View Full Version : Lets play! reliving memories and showing others

Mar 12, 2010, 10:39 AM
So if your not aware of such a thing as Let's Plays here's a little snapshot




So it's people playing games and having commentary that ranges from insightful and informative to downright ridiculous and absurdly comical

I was suggesting maybe i do one of Phantasy star online 1 and 2 to relive some old memories for me and those watching
i would be starting from level 1, and i want this to also be an opportunity for those that have only played PSU up to go through what we went through and join in with our in jokes of 'where to?' .... 'FOREST 1!!!!!!' etc. etc. of course since there are loads of hours spent in this game grinding and the recycling of stages for different difficulties i can see how this could easily get boring however i do have some ideas

showing the first run of the area (Forest 1 and 2, Cave 1,2 and 3) and the run where i actually take down the boss
feedback on this idea please?

also possibly doing every run with a theme i.e. talkin' ta awl ya lil' doggies like i'm a rootin tootin cowboi from the west. or taking a shot of vodka every time i get hit,
stuff eqyally if not more zany suggest anymore if you think of them?

also have guest in (read you guys) for commentary and general mayhem since multiplayer is always so much more fun :D

i also want to recreate how I felt whilst playing the game for example the first time finding the agito like 'ZOMGZ! this is THE best weapon ever! IT's a samurai sword! and and it's completely different combo! and and its ARGHAGHG!!!:-o:-o '

These are just my initial ideas so far and i am no where near getting this off the ground at the moment, soi could do with feedback with how good an idea this is and any help at all with setting up recording stuff equipment computer
knowledge people for commentary etrc. etc.

thanks guys

Mar 13, 2010, 07:58 PM
HELL yah. this thing DESERVES a LET'S PLAY series

Mar 13, 2010, 08:26 PM
i also see there's a topic of introducing PSU players to PSO well i see this as the perfect medium i was actually surprsied this hasn't been mentioned before (correct me if I'm wrong)

Mar 13, 2010, 09:02 PM
I have on in progress actually. It's not very interesting and it's only version 2. Plus, PSOW won't take the script to embed a playlist so you'll have to follow the link.


Mar 14, 2010, 02:31 PM
well feel fee to use some of my suggestions in the OP and thats why i made this topic to get input from all of you lovely people on how we can keep it entertaining and watchable so it doesn just turn into 300 hours of killing the same enemies over and over i'll have a look see at your vids too =D

Mar 18, 2010, 12:34 PM
seems like someone already beat you too the Let's Play PSO. go to youtube, search for it as Lets play Phantasy Star Online and BLAMO there it is. support that one.