if I get surrounded. Confuse/Damage trap combo damages and confuses the mob, making them fight each other while I deal with whatever decides to come at me. Otherwise, I don't use them.

Feb 3, 2010, 11:56 PM
This really got off topic. I only see Damage Traps as useful when used against slimes, or alongside another trap. Freeze/Damage trap combo immobilizes and hurts the entire mob, allowing me time to kill off as many as I can or create an escape if I get surrounded. Confuse/Damage trap combo damages and confuses the mob, making them fight each other while I deal with whatever decides to come at me. Otherwise, I don't use them.

Hadn't thought of trap combos, I think I would like the damage/confuse because the confuse trap doesn't immobilize. Maybe it would give me a chance to get out of the way so they don't go for me.

Feb 4, 2010, 07:23 PM
I normally Drop a frezze then confuse run and set up a damahe between me and them

Feb 18, 2010, 03:25 PM
another trick i like is if rappies or rare rappies wont get up, i set a damage trap by the rappy, leave the room, and it blows them up before they can run away with your drop :D

Feb 18, 2010, 03:28 PM
Eventually when you get to about lvl80, you will have enough traps to just have fun with them. they also speed up on detonation so you dont have to wait too long which is very nice.

Feb 19, 2010, 12:55 PM
they also speed up on detonation so you dont have to wait too long which is very nice.

Only in Ultimate though. ;)

Mar 1, 2010, 05:00 AM
Damage traps are particularly useful when a character is just
beginning Ultimate or has generally low ATP.

Often times the traps will actually do more damage (and will
be more accurate) than you will at that awkward point in gameplay.

Mar 2, 2010, 03:11 AM
I do...especially against those slimes in the caves.

Mar 12, 2010, 10:55 AM
Well since i mained a RAcast Traps were my lifeline, since you have like the third (i think) highest ATP inc. HU's i did go in with sabers etc. etc Freeze/confuse traps very useful there also with a shot weapon you could set one and fire the trap goes off very quickly, but i never found a use for damage traps outside of Normal, hard since after that they stop doing decent damage =/