View Full Version : PS3 + Syl = LOLNO

Feb 28, 2010, 02:22 AM
I've been going through a looooot of ordeals getting a PS3. Let me just summarize it real quick.

One of my ex girlfriends who, at the time, I was on okay terms with knew about my desire of getting a PS3 back at the start of December. So when I was going to go buy one she stopped me and ruined her surprise of saying that she had bought me one. It was used, but to me that really didn't matter. Anyways, a month goes by, I tell her I want to go pick it up a day before Christmas Eve. She says she's sick so we postpone it. I got a little doubtful at that point, but didn't think much of it. 2 days later she sends me an email at like, 2 in the morning asking when I wanted to go pick it up. I call her in the morning asking her if that day was okay. She tells me her sister accidentally broke it. Now, I don't know how a girl shorter than 4 feet can even reach the very top shelf of a tall closet and drop a PS3 from there, but whatever. I figured out she was just using that as a way of getting attention from me.

I told her to eat a bowl of dicks and that was that.

So a friend sells me his old PS3 for $75, I thought it worked but it had the YLOD. No prob, a week later I send it in to a place called PSR1. They repair whatever problem for a flat fee of $109. They say they have a really fast service, claiming a repair service of 24-48 hours and expedited return shipping. Took me 2-3 weeks to get it back.

I had no problems with the PS3 until last week, it started overheating. I got kind of scared, but it wasn't YLOD... until earlier tonight. It "overheated" (though it wasn't very hot at all) again and this time when I went to turn it on again, I got the YLOD. Not even a month after getting it back from repairs. I think I'm pretty much screwed out of the 30 day guarantee from the repair place too, meaning I'll have to send it to Sony and pay $150 since there's no warranty on it.

Now it would be somewhat okay if I didn't have to start paying a sort of high amount of rent at my place next week. Meaning on top of all the stuff I have to pay off already, I'll have basically no money til... I don't know when. There also goes the dream of getting a new PC any time soon. Bleh.

I already raged but I just needed to vent it out on a forum.

Feb 28, 2010, 02:34 AM
That really sucks. I'm sorry to hear about your PS3 woes.

It is rather unfortunate that when a PS3 overheats and YLODs once, it's certain to again. Honestly, I'd say to cut your losses, save up and just buy a fresh one. Returning it in for repairs will just result in you sending it in again.

And cock punch your friend for not telling you the system was dead in the first place.

Feb 28, 2010, 04:25 AM
Yea, punch your "friend".

Buy a new one like Zeek said. Even if you have to wait another 6 months, do it.

Just save up like $30 a month or something, when you get extra money on your payday, put the 30/month towards it.

Mar 1, 2010, 02:55 PM
You might wanna hold off on trying to get a new PS3 atm until the whole Error 8001050F (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=175732) business going on lately gets fixed... might spare you some more grief. It's all over the net, apparently. =x

Mar 1, 2010, 03:10 PM
You might wanna hold off on trying to get a new PS3 atm until the whole Error 8001050F (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=175732) business going on lately gets fixed... might spare you some more grief. It's all over the net, apparently. =x

Well, since Sony isn't Sega, it should get resolved within a week or two.

Mar 1, 2010, 03:30 PM
You might wanna hold off on trying to get a new PS3 atm until the whole Error 8001050F (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=175732) business going on lately gets fixed... might spare you some more grief. It's all over the net, apparently. =x

That only affects old fatty models. Some error in this year being a leap year.

But yeah, never buy used consoles. If it's RROD'd/YLOD'd, it's gonna happen again. Anything short of someone overhauling the ventilation system and getting a brand new processor and disc reader, basically rebuilding the console, it's gonna die again.

And kick that dude's ass for selling you a borked PS3!

Mar 1, 2010, 05:09 PM
Well, my fat PS3 was used when I bought it... haven't had any problems with it until now, of course, that wasn't my own fault. I try to take care of my stuff! ^^;

Mar 1, 2010, 06:45 PM
Revising my statement: It seems certain slim models are getting the glitch as well.

And for the record, I've found that old fat models seem to have a lifespan of 3-ish years. I've seen several personal accounts (One of which being my own PS3) where the PS3's disc reader flat out died after 3 years or so. Not YLOD. It still turned on and all, just didn't play discs. And no, the reader was fried. The whole standby menu thing didn't work in the 4 cases that I've seen.

Mar 1, 2010, 07:19 PM
Everything with moving parts has a limited lifespan before maintenance is required. It just depends on use and how well it's designed. I've probably put less than 500 hours total on my PS3 in over two years so I imagine it will be a while before it dies due to mechanical failure... I had four times that on a single PSU character.

Mar 1, 2010, 08:56 PM
Yeah, I've been hearing about the PSN issue, if it wasn't for the YLOD, it probably would have been that that could have got my PS3. Some good news in the escapade though, apparently the place that fixed my PS3 up extended their warranty coverage from 30 to 90 days. I've got to look into that tomorrow because the place was closed.

I just hope it IS covered, my Borderlands disc is stuck in the PS3 >_>;

Mar 1, 2010, 09:26 PM
Everything with moving parts has a limited lifespan before maintenance is required. It just depends on use and how well it's designed. I've probably put less than 500 hours total on my PS3 in over two years so I imagine it will be a while before it dies due to mechanical failure... I had four times that on a single PSU character.
Then there's that rumor, old wives tale with their other gadgets, specifically laptops:


All that PSYOU on the same Xbox?

Mar 1, 2010, 09:31 PM
Revising my statement: It seems certain slim models are getting the glitch as well.

And for the record, I've found that old fat models seem to have a lifespan of 3-ish years. I've seen several personal accounts (One of which being my own PS3) where the PS3's disc reader flat out died after 3 years or so. Not YLOD. It still turned on and all, just didn't play discs. And no, the reader was fried. The whole standby menu thing didn't work in the 4 cases that I've seen.

Only 3 years? :o
Well, my Playstation will be dead soon then.
If it's not already 3 years old, it's very close.
It's the fat 60gb model. :o

Mar 1, 2010, 10:57 PM
I just hope it IS covered, my Borderlands disc is stuck in the PS3 >_>;
What I thought about your predicament until this;


"Why don't you go shoot yourself an elephant?" Lolsomemore

Mar 1, 2010, 11:10 PM
Only 3 years? :o
Well, my Playstation will be dead soon then.
If it's not already 3 years old, it's very close.
It's the fat 60gb model. :o

Do I need to warn you about the fallacy of anecdotal evidence?

Mar 1, 2010, 11:16 PM
Do I need to warn you about the fallacy of anecdotal evidence?

Not really, I was being somewhat sarcastic. :p

I do think it depends on how much you use the product too.

To be honest, my Playstation should have been dead some time last year if that was the case.

Mar 2, 2010, 06:35 PM
Yeah, mines a phat 60 gig, but I'll end up replacing it sooner or later.

Anyways, an update!

Dear Customer,

My apologizes that you are experiencing a repeat defect, sometimes these issues are progressive, but the unit is still under your 90 days so please proceed with sending it back to the service center. Please be advised that because the unit is failing again it will be treated as a priority which does not mean expedited time, but rather it will add a few days onto the repair process due to intensive testing and further diagnostics necessary at this time. PSR apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused and we look forward to correcting the issue as quickly as possible. PSR appreciates your time and understanding in this matter.

Sounds like such a Sega-ish reply for some reason :wacko: I'm sending it in this weekend, I'm not really in much of a rush. It does mean I have to cancel my FFXIII preorder, no point in it lol.

I just have to find an official FedEx shipping facility so I can exploit my 70% discount.

Mar 2, 2010, 10:24 PM
Yeah, mines a phat 60 gig, but I'll end up replacing it sooner or later.

Anyways, an update!

Sounds like such a Sega-ish reply for some reason :wacko: I'm sending it in this weekend, I'm not really in much of a rush. It does mean I have to cancel my FFXIII preorder, no point in it lol.

I just have to find an official FedEx shipping facility so I can exploit my 70% discount.

I wouldn't cancel any game pre-orders.

Every time I've heard of people sending it in, it takes less than a week or two to fix it.
Even if it does take longer, it's not like you wont be getting any PS3 back, so get the game and just wait.
I know, that sucks but hey, you'll have it!

Mar 2, 2010, 11:58 PM
Everything with moving parts has a limited lifespan before maintenance is required. It just depends on use and how well it's designed. I've probably put less than 500 hours total on my PS3 in over two years so I imagine it will be a while before it dies due to mechanical failure... I had four times that on a single PSU character.

True, true. I'll be more specific. In my case, I put roughly 5-8 hours a day into my PS3. I can't say much for my friends who had similar issues, but they played quite often too. And of course, I had my PS3 in a well ventilated area, so that was not the issue.