View Full Version : Edel weapon questions and leveling question

Double J
Feb 19, 2010, 02:12 AM

I have a bow user, but haven't played him in awhile since I got into my Acrotecher, but I really like the look of the Edel Arrow. My acrotecher is my highest character, but not yet high enough to do the A ranked missions, if I make the bow with one character will I be able to store it in my room safe for my other character to pick up?

I haven't done any of the story missions, how long do you think it'd take me to achieve the items needed?

Also, I'm only lvl 65, where do you recommend would be the best place to try and get 10 "quick" levels?

Thank you for reading.

Feb 19, 2010, 02:19 AM
Even with 10 lvls you will not get an S on the missions needed to get the Materials. I am not trying to sound mean but to get an S-Rank on A difficulty on Road to Rykros 2 is more than just a challenge, it is downright frustrating. A lot of the S-rank is luck, and to date there are very very few people that can s-rank it. Most people I have talked to get it done with like 0-5 seconds to spare. I hope that helps. Lets just say you will have time to think about it because at your lvl you probably will not be s-ranking Road to Rykros 2 very soon. Again not to sound mean but I have maxed out stats as a PT, I was a lvl 159 and my best time was 13:42 and that was with making 0 mistakes. Even slight mistakes will not cut it. You will need to be maxed out and even then you need a little luck.

Double J
Feb 19, 2010, 02:24 AM
Hmm, that's disappointing, guessing I should just forget about it then and stick with my Acrotecher for now. Hopefully I'll have a chance to get the bow again later down the road.

Thank you for the input.

Feb 19, 2010, 08:44 AM
Getting the Edel Harp is possible with a low-level character on Road to Rykros, even with a level 1 Protranser. There is a strategy you can use that only involves killing enemies with EX traps. Here is proof:


I can typically finish that run with 14:10 on the clock.

For the Edel Elym, you'll need a decent-leveled character.

Feb 24, 2010, 06:34 PM
Agreed. I just finished both. Hello again Ryna :D. My main is lvl 170 and I barely got the Edel Elym as a lvl 20 GM with lvl 46 light shotgun bullets. It's quite the challenge. For Road to Rykros, I did what so many before me have and switched to FM to Tornado Dance through it. There are plenty other people who have already given strategies for that, however. Honestly, and not simply being a jerk, it is impossible to get without a character who's strong enough to take on A Brighter Day A. There are dozens of 170s out there with decent pallets who still can't seem to do it and have opted for weapons being released later.

Feb 24, 2010, 09:11 PM
Does anyone know what the time limit on A brighter day is?

Feb 24, 2010, 09:15 PM
11 minutes

Feb 28, 2010, 03:38 AM
keep Karen alive as well