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View Full Version : Message to fallen hearts...

Jan 23, 2010, 09:28 AM
I know there is a lot of confusion now..

Servers going down, betrayal and a loss of words.

I've been a player in PC/PS2 since launch. Came back last february, so its been a full year. In that time I met one person who was kind enough to help me find my way. I was just a level 30 newman, force 6...nearly no equipment and having to learn AoTI...

The magic of raising one character or four for that matter (and capping the four)and interacting with the others makes me feel like this is of a certain death for them...Going from existence to memory at the drop of a hat. Its not fair and it never will be. So much time put in, so much time going out.

Strong memories of going from nothing to something in each game I play. This game was a different one for me. I came here because I was tired of tournament gaming in leagues and divisions all the time and simply wanted to have fun again.

All that winning and losing taught me was that it all becomes memory and in the end a memory is all one has of anything that has come to pass...

As I write this, my four characters in PC/PS2 are level 170, capped but with almost no direction left to go. Many feel the same way about their characters where one just plays awaiting for the next event, but we won't get that chance

All mag+ and every returning player will bring is a reminder that coming the end of March our characters are all going bye bye, from existence to memory.

Some wish to go to Xbox360, that is a choice. PSP2 is another.

I remember the same suffering when I lost my two level 200 characters, Nei a level 200 HUnewearl and Schala, a level 200 FOnewearl...and the feeling I have now is the very same as before, but only im older and a little wiser. It wont change things.

Early on in the month I took a chance and joined PSU-JPN. I didn't know what to expect but wished to try the supplemental update for myself and everything I missed, which I felt by right we all should have had.....

I have met some really good people there. Kind, Generous and willing to help out. I've seen a fresh economy that is very friendly to new players. I know it hasn't been a month yet, but I've had a lot of success so far. What holds back my own emotions of losing my characters is that I aimed to recreate them in psu-japan as older characters.

I know im not the "popular one." I know some of you may like or hate me...but the message I have for you is:

"Its alright. Sega of Japan itself is not so bad. I am in PSU-Japan and its been fun and nice. Its a fresh start. New culture, new environment and a lot of missed content. There are importers here, friends who caught up to me and I feel happy and content.

I urge you to consider your choice. Mine was to trust Sega of Japan over Sega of America. Some will place their trust on Sega of America. We are here in PSU-JPN and we're alright and we as a collective are willing to help anyone, just like I was helped when I first came into the game.

The one I regularly play with came to psu-jpn and knew no Japanese, but knew the game and the interface. A katakana chart and a notepad file of what Ive taught him is what he has to go by....

Its a fresh start. Nothing to hold anyone back. Once I logged in, I felt free again. A fresh start was what I needed to snap me out of being sad...

so im here to say "its ok" and "its alright"

If you have your friends, those are who you need more than your characters. You met people through your characters. If you want to continue together, whether you move to xbox360 or psu-jpn, or PSP II or anygame...move together since those are who you are familiar to....

PSU-JPN feels like a different game than PSU-US/EU...Its strange I say this, but its true. The feel is a lot different. "

^_^ Cheer up, and remember what you have and look to the future. Its the very least you can do for putting in so much work. For me this wasn't an ending as much as it was a beginning. "


Jan 23, 2010, 12:20 PM
*collapse from the wall of texts* :panda:

Glad you are having fun with PSU-JPN and a new beginning.
As for me, I'm not that much sad with PSU-US gone; i'll move on with other games.

Jan 23, 2010, 12:53 PM
the only thing i disagree with their, is that you forget our biggest problem is the fact that sega of japan, the ones in real control, are the ones who really dont care about us...

Red Ring
Jan 23, 2010, 12:57 PM
I'm leaving the site and phantasy star today. Came here for the PSP2 leaving for the PSU. Hopefully I wont hear about a new phantasy star until it comes out can't stand anticipating games for months especially when it takes an extra year to come to USA.

Jan 23, 2010, 01:29 PM
I wish I even had the optiions of "going to 360" or "going to JP PSU". Those options dont come up when ya have dial-up :(

Jan 23, 2010, 03:21 PM
I am in a bit of shock with how much of a time investment I put into PSU and how soon it will be gone forever. With PSO it didn't really bother me as much since it was much more simplisitic; in a good way. I have friends from PSO I keep in touch with on messengers so we'll hook up later for the next installment lol

I'll be recreating one of my characters on FFXIII but I've never gotten into that style of MMORPG so we'll see how that goes.

As for XBox and PSP...*checks wallet*...nope.

Jan 23, 2010, 06:59 PM
Sorry for your loss all PS2/PC players. Is Sega at least offering to let you download your character files, or do they just plan to screw everyone on that?

Jan 23, 2010, 07:02 PM
Screw of course.

Jan 23, 2010, 07:07 PM
It's still unknown for now, but chances are we won't get any downloads or any transfers to 360 servers.

Anyway this was a good message. I started on JP server before and left when the NA version came out, I've been a supporter before the PC/PS2 servers came out and never canceled my account from the beginning to the end. It is very insulting that things need to end this way. I have imported PSP2 and I suppose I will spend my time on that. It will never be the same as playing PSU with this community and playing Phantasy Star on the big screen where it just feels more natural to play as compared to a handheld. Anyway I hope compensation is given to those who decide to keep supporting PSU and hop to 360 servers.. lots of us have earned it.

Jan 23, 2010, 10:01 PM
I want to try JP PSU. is there a guide somewhere?

Jan 23, 2010, 11:26 PM
I want to try JP PSU. is there a guide somewhere?

Look at my post titled "jp info please" Alot of people helped me get over to the jp servers. I can't believe the number of people here!! All the mission, supp updates, GAS are here and even tho i had to start from scratch again it seems the same since I have friends helping me. It feels different in some ways because you have to get used to hitting for 15-30 points compared to the 2500 ur used to...lol. But my first few hours I got to level 16 and had alot of fun.

Jan 24, 2010, 10:03 AM
There are several guides in the forum on how to get into PSU-Japan.

I currently hit level 170 and im on my way to Level 180. Its very lively in this version, like what PC/PS2 should have been but hasn't for a very long time.

Nice to meet Tianna and Spawn on the flip side of things. ^_^ If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask. You need a lot of help to have a decent level at the end of the event. ^_^

Jan 24, 2010, 01:43 PM
I tried to make that appeal to people back in 2006 when the servers first started. No one wanted to believe that the servers would shut down some day and that they would be up a creek. And the same thing will happen next time, that is...people witnessing how Sega of America does things and deciding against playing on their servers and trying to convince others of the right choice to make only to have their warnings fall on mostly deaf ears.

Jan 24, 2010, 02:22 PM
While this seems like a nice concept (and it is for most) one problem hasn't been addressed in this thread yet. PS2.

Alot of people on the PC/PS2 servers do play on PS2 and in my case cannot switch to the jpn servers.

Nice thought for thos that can ^.-b

Jan 24, 2010, 02:55 PM
I'm gonna give this a shot. Would I even be able to find any english speakers there?

Jan 24, 2010, 05:21 PM
How popular are the Japanese PC/PS2 servers?

Jan 24, 2010, 05:39 PM
How popular are the Japanese PC/PS2 servers?
Day after Phantasy Star Portable 2 was released:

Day before the current event started:

Highest during the event (according to the pics in the JP uploader):

Jan 24, 2010, 05:42 PM
I Wonder What Happens With The Character Data.
(I Already Ask That...But...).

Jan 24, 2010, 05:47 PM
Wow...I really thought they had more people. Got connected to the JP server, only to see 16 empty stars. Yup, not even a single star.

Jan 24, 2010, 05:50 PM
Well, right now it's nearly 8am in JP.

Jan 24, 2010, 06:34 PM
Wow...I really thought they had more people. Got connected to the JP server, only to see 16 empty stars. Yup, not even a single star.

From what I've noticed, their peak times and down times differ from how America's times are. When it's peak time, literally everyone is on, but at night it seems hardly anyone stays up late over there lol. Where as here you've got a bit of a trend when most people are on, but also a good mount of people at any hour of the day (speaking in terms of how it used to be of course). It was almost normal to have 3-4 full stars even at 4am back in the day lol.

Jan 24, 2010, 09:10 PM
It won't be long before the 360 follows down the same road. I give it a year or 2 at the most. Won't bother me though, because I'll be playing PSP 2 :D

Also, I think they should have the decency to at least transfer your info to the 360 or maybe to the extra mode or something. It wouldn't be hard to do I would think. Even if it's just extra mode, I'm sure people would be happy as they could at least hold on to there stuff that they have spent so much time trying to get.

Jan 26, 2010, 05:58 PM
Agreed as a dedicated 360 player I'm watching closely to see how Sega handles the character data issue. Overwriting the extra mode data with your online characters would be great, lets hope they sympathize and implement that.

Jan 26, 2010, 07:12 PM
360 has had a huge influx of players lately. I heard someone saw 6 stars on a week night. Which surprises the hell out of considering most moms don't let their kids play video games during the school week.