View Full Version : College in Japan

Mar 9, 2010, 03:15 AM
Is anyone here interested in studying at a Japanese college?

I`ve been studying for a year in Sendai for the entrance exams. The ironic part is you need to go to a Japanese school to get into a Japanese school in the first place because the exams are actually above the level of the classes you will be taking. On top of that the actual classes aren`t even that difficult and you`d be much better off studying in AMerica and going over for exchange if your school has one.

I was thinking about making a website called nibeistudy.com (i bought the domain name and made an outline) which would basically be a database for programs and institutions for studying abroad. But after going through the process I`ve found that there`s really no point and people only view me as a tool for learning english. So does anyone have any great desire to go studying in Japan even if I were to tell that you`d be much better off not?

Mar 9, 2010, 07:54 AM
I'd like to learn Japanese if that's one of the things your asking, but I'd never have the time to actually do something like that. My life revolves around Work, sleep, video games, and bills. Thankfully, I just broke up with my girl so that gives me more time to sleep. Lol, messed up huh x)

Mar 9, 2010, 10:37 AM
Studying Japanese is also the largest regret i have. Pretty much Japanese is just ripped off chinese characters combined with katakana english. The only time i think it would ever come in handy ever if you played JP server PSU.

Mar 9, 2010, 01:05 PM
I tried to self learn Japanese last year. I got quite far reading through one of those 'learn japanese books'. I was just reading it to and from College everyday, but then I started to cycle and so all the effort went to waste for now.

I would love to one day go over to Japan, maybe even settle there if its good, just love the whole history, culture and scenery. If there was a way I could get a job over there and advance on my education, then I think I'd jump at the chance, be excellent life experience and character building.

Mar 9, 2010, 02:08 PM
Go to school there? Not really. Teach English there? I'm definitely considering doing that. The only thing I would try to get there would be further study of Japanese. I'm more interested in linguistics at the moment and am already studying Japanese and Russian at university. If I could get real world study through being there that would be even better.

Mar 9, 2010, 07:37 PM
If you want to study Japanese in Japan there are several Japanese programs at Universities which are more than accommodating for foreign students. For going to a Japanese grad school the requirements are pretty simple a diploma and JPLT level 2. Generally if you email teachers and apply from abroad you can make things happen. A loop hole to that, is you can apply as a post-grad research student. That will get your foot in the door, and then most of the time research students are asked to become full time students. I`ve met a handful of people at different universities who couldn`t speak any Japanese at all get into some of the top universities in Japan that way.

And LionHeart, the only effective way I`ve found to study Japanese is rote practice. I copied over each vocabulary word in my textbooks in kanji fifty times from "Yokoso" 1&2.

Mar 10, 2010, 02:50 AM
The only time i think it would ever come in handy ever if you played JP server PSU.
Bad game is still bad even with more game items/events.

More like come in handy to play Mother 3 for hilarity in its natural language?

And Zombies Vs Ambulance power up correctly.

Nope I dont like to study in japan . but when it comes to their technology it's way to cool...
America trying to get their own high speed trains, bye bye Amtrak finally, stay tuned to see if it even happens, and if it does, works right!

Mar 10, 2010, 05:14 PM
The funny thing about Japan right now is that everyone has an iPhone. I think it`s hilarious that the country known for cell phone use is losing to the united states. The thing about Japan innovation, is they don`t make new things, they simply make things smaller and more efficient. With the economy down in the US it seems like most companies are getting the idea that they need to make better performance with less and Japan is pretty much loosing their niche.

The other problem is in Japan the good schools that would be worth going and studying at are the famous schools. Which generally have a rod shoved so far up their ass it messes up their thinking process. They are way too exclusive and only let one or two exchange students in (if any), and you`d get a better education at a normal tech school in the states anyways.