View Full Version : How do you pronounce..?

Feb 12, 2010, 09:43 PM
How do you all pronounce Morgenlote/Avenlote? My friend just asked me, and it sparked curiousity as to the variety of ways in which it might be pronounced.
Personally, I say More-gin-lot (not jin) and Av-in-lot.

Feb 12, 2010, 09:46 PM
I believe it's
(Aven like a bird)-loat
At least thats what I'd guess from the word structure.

Chukie sue
Feb 12, 2010, 09:49 PM
Thats how I WOULD prenounce it, but I got used to calling it "more-gin-lenote" Because I thought it was spelled that way <_>

And as for Megid... I prenounce is Me Gid NOT Me Jid

Feb 12, 2010, 09:50 PM
Is Megid supposed to be pronounced Mejid? <_<

Feb 12, 2010, 09:50 PM
My favorite is Foie.
If its the same as it is in french, then it's Fwah.
Zonde I say as Zon-duh xD
For Megid I say Meh-Gid, though Me-Gid would be more grammatically correct. I just think my way sounds cooler Dx

Chukie sue
Feb 12, 2010, 09:51 PM
I've heard thats its supposed to be pronounced "megid" but I dont >:l

Feb 12, 2010, 09:53 PM
Lol, I say Foh-Ee. But I might start to say Fwah just for fun now. Zonde I pronounce Zawn-Dee. And Chukie, that makes me think "Me Giddy".

Chukie sue
Feb 12, 2010, 09:54 PM
Foie for me is "foy"

Zonde for me is "Zon Day"

Barta is well.. barta

grants is well.. grants

Feb 12, 2010, 09:59 PM
Yeah Barta and Grants are boring. There is like only one way to say them xD
Its funny how we all say it differently.
I just know that Foie in french is pronounced Fwah, so I"m assuming it's the same xD

Feb 12, 2010, 10:02 PM
Even though I don't say it to myself, how I say in my mind is how exactly it's spelled.
Mor-gen-lote LOL
Yas-mi-no-kov (sounds Japanese like so no changes!)

And so on and so forth...

Feb 12, 2010, 10:05 PM
Same as above for me with Grants and Barta.

Feb 12, 2010, 10:06 PM
Hmm I didn't realize how much barta and sparta sounded alike.

Feb 12, 2010, 10:10 PM
There are many different usages of the French language throughout a good amount of Phantasy Star games. Such as the Lame D'Argent <lahm-day-r-zhent> from the PSO series.

I would pronounce Moregenlote as <more-jin-loat> and Avenlote as <ah-vin-loat>.

My favorite is Foie.
If its the same as it is in french, then it's Fwah.
Zonde I say as Zon-duh xD
For Megid I say Meh-Gid, though Me-Gid would be more grammatically correct. I just think my way sounds cooler Dx

I would pronounce Foie as <fwah> as well, for Zonde <zone-day>, and Megid <mi-jidd>, since the "G" is pronounced "juh" in French.

I don't have the best of French, but I do know a good amount of the French language, especially when it comes to pronunciations.

This thread makes me want to pick up on my French again. lol

Feb 12, 2010, 10:13 PM
I knew Foie was French. Is that where most of the pronunciations come from?

Feb 12, 2010, 10:15 PM
I knew Foie was French. Is that where most of the pronunciations come from?

Yup. Sega was trying to make up their own words and most of them ended up using French pronunciations to say the words. lol

Feb 12, 2010, 10:16 PM
Maybe I should learn French. Those pronunciations sound a lot more interesting than the ones I'm currently using. Time to change.

Ice Sniper
Feb 12, 2010, 10:20 PM
I know a good amount of french, close to bilingual. I always pronounced foie "fwah" too XD

Feb 12, 2010, 10:22 PM
This was on related threads.
Silly english speakers xD Making foie a 2-3 syllable word >O

Feb 12, 2010, 11:02 PM
Well Sega showed us through PSU that megid is pronounced "meg-ehd"

I'll never forget how many times Magashi's voice actor would yell that during a story mission.

Chukie sue
Feb 12, 2010, 11:11 PM
Well Sega showed us through PSU that megid is pronounced "meg-ehd"

I'll never forget how many times Magashi's voice actor would yell that during a story mission.

Thats.... horrible.

It's like when you read a book, then the movie comes out and the voices/actors completely screw over your image of the characters.

Feb 12, 2010, 11:30 PM
Well it wasn't that bad. I was glad to finally have a confirmation as I was saying "meh-jihd" for years while my friends pronounced it the correct way.

Feb 12, 2010, 11:35 PM
Since someone posted a link from the other thread...I'll just quote!

For Ra and Gi
Gi- Just like the letter "G". OR more like uh.. kinda like jih.
Example- Jihbarta

I just pronounce it foy.

What about barta, zonde, diga and megid?

Barrt-uh (like Bart and uh)
Zon-day (like Tay Zonday!)
dig-ga (like bigga! with a d)
meg-id (like Meg ...id). (Not to be confused with ID)

Ree you ker.

Chukie sue
Feb 12, 2010, 11:43 PM
Well it wasn't that bad. I was glad to finally have a confirmation as I was saying "meh-jihd" for years while my friends pronounced it the correct way.

Yeah, not as bad as I made it sound. Just a similar kind of feeling.

Feb 13, 2010, 12:44 AM
I think Foie is supposed to be "foi" as opposed to "fwah;" I just remember the spell from Phantasy Star 2 (the first PS game I ever played, back when I was like 11 or something) and it was called "Foi" at the time.

Resta was "Res." Zonde was "Zan" and wasn't even lightning-based. And "Megid" was, uh... "Megid." :D

Feb 13, 2010, 03:46 PM
morgenlote sounds kinda german to me so, i go that route even if its a made up word. (mor gen low tuh)
avenlote=(ah fen low tuh)

in ps3(those were the days...) we had foi, zan, gra, tsu, ner, remit, shiza, deban, shifta, res, gires, forsha, but funniest of all was that the 2 casts that rolled with you used a good chunk of the techs.

Feb 15, 2010, 10:23 PM
PSZero has a lot of Germanic item names, most of them ruined by having been "spelled" out with Japanese syllables, and then restored by someone who had no idea what was originally intended. I think there's genuine need for a proper fictional material DB/service for professional entertainment translators, because while they may know their languages, they VERY often don't seem to have an equal grasp of world history, mythology and religions.

"Morgen" is German for "morning". "Aven" is German for "evening". Note sure about the "lote". German has pronunciation similar to English (it's a Germanic language after all), so what you see is what you get.

Feb 15, 2010, 10:27 PM

Feb 15, 2010, 10:33 PM
Regarding long-time Phantasy Star stuff, Japanese has three pools of written characters:
Kanji are pictographs: 火 [Hi] fire. 山 [Yama] mountain. 火山 [Kazan] volcano.
Hiragana is syllables used to write Japanese words. あいうえお [a i u e o] かきくけこ [ka ki ku ke ko]
Katakana is syllables used to write foreign or made-up words. アイウエオ [A I U E O] カキクケコ [KA KI KU KE KO]

One thing about Japanese syllables is they all have exactly ONE pronunciation, so anything written with them has only one correct pronunciation. Rules are simple:
All "A" syllables use a short A sound, as in "ahah!"
All "I" syllables use a long E sound, as in "bee"
All "U" syllables use a long U/OO sound, as in "boot"
All "E" syllables use something between a long A sound, as in "May", and a short E sound, as in "men"
All "O" syllables use a long O sound, as in "hope"
When romanized, all consonants are hard. Example: ガギグゲゴ [GA GI GU GE GO] use the G from "Grinder". ジャジ [JA JI], etc. are completely distinct.

In the Japanese versions, tech, monster, and item names are primarily written in Katakana:

Japanese [LITERAL] Pronunciation

メギド [ME GI DO] MEH-GEED (silent O to correspond with SEGA's English spelling)
フォイエ [FO I E] FOY EH (long O + long E sounds like "OY", short E at end)
ゾンデ [ZO N DE] ZON DEH (long O, short E)
バータ [BAA TA] BAR TA (use R instead of double-length A to match SEGA's English spelling)
ギ・ゾンデ [GI ZO N DE] GEE ZON DEH (hard G)

Feb 15, 2010, 10:57 PM
For Morgenlote and Avenlote... Mor-gen(like 'a-gain')-low-t and Ah-ven-low-t.

Barta -> Bar-ta
Foie -> Foy
Zonde -> Zahn-deh
Megid -> Meh-gRid (actually Meh-geed as it's actually from Megiddo, related Armageddon... I've been saying megrid for such a long time now and I won't bother fixing it...)
Grants -> Grants

Ra -> Rah
Gi -> Gee (hard 'g' like in 'given')

Feb 16, 2010, 04:01 PM
i pronouce Morgenlote with a hard G and accented E, Morg-Gen-Loh-Tey

but in contrast i pronouced Megid with a "jee" G, Mey-Jid. this is because i do the same pronunciation with Megido, Megidola, and Megidolaon