View Full Version : Cardio workouts?

Mar 1, 2010, 02:49 AM
I'm getting back into shape again (curse you 4 year uni for causing me to balloon in weight!) but anyway, I'm wanting to mix up my exercise routine.

Right now I'm lifting weights every other day, and am walking daily, either on a walking track or on a treadmill. I know that if my body gets into a routine, it won't burn calories as well as it did before.

So basically, what other things can I do besides walking laps and treadmill work? Jogging is an option, but I want to thin down first before I start running again like I was before years ago (7 miles daily!)

Mar 1, 2010, 03:36 AM

Mar 1, 2010, 04:07 AM

You're good for not trying to run right away, it'll hurt sooo bad.
If you jog on a treadmill about 5 miles(if that's too much, start off with less), (walk occasionally) I find that it helps prepare your body faster.
So you can still be a big person, and run.
When I shot up in weight, I just started jogging, with a small incline on the treadmill.
Worked my way up to a higher incline, and running.

Running isn't the only way though!
Swimming can be fun, and if you have a YMCA around your area, even if you live in a cold area, you can swim anytime they're open.

Try riding a bike too. It's an alternative to running, but I find it doesn't help as much with the weight, but it strengthens your legs, which could help with the running.

Also, try to get a friend or two to join you.
For me, it's a lot more fun and exciting "competing" with your friends, as long as you don't over do it.
I have a friend that runs with me(whenever we go, which it's been a while..), and we see who can finish their laps faster. Remember not to try too hard at first though.

Anyway, good luck, and HAVE FUN!

Mar 1, 2010, 04:56 AM
Oh yah forgot about swimming lol. Got burnt out from that and will do it again sometime soon :D

Mar 1, 2010, 08:39 AM
If you've got access to a stairwell that goes up at least four floors, running stairs is another option.