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View Full Version : New PSO To Be Announced This Year To Replace Dying PSU?

Red Ring
Feb 2, 2010, 01:55 AM
I posted this on the PSU 360 board, but let's face it, this concerns this board a lot because this essentially translates to mean no Phantasy Star 3 for at least a long time. No Phantasy Star for handhelds for a while as well. This is why i post this here as well.

(1) There was an interview with Sakai about PS0, and he mentioned that they were done with handhelds after PSP2 and had a surprise coming for PSO's 10th anniversary. (this year is PSO’s 10th anniversary btw)

(2) Quote from SEGA administrator on the official site, “While we are sad to see the PC/PS2 version of Phantasy Star Universe end, the year 2010 is the 10th anniversary of Phantasy Star Online -- and this server / service closure is helping to pave the way for bigger and better things for the Phantasy Star franchise in the very near future!”

(3) Another Quote from SEGA administrator on the official site from today, “There's a lot to talk about here. What Sakai-san has said was echoed in this closure announcement, as well.” The closure announcement he speaks of is what I posted as my item #2.

Put it all together: Sega is done with handheld Phantasy Star games, but yet the franchise will continue with something this year (10th anniversary). How can this not mean that the consoles are getting a new Phantasy Star online game this year?

I saw this quote over at the gamespot forums. And although i haven't seen the interviews for myself the poster doesn't seem to be confused or a liar so I'm just going to believe him since it sounds reasonable since when they announced the first PSP they said home consoles will always be their primary concern...

Seems we will be getting another PSO style game announced THIS YEAR! I for one can't wait. I've been waiting years! Hopefully it doesn't blow and has some good weapons and not just PA spam and dull graphics and monsters.

Feb 2, 2010, 02:09 AM
Thread seems similar to this one...


Feb 2, 2010, 02:11 AM
My guess is that its going to be a PSU card game lol....lmao :D History repeats itself.

Feb 2, 2010, 02:13 AM
Japan still has their PSObb servers. They also have their PSU Servers..

The cool thing is that once a new Phantasy Star is released, if released....Any smart person can go play in Japan. It happened to PSO...It is about to happen to PSU...but the Japanese servers outlive the US servers on both counts.

There is an old saying "Fool me once, Shame on you....Fool me twice, Shame on me."

I just don't trust Sega of America anymore.

Red Ring
Feb 2, 2010, 02:25 AM
I would be letdown if they announce a new Phantasy Star since it would probably take until 2012 for it to release after announcement.. I think it's possible for them to bring PSO back since they have until the end of 2010 to "celebrate" it. I'm really leaning towards another release of Phantasy Star Online on PS3 and 360...

With lots of job cuts and bad economy. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to make a quick buck like this maybe even offering free servers but I'm just blabbering now. Could be something totally different...

Feb 2, 2010, 02:50 AM
Japan still has their PSObb servers. They also have their PSU Servers..

The cool thing is that once a new Phantasy Star is released, if released....Any smart person can go play in Japan. It happened to PSO...It is about to happen to PSU...but the Japanese servers outlive the US servers on both counts.

There is an old saying "Fool me once, Shame on you....Fool me twice, Shame on me."

I just don't trust Sega of America anymore.

Hence why I bought Portable 2 now instead of waiting.

Feb 2, 2010, 03:48 AM
PSO with PSU's camera style?!

That would be...just amazing.
I wouldn't stop playing.

Well, I would, but you get what I mean.

Feb 2, 2010, 05:12 AM
I hope it's not a PSO remake but a completely new game or some sort of PSO sequel (1000 years later like the classics?). :3

If this will be a new game I'll still play it in the english version (that is...if they release it for PC as well). Don't want to play an online game in a language I don't understand, where I can't understand the story, how the items are called, or what the great majority of the players say. x-x;

Feb 2, 2010, 05:22 AM
I just want a PS3 PS game.
I sold my Xbox 360, and my laptop is still almost dead.

I'm not going to buy a new one til it's completely dead.

If there will be a PS3 PS game, I just hope it doesn't have as much lag/slowdown as the PS2 game on the PS3.

Feb 2, 2010, 05:25 AM
Even though I said PC (it's the only current gaming platform I have), I hope it's multiplatform (PC+PS3+XBox360) and they get all of the servers together this time. >_>;

Feb 2, 2010, 05:30 AM
Even though I said PC (it's the only current gaming platform I have), I hope it's multiplatform (PC+PS3+XBox360) and they get all of the servers together this time. >_>;

Yea, that would be even a better deal.
Do you think SEGA, or SEGA Team is capable of such things though?
I sure do hope so, and if it's not FREE to play online, I wont play it.
Now, if they have it FREE with a cash shop, I think that would work out for the better.

Feb 2, 2010, 07:35 AM
if they announce one this year, it'll be pretty much the same mistake they did with PSU: they'll release it for Xbox360/PS3 in 2012 about the same time the current Gen will die and the next Gen will start.. then there'll be a lame port for xbox1080 and PS4 with lots of slowdowns and lame graphics (for a next Gen game, that is) and after 2-3 years the game will be dead.

in my opinion, they should wait a little longer, then make a GOOD game with NEXT GEN GRAPHICS for the next generation of consoles (and PC) and release it within the first year of that generation. Then if they keep updating it with events, add-ons and stuff, it should be able to last for at least 5-6 years until the next generation of consoles arrives..

and while we wait, Sega, give us PSO BB or PSO III or both for xbox live arcade, thx!

Red Ring
Feb 2, 2010, 09:35 AM
I don't know why some people still don't know that both sony and microsoft said these current consoles are going to have a much longer life cycle than previous consoles. All the developers talk about this as well. The hardware is good enough for everyone for quite some time. Right now companies are trying to integrate the consoles into their customers lives rather than try and do better graphics in the next couple of years. But with such a stupid fading business model and bad economy... I blame Nintendo.

Feb 2, 2010, 10:27 AM
Given that they just released PSP2 in Japan, I wouldn't expect anything more than an announcement of the release of the Japanese version of the next major console title in the Phantasy Star Online series near the end of this year. But, since it would be a major title, odds are that they'll attempt another near-simultaneous international release.

That being said, I'd suck it up and go to the Japanese version. Figuring out how to learn to play a game in another language is far less painful than falling a year behind in game updates and losing all your work long before everyone else. We've already seen it happen three times, so you can't really blame Sonic Team if you make the same mistake again.

Feb 2, 2010, 10:45 AM
Woah, a new PS online game for consoles!? Really!? This is just amazing, it's exactly what I've been hoping for all this time! Wow! I feel so-- wow!

Nah, just kidding.

They'll mess that one up too for sure. They've got a history of doing that in recent years with their "big" franchises. Sonic 2006 anyone?

Feb 2, 2010, 10:58 AM
Woah, a new PS online game for consoles!? Really!? This is just amazing, it's exactly what I've been hoping for all this time! Wow! I feel so-- wow!

Yea, isn't it so...oh wait-

Nah, just kidding.

They'll mess that one up too for sure. They've got a history of doing that in recent years with their "big" franchises. Sonic 2006 anyone?


Red Ring
Feb 2, 2010, 11:46 AM
Yeah I think it'll probably suck too but I still wanna see it. That would be funny if they remade PSO or enhanced the old one. They are showing signs of going back to PSO with all the things they did after PSU failure. Hopefully they stick to randomized dungeon crawlers instead of trying to make fake MMOs with monsters that seem to dance more than fight before they die. PSO was such a good game when it came out. It was like a killer app.

Feb 2, 2010, 12:09 PM
i bet the exciting new stuff is just PSP2 released outside of Japan. why make a new console game when they're trying hard to make everyone buy and play the new handheld games?

Red Ring
Feb 2, 2010, 12:22 PM
i bet the exciting new stuff is just PSP2 released outside of Japan. why make a new console game when they're trying hard to make everyone buy and play the new handheld games?

lol they better not

Feb 2, 2010, 12:29 PM
Yea, isn't it so...oh wait-


I really wish it were good, though, but I've just been led to lose all my faith in Sega as a game developper. ...Well, Sonic Team specifically, I guess.

Friends of mine are going on and on about that "Project Needlemouse" thing for the Sonic series, a game that Sega seems to be advertising as "hay guize we're doing it rite, now!", but I'm entirely skeptical about it because the same thing was said of Sonic 2006 and Sonic Unleashed at first.

PSU went down that road too, though for different reasons. So if there's a new PS online game... How long 'til we realize it's another mess? Or are they actually going to try after what, 5 years of screwing up in making games right?

Feb 2, 2010, 04:22 PM
i'm just going to hope for a F2P PS game. the likelihood of it happening is probably 0, but there's always a dream.

Feb 2, 2010, 04:48 PM
Generally speaking, F2P games are worse than P2P ones.

Go play a F2P for a while if you think Sega's handleing of PSU is the worst thing you've ever experienced. I'm not saying it's good, but it could be worse.

(in b4 raiden)

Professor Xavier
Feb 2, 2010, 08:38 PM
It's fun to speculate!

Feb 2, 2010, 08:55 PM
i bet the exciting new stuff is just PSP2 released outside of Japan. why make a new console game when they're trying hard to make everyone buy and play the new handheld games?

Because they actually do want to go back to consoles. Also consider that they're charging no fee to play PSP2 online, only for bonus DLC (for once, updates that aren't just unlocking stuff already on the disc). It remains to be seen just how well this will work for them financially. I certainly consider it a much better business model than trying to make players pay both a subscription fee and extra money at the cash shop a la Guardians Cash. A disgusting abomination, that.

As far as the PSO love/PSU hate, I agree that PSO was an achievement for its time, if only for the fact that it basically kick-started its own new genre--an online game built around small parties of friends (or acquaintances, whichever) rather than a persistent world, with beat'em-up style mechanics mixed with RPG advancement rather than MMO-style combat. That said, a lot of the PSU hate has absolutely nothing to do with PSU's mechanics, or even the game itself, but merely Sega's mismanagement and the fact that PS2 support severely limited advancement potential. There are legitimate gripes about PSU proper, if you're willing to remember that PSO shared half of those problems to begin with and PSU actually did bring meaningful improvements to the table.

An important thing to remember about the next online Phantasy Star, whether it's part of the PSO series, the PSU series, or some new subfranchise, is that exactly what subfranchise it's a part of means very little. The issue with PSU's drip-feed of content that's already on the disc isn't likely to happen again for the simple fact that the next online Phantasy Star will almost certainly only be for systems with hard drives--which is to say, systems that can support actual content updates. Even if Sega does manage to repeat this unholy terror, there is absolutely nothing to suggest they wouldn't be just as likely to do it to a future PSO as to a future PSU. What is important is that they don't repeat those mistakes, that they keep PSU's positive advancements (such as new special attacks and improved customization), that they leave PSU's new problems (such as item synthesis) behind, and that they bring back elements of PSO that were sadly missed in PSU (like side missions with special partners, objectives, and challenges).

tl;dr The problem with PSU wasn't that Sega deviated from the Holy PSO Formula. It was mismanagement, the support of a system that couldn't handle serious content updates, and the decision to "compensate" for this by drip-feeding content already on the disc (mismanagement, again). Whether the next online Phantasy Star is branded as a sequel to PSO, a sequel to PSU, or a new subfranchise is unlikely to have any meaningful effect on how good it is.

That said, I'm expecting the big surprise will be a new game in the Phantasy Star Online subfranchise, given the facts that 1) this is PSO's tenth anniversary and 2) the PSO brand currently seems to have a better reputation than the PSU brand, even if PSU's negative associations come primarily from Sega mismanagement rather than the game itself. Of course, for all we know, it might just be a few more PSO-themed items and costumes for JP PSU and PSP2 or Phantasy Star Online being rereleased for the Virtual Console/PSN/XBLA, but I'm seriously hoping it'll be more than that.

Feb 2, 2010, 09:18 PM
Couldn't agree more with everything up there, Allison_W. I still fail to see how PSP2 would even be released in the US.

All things considered, PSP2 is what almost everyone could be dreaming of to keep on fighting in a PS world forever. And that's exactly why it has little chances to come here! SoA isn't dumb, it likely knows the ''everyone but the Japanese'' audience is sick of being shat on - well, because ''everyone but the Japanese'' IS being shat o - so CLEARLY everything that PSP2 is, ends up being synonym with solace; it's a Promised Land for US/EU fans.

What do people do in a Promised Land? Live happy and content ever after. FINALLY able to be free from the oppressor. Sadly, the oppressor is the provider here and, because said oppressor also wants to keep on making a profit, they can't just go out and GIVE AWAY what people will want since those people will go ''THX FOR PSP2, SEE YA NEVER.'' And that isn't good for business.

O maybe they'll release PSP2. With no extras, no character import (wouldn't be surprised; only JP PSP1 had that feature) and O HAHA, no infrastructure mode.

I would laugh. SO. MUCH.

And then you see PSO/PSU history repeating with a PSX game on next gen console/PC.

SoA wins again, and shows how it can never cease to reach new lows. How predictable. Still, I hope I'm wrong on that one.

Feb 2, 2010, 09:32 PM
same here DoubleJG

Feb 2, 2010, 09:41 PM
You've got a good handle on how big a pain in the ass they can be, BWS-1, but I think you overestimate their Evil Planning Skills. I wouldn't be surprised if PSP2 came here with infrastructure mode attached (probably using the old PSU PC/PS2 servers--do remember that they didn't take wifi mode out of PS0)--then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they never brought it over here at all or they brought it over without infrastructure mode, either. Though in that case, I'd assume it was because they were lazy and/or angry about WWII again and not brilliantly devious.

On the other hand I would be surprised if the extras that constitute so much of PSP2's new content made it over here, given that it would probably be too much effort for them to try to negotiate content rights outside of Japan.

Professor Xavier
Feb 2, 2010, 09:46 PM
Considering SEGA's Rep. I would not pay to play a new Phantasy Star game unless it is something special. I would play the original PSO again only if it was free. Below is a link to the kind of gameplay I am looking for. If its a deep game as far as items and things to do I might play it longer than PSU. Im not looking to play another version of PSO. I think these kind of games need to change to improve. Nothing to my knowledge tells me SEGA is the one to do it. Dragon Nest is still in developement. Its worth looking at. It is by no means a PSO/PSU killer. Its what I am looking for!


Feb 2, 2010, 09:49 PM
I am sick of PAYING for lesser treatment than japan. The servers must be merged or a new console. One of the two or forget it PSO + whatever can BOMB!

Feb 2, 2010, 11:22 PM
Who knows, maybe we'll get an announcement at E3 2010.

Feb 3, 2010, 06:50 AM
Man, I hope its a true sequel this time. One that sega hopefully learned from their mistakes, and release the entire game with DLC being added through the hard drive this time around.

This may seem messed up, and some people may get mad but its whatever, I prefer the 360 servers to be on it's lonesome still. As a veteran of the PSO series, I've always wanted to play a PSO type game where the economy is actually free of hacks and dupes, and after playing PSU on the 360 these past 3 years, the economy is perfect. I wouldn't want to play with PC users unless sega learns their lesson and stop using crappy gameguard or whatever it is they are using.

Red Ring
Feb 3, 2010, 07:42 AM
Now I'm all waiting for this stupid surprise in anticipation of something cool. God dammit, SEGA...

Feb 3, 2010, 08:09 AM
You've got a good handle on how big a pain in the ass they can be, BWS-1, but I think you overestimate their Evil Planning Skills.

When in doubt, out of precaution, you can never go wrong with the overestimation of 2 things in life; schemes and incompetence. Ill-will and ignorance. I'm one to side with Einstein* for this one. But I see what you mean :p

When I came back from PSO ver2 to PSU, I thought history wouldn't repeat itself for me. Then again, given I couldn't help but laugh when I saw things turned out the same for the other post-PSU PSO games that came after ver2, this had already paved the way to abuse and failure for me.

My mistake was to have hoped, as I said, that maybe history wouldn't repeat itself with PSU. I dodge everything after the first blow only to come back for the last one... in a vain hope I wouldn't be taken down. With those maths, I find it hard to believe such approach by SoA isn't blatantly systematic.

*"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Feb 3, 2010, 10:51 AM
Don't get your hopes too high or get slapped in the face in disappointment...:E

Feb 3, 2010, 12:06 PM
It's prolly either PSZ2's development announcement or PSP2 being released in English with no add-ons.

That's my take, anyway.

Feb 3, 2010, 01:29 PM
Man, I hope its a true sequel this time. One that sega hopefully learned from their mistakes, and release the entire game with DLC being added through the hard drive this time around.

This may seem messed up, and some people may get mad but its whatever, I prefer the 360 servers to be on it's lonesome still. As a veteran of the PSO series, I've always wanted to play a PSO type game where the economy is actually free of hacks and dupes, and after playing PSU on the 360 these past 3 years, the economy is perfect. I wouldn't want to play with PC users unless sega learns their lesson and stop using crappy gameguard or whatever it is they are using.
You XBox360 players should stop blaming the hacks on the PC. It happened on the early months of the western PSU PC/PS2 servers, but it only became a major issue because SoA didn't do anything about it.
Look at the JP PC/PS2 servers, hacking didn't became a serious issue there, SoJ did something about it there.
Also in the past, when PSO was on the Dreamcast and the Gamecube, was it the PC fault that those were hacked?

Feb 3, 2010, 07:05 PM
I would've bought Portable 2 if it weren't for the fact that I can't read what anyone is saying in the storyline, I'd prefer being able to follow it. :cry: Along with probably being on the JP side of things if it weren't for my dad playing/paying for the 360 servers.

Though seeing SoA's performance the past years, I figure the next game will be paved with failure as much as this one currently is.

Feb 3, 2010, 11:07 PM
When I read it, "OMG NEW PS GAME??!!??!" didn't pop into my head at all. If anything it'll either be PSP2 coming stateside or a remake. I'll be pleasantly surprised if there's an announcement for something coming down the road for another PS installment, even if it's destined to be a failure.

You XBox360 players should stop blaming the hacks on the PC. It happened on the early months of the western PSU PC/PS2 servers, but it only became a major issue because SoA didn't do anything about it.
Look at the JP PC/PS2 servers, hacking didn't became a serious issue there, SoJ did something about it there.
Also in the past, when PSO was on the Dreamcast and the Gamecube, was it the PC fault that those were hacked?

These type of posters are also implying that their version of the game is clean, free from any glitching and all forms of exploits.

Which we all know isn't true.

Feb 3, 2010, 11:27 PM
Posted this in a topic about pso anniversary on psu official forums:

From the fanblog:

Shougai PSO posted a quote from Dengeki Magazine regarding an interview about PSO10th Anniversary. In it he [Satoshi Sakai, PSO Art Director, PSU Director] says, given that last year’s Phantasy Star Portable 2, is seen as the compilation of the series. The next new thing he wants to do is something incredibly challenging that is “a giant leap“, [possibly something extremely different than what we'd expect /something that upgrades the series?] however, he still wants to please the traditional fans.
Fanblog link:
Shougai link:

Also from a PSZero community event that had an interview with Sakai:

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to say to the fans?
A: Yes, we’d like to say that we appreciate all of you coming to our little event, and buy five copies! Also, we’ve got some big things planned for the 10th Anniversary of PSO, coming next year, so keep an eye out for that.


Looks like there's something big planned. :>

Red Ring
Feb 4, 2010, 12:11 AM
Posted this in a topic about pso anniversary on psu official forums:

Looks like there's something big planned. :>

I get things wrong all the time like when i posted that sega made a new console but it was really another company and i was too lazy to look into it... But I find it hard to understand why some of these people here actually think a 10th year anniversary surprise is going to be a import of a recently released japanese phantasy star game coming to america. i mean really? thats not a anniversary surprise... its clearly a new or old game being released FOR HOME CONSOLE OR PC and with considering the post directly above this its clearly a NEW game.

Feb 4, 2010, 02:18 AM
If the new game resembles PSO any more than PSP2 then i will shit on the designer's face. Seriously, let that effing relic GO already.

Okay yeah alright, it was fun. But seriously, all they've accomplished with PSP2, a farther revert to PSO would just be stupid. If its PSU, then IMO it needs to be built from the ground up. A 2010 Console PSU game running on that PSP/PS2 engine is pathetic.

In all truth, i have no clue what it could be, and im almost 90% expecting it to be not a new phantasy star game. But whatever, ill let you people in on a little secret -- never expect ANYTHING good from Sonic Team until you see the gameplay videos. They do NOT have a good track record, and NO it has gotten NO better in the last 9-10 years

Feb 4, 2010, 02:21 AM
If the new game resembles PSO any more than PSP2 then i will shit on the designer's face. Seriously, let that effing relic GO already.

Okay yeah alright, it was fun. But seriously, all they've accomplished with PSP2, a farther revert to PSO would just be stupid. If its PSU, then IMO it needs to be built from the ground up. A 2010 Console PSU game running on that PSP/PS2 engine is pathetic.

In all truth, i have no clue what it could be, and im almost 90% expecting it to be not a new phantasy star game. But whatever, ill let you people in on a little secret -- never expect ANYTHING good from Sonic Team until you see the gameplay videos. They do NOT have a good track record, and NO it has gotten NO better in the last 9-10 years

if you truly believe that it hasnt gotten any better over the past 9-10 years, you obviously weren't around for PSO when it started...or..well, actually you weren't around for PSO....

Red Ring
Feb 4, 2010, 02:41 AM
pso wasnt that great as a single player game but it had lots of cool little things that were very memorable which made the game overall worth playing just to kill the monsters different ways over and over again. PSU had more of a cheap feel to it where all the monsters were different skins rather than totally different in the way they worked. everything about the game got crappier other than the better character customization, and some of the controls.

Feb 4, 2010, 03:08 AM
pso had no reskins................... riiiiiiiight

Feb 4, 2010, 03:16 AM
That was the most disappointing thing about PSU when I first started playing in the beginning. The level design was just so blatantly lazy and boring. The music was wierd too but that just got to me. I still don't understand how PSO could have more unique enemies during a level than PSU could. Three enemies per level? lolwut D;

Hopefully the next game will show more attention to quality of variation and as some said 'a real sense of adventure'

Feb 4, 2010, 03:06 PM
You XBox360 players should stop blaming the hacks on the PC. It happened on the early months of the western PSU PC/PS2 servers, but it only became a major issue because SoA didn't do anything about it.
Look at the JP PC/PS2 servers, hacking didn't became a serious issue there, SoJ did something about it there.
Also in the past, when PSO was on the Dreamcast and the Gamecube, was it the PC fault that those were hacked?

You are completely missing my point, it doesn't matter who is at fault. What mattered is that finally, after all these years of different versions of PSO, one version of the game is finally free of hacks and dupes.

And where in the hell did the "implying the game is free of glitches" crap come from? No one said that. There is a difference between an exploit, and actual hacking. Its common knowledge that there is no hacks on the 360 version of PSU. The little bit of grinders that was duped during the grinder incident was taken care of asap. The server rollbacked, patched, abusers banned, and everyone moved on.

Feb 4, 2010, 04:05 PM
And where in the hell did the "implying the game is free of glitches" crap come from? No one said that. There is a difference between an exploit, and actual hacking. Its common knowledge that there is no hacks on the 360 version of PSU. The little bit of grinders that was duped during the grinder incident was taken care of asap. The server rollbacked, patched, abusers banned, and everyone moved on.
Any hacking that happened after the early months was taken care asap, in other words, any hacking that happened in the last 2 years. SoA just did an awful job in the beginning.
Also the JP PC/PS2 servers are hack free, or if they had any hacking incident it was solved fast, it never became a major issue there.

Feb 4, 2010, 06:07 PM
if you truly believe that it hasnt gotten any better over the past 9-10 years, you obviously weren't around for PSO when it started...or..well, actually you weren't around for PSO....

Sonic Adventure 2. It was the last reputable game they released. PSP2's success almost doesn't count since its (technically, including Zero) the 4th attempt at a PSU game.

Heroes, Sonic 2k6, Secret Rings, Black Knight, Unleashed (minus day stages), SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG? Sorry, they haven't done much.

Ill be nice and say Sonic Heroes was the best of the worst (since they actually tried on it), and Unleashed is a nice jump start (since its such a pretty game and the day stages were neat.) Other than that, Sonic Team sucks and you know it. I dont think a single company has disappointed its fanbase more times than Sonic Team.

I mean seriously, if its a brand new PS game then i dont expect it to be better than Portable 2. Why? Look at PSZ. It takes more than one try for them to get a game just right, and since Sonic Team is lazy as fuck its not going to have much replay value, espically if they have to build it from the ground up because they LOVE rushing shit out the door. (look at PSUv1.)

Feb 4, 2010, 11:34 PM
Well I have very high hopes for this next announcement! :D PSZ was great, PSP:2 was amazing, and now they announced Sonic 4, a traditional 2D sonic with Sonic only.

Lately Sega seems to have shot a lvl 255 frozen shot straight to hell and I sure hope it doesn't break free before this game is out! :D

Feb 5, 2010, 04:38 AM
Any hacking that happened after the early months was taken care asap, in other words, any hacking that happened in the last 2 years. SoA just did an awful job in the beginning.
Also the JP PC/PS2 servers are hack free, or if they had any hacking incident it was solved fast, it never became a major issue there.

Yeah, that is fine for the japanese players and sega of japan, they were on the ball for JP PSU. Sega always took great care of it's japanese players, no one is denying that. The thing is, sega of america is NOT sega of japan.

I doesn't matter if the hacking issues was taken care of right away or months later, I want to play a PSO/PSU that doesn't have hacking issues in the <b>first place</b>, you see what I'm saying? I'm sure every other PSO veteran out there, that has been playing the games since 2000 on up, can see where I'm coming from.

How many vets out there bought and played each and every PSO game, with the expectations sega is finally going to prevent all the cheating problems (ver2<gamecube ep1 and 2<xbox episode 1 and 2<blue burst), only to be let down each and every time?

Then finally, 360 PSU comes, and with that game it proves that we can finally have a PSU game that is actually legit. All I hope for sega to do now is release a sequel on 360/PS3 so I can have the same experience.

Feb 5, 2010, 10:12 AM
When in doubt, out of precaution, you can never go wrong with the overestimation of 2 things in life; schemes and incompetence. Ill-will and ignorance. I'm one to side with Einstein* for this one. But I see what you mean :p

When I came back from PSO ver2 to PSU, I thought history wouldn't repeat itself for me. Then again, given I couldn't help but laugh when I saw things turned out the same for the other post-PSU PSO games that came after ver2, this had already paved the way to abuse and failure for me.

My mistake was to have hoped, as I said, that maybe history wouldn't repeat itself with PSU. I dodge everything after the first blow only to come back for the last one... in a vain hope I wouldn't be taken down. With those maths, I find it hard to believe such approach by SoA isn't blatantly systematic.

*"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

I see only consistent stupidity and possibly stupid malice with no evidence of brilliant malice. Ironically, you give them too much credit.

It's prolly either PSZ2's development announcement or PSP2 being released in English with no add-ons.

That's my take, anyway.

Severely doubt it.

A new DS title would be a serious sidestep, since the system's storage limitations just don't give them much room to grow from the original PSZ. Now, where I could be wrong is if they're making a console/PC sequel to PSZ. That would change things.

I'm also pretty sure it isn't just the announcement of a butchered English PSP2. It seems to be relevant to the interests of JP fans as well, which a butchered English PSP2 would not.

Feb 5, 2010, 11:06 AM
Like I said, wait until E3 2010 comes around.

Red Ring
Feb 5, 2010, 12:37 PM
I see only consistent stupidity and possibly stupid malice with no evidence of brilliant malice. Ironically, you give them too much credit.

Severely doubt it.

A new DS title would be a serious sidestep, since the system's storage limitations just don't give them much room to grow from the original PSZ. Now, where I could be wrong is if they're making a console/PC sequel to PSZ. That would change things.

I'm also pretty sure it isn't just the announcement of a butchered English PSP2. It seems to be relevant to the interests of JP fans as well, which a butchered English PSP2 would not.

If you're a feminist does that mean you like women?

Feb 5, 2010, 02:07 PM
If you're a feminist does that mean you like women?

Angry and likes women! Thaz hott XD

Anyway, yeah a sequel to PSzero seems the most likely since it would be something that would benefit Japan as much if not more. Just being realisitic but that would still be pretty exciting...as long as its not on the DS; *pats DS* its ok I still love you n_n

Feb 5, 2010, 02:18 PM
The last few posts in this topic have had me chuckling quietly to myself while I eat my lunch.

Feb 5, 2010, 02:38 PM
The last few posts in this topic have had me chuckling quietly to myself while I eat my lunch.

Hay that chuckles, join the dark side already... (JP server that is).

Feb 5, 2010, 03:33 PM
Hay that chuckles, join the dark side already... (JP server that is).

No way in hell I'm skipping Absolute Zero lol

Feb 5, 2010, 06:44 PM
If you're a feminist does that mean you like women?

I guess that depends upon what meaning of "like" you're using. I mean, you wouldn't exactly be a feminist if you, say, hate women or are completely indifferent to their concerns.

Of course, that's just me being obtuse. I know what you're asking, and the answer is yes and no--your reasoning is flawed and there's no "A, therefore B" relationship, but your conclusion is accurate. There are straight feminists.

Now let's get back on topic. I'm still anticipating a new game in the online PS franchise, most likely a new entry in the PSO subfranchise, or possibly the PSZ subfranchise (which, not to spoil anything, is itself a subset of the PSO subfranchise, in a way that PSU isn't). Regardless of which subfranchise it belongs to, I'm expecting it will be a home console/PC release.

Feb 5, 2010, 07:24 PM
It will probably be a new game on the consoles.
It will not be a handheld game, that I am almost certain of.

Lets just look at it this way, its a celebration for the 10th anniversary of Phantasy star Online(not universe or what not side stories). Thus it has to be incorporated into that sub-series.
They already mentioned after PSP2 they are done with handheld games.
Phantasy Star Universe didn't bring in enough money as they hoped for a addition to the Phantasy Star series. Thus in their recent comings, they have tried to obtain more from the original Phantasy Star Online than the Universe series, this ultimately hints towards a game down that same road.

E3 2010 sounds like a great place for Sega to announce the game. I believe the game will be multi-platform, or exlusively for Nintendo Wii or Nintendo's new console. Why? Sega has a much closer connection to Nintendo, visible with recent games involving both Sega and Nintendo's alliance (Mario & Sonic @ the olympics, Super Smash Brothers Brawl etc).

I presume the only reason Phantasy Star Universe was not released for the Nintendo Gamecube is because PS2 and 360 were the highest selling game consoles, and Nintendo already had decided to end production of Gamecube games. Plus, it is much harder for Gamecube to get online than let's say Xbox 360. Nintendo Wii and PS3 had released after Phantasy Star Universe did, and Universe was in production from before. Little did Sega plan to make the games for the new consoles, or delay the release. Also, hosting another seperate server is a dangerous risk if the game didn't even have a minute success.

I think the new game will be a direct sequel or prequel to Episode 1,2 and 4. It probably will use Hard-Drive features. Add new classes, and keep to a much more Phantasy Star -like gameplay.

Just my two cents after analyzing their current situation.

Red Ring
Feb 5, 2010, 07:38 PM
It will probably be a new game on the consoles.
It will not be a handheld game, that I am almost certain of.

Lets just look at it this way, its a celebration for the 10th anniversary of Phantasy star Online(not universe or what not side stories). Thus it has to be incorporated into that sub-series.
They already mentioned after PSP2 they are done with handheld games.
Phantasy Star Universe didn't bring in enough money as they hoped for a addition to the Phantasy Star series. Thus in their recent comings, they have tried to obtain more from the original Phantasy Star Online than the Universe series, this ultimately hints towards a game down that same road.

E3 2010 sounds like a great place for Sega to announce the game. I believe the game will be multi-platform, or exlusively for Nintendo Wii or Nintendo's new console. Why? Sega has a much closer connection to Nintendo, visible with recent games involving both Sega and Nintendo's alliance (Mario & Sonic @ the olympics, Super Smash Brothers Brawl etc).

I presume the only reason Phantasy Star Universe was not released for the Nintendo Gamecube is because PS2 and 360 were the highest selling game consoles, and Nintendo already had decided to end production of Gamecube games. Plus, it is much harder for Gamecube to get online than let's say Xbox 360. Nintendo Wii and PS3 had released after Phantasy Star Universe did, and Universe was in production from before. Little did Sega plan to make the games for the new consoles, or delay the release. Also, hosting another seperate server is a dangerous risk if the game didn't even have a minute success.

I think the new game will be a direct sequel or prequel to Episode 1,2 and 4. It probably will use Hard-Drive features. Add new classes, and keep to a much more Phantasy Star -like gameplay.

Just my two cents after analyzing their current situation.
I was thinking about recompiling all the facts again because people still don't seem to get it but you pretty much summed it up well. They clearly stated that they are moving away from handhelds and are making a new PSO related home console or PC game. They hint towards this very strongly. They have it all planned out obviously. I don't think it's going to change.

Feb 5, 2010, 07:47 PM
fuck an Online phantasy star game, they need to go back to Phantasy star 4 style with next gen graphics Basically "Phantasy Star V", fuck it make a Brand New Phantasy Star Online at the same time,with next gen graphics too, And Name that Shit "Phantasy Star Small Wonder Vickie's Story Because Josh Said II"

Red Ring
Feb 5, 2010, 08:24 PM
well they did say they were going to be doing some very different things with this new game so they have a lot of room to screw it up or make you like it more than old PSO. hopefully it actually has a story and some quality to it.