View Full Version : Need Spells, anyone willing to help me out?

Feb 13, 2010, 11:32 PM

I've been playing PSZ for quite a while now I just finished beating Eternal Tower on hard mode. However the best spell I found so far is Resta lvl 7...

I need help getting lvl 10 spells for my hunter and lvl 15 spells for my sister's force (foie, barta, zonde, resta).

We have yet to find grants, megid, shifta, and deband so if anyone is willing to give me some of those at any lvl it would be greatly appreciated.

You can get into contact with me my AIM is supakyyd. Please reply on here and let me know you added me.

Or you can suggest a better way for you to get into contact with me on here.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Feb 14, 2010, 02:35 AM
You should be able to find fairly easily tech disks for lvl 12 techs in hard mode. Since you did hard ET, then you're into SH. That means you should be able to find lvl 15 tech disks. I recommend hunting for disks in later areas, like plants or shrine. You should find the higher tech disks.

I'm surprised that you did hard ET with only having lvl 7 resta as your highest tech. I find lvl 12s in hard almost every run in just Rioh.

Feb 14, 2010, 01:24 PM
I have a Zonde, Grants, Megid, Resta, Shifta, Jellen, and Zalure (all level 15. Bad news for you, good news for your sister) that you may have.