View Full Version : Um..is this True

Mar 4, 2001, 12:16 AM
Yeah, I was on PSO today playin on Vhard Ruins. I kept noticing that I wasn't picking up ANYTHING good. Not even Dbl sabers or Photon Claws...nothing. Just DB Saber's and Varista's. So I thought maybe if I beat the game on VHard I would start gettin special weapons...nope..still nothin. So I finally got fed up and asked someone why I wasn't pickin up stuff. This was his responce:
"You have to have played for 200 hours or more, and it depends on your Guild.(ex. Viridia,Redria..etc.)"
Now...I'm not too sure if this is true, because I know some kids who have found rares and they've only clocked 110. I have a clock of 163 hours, so can someone just inform me why I get absolutely nothing offline...or online. Thanks, I'd appreciate it.

Mar 4, 2001, 12:21 AM
I know that section ID determines what rares you find. I've found that some ids totally suck for finding decent rares....(ahem)pinkal(ahem). I've also heard that the number of hours clocked affects your chances of finding rares. I don't know if that is true. I've found some fairly decent rares in my 140 hours of play.

Mar 4, 2001, 12:29 AM
I can help to dispel part of this I hope. Upon leveling my first character to Level 100, I bought a Gameshark CDX, so that I could play as a different character with out having to go back to Level 1. (Does anyone really want to do that?). Over 180+ hours and my first character couldn't find crap. I build myself a new one, level it up to 100 and head out...in the first 2 minutes along I found stuff that I had not ever come across. So...the jury's still out on the "Time Factor".

Mar 4, 2001, 12:34 AM
It's been said somewhere that having a particular section ID increases your chances of finding certain rares. I'm sure there's truth to that, but I think that it should also be added that it only slightly increases your chances - say from 1 in 50000 to 1 in 40000, just to pick arbitrary numbers. All ID's, logically, should have a chance of finding any rare item. If that's not the case, then that's an obvious problem in the programming.

Mar 4, 2001, 02:58 AM
"If that's not the case, then that's an obvious problem in the programming."

Not necessarily. PSO's focus is online cooperative gaming. It'd make sense for certain items to only be available to certain IDs, since that would encourage online interaction and trading to get the specific item you are really looking for. Unfortunately, one would also then expect some sort of reliable trading procedure programmed into the game, but, well...

Mar 4, 2001, 05:17 AM
I found a proto regen gear yesterday in hard ruins using a character with far less than 200hrs. I don't know if you consider that to be a "good" item though - I kinda liked it, but I was only level 21 at the time.

Mar 4, 2001, 07:07 AM
Well my ID is Viridia and have the weirdest. I keep saving special weapons till I get alot. Half the time now I get the stinking varista. But in the last week I'll get three or four meteor smash gun and even got three spare supressed. (Arc if ya out there thats why I said keep it)

And if you hop in a game with a different Id it helps on rares.

Mar 4, 2001, 07:27 AM
I KNOW the section ID stuff has something to do with the rare finds...

I find more good swords and armor than anything else...



Mar 4, 2001, 07:44 AM
Marlboro, are you willing to part with any of those Supressed Guns? Mine was stolen last night and I don't have any other decent weapons...

Mar 4, 2001, 02:13 PM
Nobody could be more wrong. Im Level 46 and have Dbl sided saber+20, and 2 photon claws whihc i picked up in V hard ruins (one of claws was trade). I couldnt be mroe against that "theroy"

- Ne0

Mar 4, 2001, 03:48 PM
Going off topic, pinkal is the best id for disks. Though they're not in gold letters, lv15 disks are EXTREMELY rare, especially megid/grants.

Mar 4, 2001, 04:25 PM
"I can help to dispel part of this I hope. Upon leveling my first character to Level 100, I bought a Gameshark CDX, so that I could play as a different character with out having to go back to Level 1. (Does anyone really want to do that?). "

Yes, I do, cheater, no matter HOW you did it, you cheated, can someone get me a brand with a big C on it?

Mar 4, 2001, 05:16 PM
I know section ID definitely effects what items you get... when I talk to my friends about what they find we have very different items that pop up more often.
Time might play a factor in getting good items, but I highly doubt you have to wait till past 200.
I started getting decent items around lvl 45. As soon as I turned 45 suddenly stuff just started appearing in the game. Maybe your lvl determines what items you get more than anything else.

Mar 4, 2001, 07:08 PM
Probably not. I'm level 70 and I still keep getting crap.

Mar 4, 2001, 08:31 PM
Level 15 disks are EXTREMELY rare? Cool just found one yesterday. Can't remember the name, although it started with a R.

Mar 4, 2001, 09:17 PM
Thanks guys for responding to my post, it helped me out a lot. Yesterday I was playing no Ruins VHard and I found a Spread Needle and Some God Arms...I guess I'm getting there...even though I'm lvl 81 lol. Ok, later

Mar 4, 2001, 11:12 PM
None of what I am about to say is anything more than my own personal thoughts:

It seems to me that Section ID and luck stat have a lot to do with what you find. However,, I also think that if someone with a section ID that is more likely to find certain specials starts a game, then by joining you're more likely to find those items.

Mar 5, 2001, 02:32 AM
I used to think the rare finding relied on your level, class, and such. But now, I've played almost 200 hours, and I find major crap. I am YELLOWBOZE Sec ID to let you know. The best I find are S-Beat Arms, but after you have 3 Sbeats blades, it gets old. I just want to find cool stuff...*sniff* *sniff*