View Full Version : PC/PS2 EN/JP on same pc?

Jan 24, 2010, 08:32 AM
I just got on PSU JP and tried to install the EN version of it so I could spend some more time with friends before the end. Everytime I go to install the EN version it overwrites PSU JP. I have tried a different file and all and doesn't seem to help. It keeps 3 of the 4 files I downloaded from jp but gets rid of the setup.exe file which i have to download again to play. Anyone have an idea what I could do to have both on my pc?

Edit: I am using Vista

Jan 24, 2010, 12:04 PM
put it on a different folder? :l

Jan 24, 2010, 01:09 PM
Yea, make a folder called PSU JP or something, and install it there.
I did that, and have no problem playing both at the same time. (well, not literally, because Gameguard would close them both out).

The pictures and whatnot will save into the same folder though, at least they did for me.

Jan 24, 2010, 04:27 PM
I got it now I think... Vista makes it a pain to create a folder where you want it. I was not used to Vista but I figured it out :) Pat, when will you be on PSU JP so we can trade cards??

Jan 25, 2010, 01:34 AM
I got it now I think... Vista makes it a pain to create a folder where you want it. I was not used to Vista but I figured it out :) Pat, when will you be on PSU JP so we can trade cards??

Yea, Vista is...bad, but so good at the same time lol. (Get Windows 7!) :p

I'm not sure, cause my sub ended.
I have to figure out how to re-sub, hopefully ASAP! :D
I want to get on and keep playing.
Sieno is level 60 something, and I already have a Prophets of Motav!
Gotta keep working on techs too! :D

Jan 25, 2010, 02:14 PM
Wow, it seems we are always missing each other. I got to level 40 in a day and a half during this event. A rank armor FTW! lol

Jan 25, 2010, 03:32 PM
Haha, yea, I got some A rank armor too! :D
Got me some har quicks, and few other toys too! :D

Gotta get re-sub'd before the PA exp boost, so I can level stuff up!