View Full Version : PSZ grouping hubs

Feb 6, 2010, 11:20 AM
I've been trying to track down hubs for this game's online component. So far, I've found the IRC channel: #ps0
and Friendcodes.com (not only has forums that are regularly visited; users can open "wifi hubs" that are short-term chatrooms to group up for Nintendo WFC games)

All these places support a live environment to connect with other players. I want to know of more places and where regular PSZ players congregate. I love the online component, but it's so hard to track people down! Where are you people getting together?

Feb 6, 2010, 11:27 AM
I find people here, in the matchups forum.
Tried GameFAQs PSZ boards, but it seems most of them use cheats, so I don't bother with them anymore.

Feb 6, 2010, 12:35 PM
this is an excellent hub although not a live chat its excellent best i've found. You can checkout The Blue Rogues (http://thebluerogues.blogspot.com) we are using google chat as our live chat and will also add people as contributors to the blog if someone requests to be added. If you click on the groups Tab up top we also have started a social group here. Were new but we have start somewhere :)