View Full Version : Guide Subtle Gameplay Tricks

Mar 12, 2010, 03:32 PM
Hey everyone! I'm just going to list the stuff that I found out by either experimenting myself or found by word of mouth. I'm taking this off from FON's website, where I'm practically doing the same thing there. So yeah. Go ahead and add some things if you found out something else. I'll add it to my list and add who found it under the "Requirements" area if I find it worth mentioning. Because it states "Found By" doesn't mean that it was the first recorded information on the site. It just means that I found it from this person first. Anyway, yadda yadda. If you're still reading this, hello, how are you? :D

(?) = Still investigating


PA Scapegoat
Requirements: Non-stationary PAs

There's something funny about rolling or using mobile PA like Huge Cross, Spear Ride, or Mine Sneak. The tendency of non-boss hostiles (with exception of Heavenly Mother's Grants) is that they focus their attack on the place where the roll or PA was used. Yes, that means if you're using Mine Sneak and work past a hostile, they'll run by you and attack where you initialized it and get blown up. If you're curious about this, use mine sneak and get blown up by a freeze trap at the peak of the crawl. The result is that they will attack where you initialized the PA. Note that this also works with the roll. Try it out!


PA Enhancements
Requirements: Weapons with PAs

PAs usually have a higher flinch rate than the heavy attack from the weapon. However, PAs with a status effect (like Thriller Combo or Magical Sign) are prolonged in comparison to the usual status effect from a standard element attack.


Handgun & Mechgun Charge
Requirements: Handgun or Mechgun, technique or PA

With Handguns and Mechguns, you can keep your techs or PAs charged while strafe shooting. Yes, while you're moving and attacking, you can charge your techs and PAs and keep them fully charged until unleashed or do a regular shot. The way you do this is hold down any chargable tech or the heavy attack and use your normal attack while strafing (while holding "L" and moving around). You should notice that your charge should go normal like any other and stay charged. If you time it right, you can also combo from your strafe shot into your charged tech/PA. Simply release the d-pad and then release your charged attack. This should work any time, like when you're still shooting. The sacrifice is a prolonged standing frame.


Requirements: Any PA that has an AOE effect

While using my wand with my FOmarl, I noticed something rather funny about the Magical Sign PA. When locked on the enemy, it's not the fact that you start skipping off the stairs. The AOE (Area Of Effect) location does not move one bit although you may be locked onto the enemy. So, if I were to give suggestions on how to use this PA, do NOT lock onto the enemy, considering it's useless and you're just going to be running toward the enemy. This is kinda also the case for the rifle's Mine Sneak PA. With any weapon with such an effect, I shall repeat: do NOT lock onto the enemy when you're using it!


Useless Flashy Bangs
Requirements: Mechgun w/ PA (Spinning Death preferred)

Here's another fun fact about PAs. This one is practically useless but it's pretty fun to know. Mechgun PA bullets fling all over the place when you use it to transition out of the area. You won't see it personally but everyone who's standing near you before you transition will notice it. It's pretty funny, especially with Spinning Death. All the shots fire in all directions from where you disappear in one instance but do not connect to any targets whatsoever. Fun fun fun!


Frozen Thriller Combo Effect
Requirements: Handgun w/ Thriller Combo

Oh, here's another fun fact regarding handguns, but this is a good fact. When using Thriller Combo and then frozen while you're using it, you'll freeze in place but the paralyzing AOE effect of the attack will still take place, even though you're frozen. When you get out, you'll do all the other hits afterwards. By this fact, I hereby declare that Thriller Combo hits 4 times.


Frozen PA Effect
Requirements: Weapons w/ AOE PAs

Do note that Frozen Thriller Combo Effect also happens with several other PAs where the attack will still happen while you're frozen. These usually happen with a set-location AOE like the Magical Sign PA. One instance of this odd happening is the rifle's Mine Sneak PA, where everything will just get hit for some wierd reason. Once you go, there will be explosions, but alas, no damage. Just funny enemies attacking where you initialized it.


Chain Blasting
Requirements: Consistent accuracy

You know about odd caption that states stuff like "6 CHAIN" or "46 CHAIN", right? The number directly influences the the charged techs or PAs. Yes, this is one way to make one weak charged tech or PA into your strongest attack. For instance, when I'm using my Tartaros Cannon and using Divine Ray without a combo chain, I should take away 246 from a Stagg. If I use Divine Ray onto Stagg hit by a 5 chain, the damage increases to 332. When I used Divine Ray onto a Stagg hit by a 15, I inflicted 497. See what I'm saying? The way you can tell if you hit an enemy with a combo chain, instead of the usual orange-red hit sprite, you'll see a blue hit sprite. It's only a few frames to see but you can't miss it.

What's also good about this trick is that it does not stay on only one target. For instance, if I used Hollow Snipe on an enemy and killed the enemy with the first barrage of hits, the second and third barrages still inflict the same combo chain number on the others unless if another enemy has a higher combo chain number. If you use Divine Ray on a batch of enemies and one of the enemies has a combo chain number, everything will be inflicted by that number. In this case, having a high ATA would benefit others in this fashion.

Here's the catch about the trick, if someone hits the enemy with a charged tech or PA, the chain number returns to zero and you have to work up to the number again. Do note that I'm saying CHARGED tech. A regular tech will not be affected by the combo chains. Also, the caption stating the chain number will have to stay up when you connect with a charged tech or PA. If it goes away before your charged tech or PA connects, tough luck. Try again later.

The higher the chain count, the shorter the standing duration for a charged tech or PA to connect. That means you'll have to get it down quickly or have an accurate teammate on your case and help you out.

*NOTE: This does not apply to PBs.

[Update @ 5/3/2010]
This trick also applies to Act Trick. Technically, it's a PA. Also, I'll officially put down that this applies to any chargable attacks.

[Update @ 5/12/2010]
When doing Handgun & Mechgun Charge, you can turn your strafe shots into a part of the Chain Blasting effect. What you have to do is have the charged attack and your normal attack in the same palette. Charge your PA/tech while strafing. Once you unleash a strafe shot, unleash your charged PA/tech. The strafe shot should have Chain Blasting capability.


Alternating Chain Hits
Requirements: Double Saber, Mechgun, Dagger, Slicer, or Claw

there are some fun things that you could take notice of. One of those is that a combo chain number can increase to a 5 chain in one melee combo when you mimic the attack scheme of another person. Try this out with Reve and have a double saber out. If you mimic him just right, you should notice the chain number go up rapidly and immediately to 5.

To summarize what I've said, if you alternate the hits of the third part of the standard combo, you should notice the combo number increasing. If you end up hitting the target one after another, the number won't increase as long as no one chooses to hit the enemy with their own hits of the third part of the combo. Weapons with this funny capability are: Double Saber, Dagger, Claw, Mechgun, and Slicer.

How slicer? It's kind of a glitch on the weapon attack scheme. As the slicer is flying through the air, you can still melee attack an enemy beside you or practically inside you. Yes, this means you can't punch at an enemy when they're in front of you. You'll just have to flap your arms at them and hope it connects. Trust me, this is a glitch you're better off not mastering because it's just... well... weird.


Counter Argument For Gunblade Infinite
Requirements: Gunblade

When you go swing-swing-shoot, you look straight ahead, right? When you go swing-turn&swing-shoot, you turn straight back to the direction where the first swing was directed. Does this change a lot for those who love to abuse the infinite combo with the gunblade? In other words, while you're doing your infinite combo on a target that's straying away from your linear path, you'll just have to stop and work your way in the other direction. Does this make the gunblade infinite combo crap? Yes indeed. Not only that, the swing-swing-shot combo does not contribute to the combo chains whatsoever. This should only be used for shitty lonesome players who like to brag that they mastered a damn glitch whereas all the other players do their own thing. Just know I don't look down upon people who use the swing-swing-shot combo. The infinite combo, I just love to see people do epic fails with it. Haha!


Combo Recovery
Requirements: Weapon

With all weapons, you can cancel recoil attack animations by rolling. You should notice that some of the animation time to head back into standing position time is reduced. If you want to see something very evident in this manner, you should try daggers 2nd and 3rd part of combo, saber's 3rd part, claw's 2nd and 3rd part, mechguns, and double saber's 2nd part. You should notice with some that you could roll immediately after the hit or last hit is made of the dagger combo.

*NOTE: Most are less apparent than others.


Multiple-Hitting Lasers
Requirements: Laser Cannon

Believe it or not, the Laser Cannon could hit one target at least two times per shot. Yeah, that's right. TWO!!! It's more of a chance thing than anything else. Basically, if you connect with a moving target that's running away, you can hit them twice. However, there are occasions against the Reyburn when you can hit the poor dragon's head four times when it roars to shake its head. Basically, the situation of this finding is that the tip hits the target, target moves out of the shot and back into it to get hit again. OR the other situation: The enemy runs within the shot and stays inside it for approximately 1.1 seconds. With exception of the Reyburn, you can hit every fast target twice.


Incapacitation Counting
Requirements: Teammates

Whenever one of your NPCs die, it adds to your incapacitation count. Now you know why the count is so high when you've only died a total of 0 times within the last week.

I've yet to confirm if this applies to online teammates as well.

[edit @ 4/22/2010]
Confirmed that online teammate deaths rack up the numbers.


Gun Misfires
Requirements: Guns (not gunblade swing)

Believe it or not, a poison status has a subtle effect that can have the shooter refrain from shooting. Basically, to have this happen, shoot just before you take poison damage. You should notice nothing coming out of your gun as your character does his/her shooting animation for that part of the combo.

*NOTE: Techs and PAs are not affected by this.

[Edit @ 5/15/2010]

Whenever you take any kind of hit and you don't flinch, the animation will happen but no bullets will launch.


Wall Stalling
Requirements: Mobile AOE PAs

When using a PA like Mine Sneak or Magical Sign, the AOE is left in one place, right? However, when you run into a wall, that bump marks as your new "initial point". In other words, when you use Mine Sneak and bump a wall when crawling, where you bump will be where the collision boxes will be happening.

After taking all this in, you know what this means, right? When you bump a wall when using techs, your initial point will be moved to where you bumped the wall. Yes, that means the enemies' targetting reticule will go right back onto you. Therefore, when you're using such PAs, be aware of the walls.

I shall name this odd thing! It's called "Wall Stalling" because you basically stall when you bump the wall. Use Mine Sneak with your back against the wall. Yes, you'll basically stall because, technically, you bumped the wall.


Menu Recovery
Requirements: Items, traps

Y'know those moments when you're accessing your inventory and you get knocked down? Believe it or not, you can immediately recover from your knocked-down state by changing your weapon. You should notice your char immediately standing in a neutral standing position immediately after.

Believe it or not, you can still access your menu when you're frozen. Before you get frozen, press start to call up your menu. You should notice yourself still able to use everything and switch weapons while you're frozen. You should notice that you could use a Sol Atomizer while you're frozen. This trick is useful against Humilias.


Revenge Phantom Slash
Requirements: Melee weapon, non-friendly targeting basic tech [confirmed with Jellen, Zalure, and Zonde]

Basically, when you are knocked down before you're able to connect with your melee attack, use Jellen immediately when you get up. You should notice that while your target is taking one of the hits of your combo while the enemy is powered down. Try this out with the other two and you should find the same result, although it can be a little tricky to notice with Zonde due to clashing damage numbers. However, the damage is there. You can also do this with the other techs but you have to be at point-blank range to connect.

[edit @ 4/22/2010]
Works with any tech as long as the enemy has a target reticule on it. This only works on the main target, not subtargets.


Revenge Shot
Requirements: Gun (not gunblade), any basic tech

Basically the same idea as Revenge Phantom Slash but use a gun and any tech. This one is far more apparent.


Successful Canyon/Wall Shots
Requirements: Gun w/ ranged PA

Getting tired of having enemy targets guard your attacks when shooting over a canyon or wall? Never fear! Just use your PA. You should notice that there won't be any guarding from the enemy. However, you can still miss. Watch out for that. The most effective PAs for this are Quick Draw, Hollow Snipe, Wipeout, Spinning Death, Sector Line, Divine Ray, Bio-Panic, and Crazy-On. The PA list is not in order of which is best, though Hollow Snipe and Divine Ray produce the best results.


How to Use Mine Sneak for Dummies
Requirements: Rifle with Mine Sneak PA
Recommended add by: John Wolf

No, I'm not calling those who don't know how to use Mine Sneak properly a dummy but I'm getting goddamn tired of people bashing on this PA. So, I'll add my own input on here. If you've noticed, there's a whole lot of tricks that can also be used by Mine Sneak. It's set AOE, which means it won't move from its location unless you wall stall. This AOE has a radius from where you initiated it to just barely behind you when the first explosion goes off. Locking onto your target when using this PA will have your target pushed out of the radius and thus have the opponent unscathed. The only way you can hit an opponent outside the radius is if you wall stall (look at the section called Wall Stalling for details). Of course, the lazy way is to just turn tail in front of the enemy and use it to get away. However, I've seen people do this and accidentally wall stall and die because of this lazy way. I prefer to use the PA to hike right by the opponent. Look at the section called PA Scapegoat for details.


Auto Guard
Requrements: Shield
Found by: The_Pup

(Copied & Pasted from page 3 @ 9:25PM PST 5/02/2010)
Equip a shield. Face general direction of enemy. Hold L and press Start. Character should automatically face enemy while guarding, though normal standing pose is in effect.

Only uses I can think of are for those who are too lazy to hold down L, ability to safely use items in the middle of battle or to allow players to regenerate HP (less so with PP) while going to the bathroom in the middle of a fight.

(My input)
This actually applies because the lock-on function of the L button is still active without the chase camera function. You should notice your char spinning in the direction of the target until it goes into a state where you can't lock onto it [such as a Rohjade's bounce property]. While you're in the menu, you can access your items, switch items, toss items, etc.


Manual PA Rotation
Requirements: Weapons with PAs (There are some exceptions)
Confirmed Find by: Broken_L_Button

(Copied & Pasted from page 4 at 3:03PM PST 5/04/2010)
The main thing about it is the fact that, when you're not locked onto a target while executing a PA, you can "move" the PA's AOE or your character around, making the PA produce different results. For example, if you "move" around while executing Million Rave (pressing left or right on the control pad will make your character rotate while slashing), you can extend your range to enemies to either the left or right side instead of being restricted to striking stuff in front of you (nearly a 200+ degree range instead of a 120 degree one), which is useful when mobs sneak behind you. Another example of this can be seen with Mine Sneak and Sonic Raid; you can adjust to PA's movement to curve towards the left or right, adjusting your position after the whole movement to take full advantage of the PA scapegoat effect.

For stationary PAs like Divine Ray, Hollow snipe and OE, you can fine-tune your aim by rotating your char during the animation (with this, you can make OE strike mobs the are creeping to your side...or, if you're fast enough, you might be able to turn around completely and strike enemies behind you). Anyways, I'm not sure how useful this is, since I'm sure everyone knows it/doesn't bother to use it...

(My input)
With certain PAs, you can have the camera chase directly behind the character by pressing and holding L when the PA is initiated. This is confirmed with Hollow Snipe and Divine Ray. With all others, doing it sometime in between will have the camera fall stationary again, having you have to continuously press L to have it move behind the char. If you press the L button too early in a locked-on function, you should notice that you'll chase the enemy or simply unable to manually rotate left and right.

Also, although you can rotate, location AOE PAs will not rotate accordingly and stay where it was used initially. Check out Set AOE PA.


Bullets That Bend Rules
Requirements: Gunblade with Bullet Dance
Found By: Broken_L_Button

(Copied & Pasted @ 1:03PM PST 5/5/2010)
You all know that to the list of usual elements (fire, ice, lightning, light and darkness), PSZ adds 2 more, which are relative to gun shots and blade attacks (or Ranged and Melee elements, if you prefer), giving monsters a certain resistance value to each.

Thanks to those elements, using bullets on the enemies present in most areas (except Ozette Wetlands, Rioh Snowfield and Makara Ruins, where the enemies are ridiculously weak to Ranged attacks) was highly unadvised. But, there's one type of bullet that disregards that rule: those fired during the Bullet Dance PA. Instead of being tied to the "Ranged" element, these bullets are, surprisingly, doing "Melee" damage to foes.

You can try it yourself; use Bullet Dance on enemies in Gurachia Valley and you'll see that you're doing slightly more damage than a normal Gunblade swing (thanks to the 125% ATP modifier), while, if you use the same PA on enemies from Rioh Snowfield, your damage output will be significantly lower than that of bullets fired normally from a gun of the same ATP value.


Shots That Bend Rules
Requirements: Laser Cannon

Okay, I've noticed that there are certain angles and distances that has a Laser Cannon being unable to be guarded with the normal and heavy shots. I'm currently looking into this.


2-Elements Theory
Requirements: Multiplayer function and PA with an elemental infliction (such as Thriller Combo)
Flaws: Weapon element and PA element are the same (?)

This one's hard to prove because the game only shows what should be there. However, there are subtle things that you have to keep in mind. There's the primary element that's attached to your weapon or tech. That you should know. The secondary element is the element that's inflicted by your PA.

The primary element is the universal element. It shows on all DS games being played. This overrides the secondary element if the primary takes place.

The secondary element is the part that is harder to prove. It would help if you have two DSs in view. When doing Thriller Combo, you should notice a stun effect on the enemy. Right... On the other DS that did not use Thriller Combo, you should notice nothing.

If a primary element was inflicted before to the secondary element, only the primary element will show on all other DSs. If the primary element was inflicted after the infliction of the seconary element, this will override the secondary element and display the primary element.

Keeping the relationship of primary and secondary elements in check, if the primary element was a slow element and the secondary element is a burn, would the infliction happen? Universally yes but no in display. The DS that inflicted the burn via secondary element will show the damage no problem. On all other DS, it is non-existant. Now, if the primary element was a burn and the secondary element was a slow, the DS that inflicted the slow would not see the burn damage but all others will. The damage is there and it is being inflicted but not everyone will notice it.

Now, keeping this in mind, if the primary was a dark and the secondary was a burn, the poison damage will stay with the other players and the secondary will show the burn. Can this work on multiple DSs? Yes it can but it is kind of hard to have multiple people doing it. Somewhere in there, someone might end up overriding the secondary elements of other people with an unintentional primary. So, people with your Celeb elements, stay with it while us people who like using the other elements do our own way to kill a boosted Phobos Dyna!


List of elements used by monsters:
-Blaze Helion: Burn (Adapts Heavenly in SH)
-Garahadan: Dark
-Garapython: Stun
-Ghowl: Burn
-Reyburn: Burn & Slow

-Hildegao/ghana/gigas: Ice
-Stagg: Ice

-Hypao: Stun
-Octo Diablo: Dark & Slow
-Pomarr: Stun
-Porel: Dark
-Vespao: Stun

-Mobius: Slow
-Froutang/Frunaked: Slow & Light
-Ishirak-S6/Asherowa-B2: Light

Batt: Stun (might be mixed with Bullbatt)
Bullbatt: Light (might be mixed with Batt)

Arkzein/Arkzein R: Burn
Finjer B: Ice
Finjer G: Stun
Finjer R: Burn
Humilias: Slow, Ice, & Light
Korse/Akorse: Light

Derreo/Zerreo: Burn (switches to Dark in SH)
Phobos/Zaphobos (Dyna): Dark


Things I frown upon:
-Gunblade Infinite (swing-swing-shot is okay)
-Handgun/Mechgun Rapidfire (when doing it to pass the time is okay)
-Unlegit Unlimited _____ (fill in the blank, will ya?)
-People bashing about how one class is far superior or how one sucks.
-People who join a group and don't contribute to the group in field.
-People who like to show pornography on shortcuts. -glares at everyone with the Tifa thing-
-People bashing on all the elements except Celeb. Why not try a Light element on an Ishirak and see what happens?


Things currently being looked into:

Chain Blasting w/ Assist Tech

Basically, do Chain Blasting with a charged support tech. What'll be the result? Hmm...

Mar 12, 2010, 03:50 PM
nice guide!

Mar 12, 2010, 04:24 PM
Anyone's welcome to add some more things :3

@Mumblypeg: Thanks ^_^

Mar 12, 2010, 06:37 PM
I see you decided to bring this information over to PSO-World, Arc. That's great. I have found some of this information useful in the past.

Mar 15, 2010, 07:33 PM
Update @ 3/15/2010:
-Gave names to the listing
-Made an edit under Gun Misfires

Mar 15, 2010, 07:49 PM
Frozen Thriller Combo Effect
Requirements: Handgun w/ Thriller Combo

Oh, here's another fun fact regarding handguns, but this is a good fact. When using Thriller Combo and then frozen while you're using it, you'll freeze in place but the paralyzing AOE effect of the attack will still take place, even though you're frozen. When you get out, you'll do all the other hits afterwards. By this fact, I hereby declare that Thriller Combo hits 4 times.

this also works on Magical Sign , cuz it happened to me yesterday

edit nvm if i read more down i would have seen u got that down

Mar 27, 2010, 03:59 PM
Update @ 3/27/2010:
-Added Revenge Phantom Slash/Shot
-Confirmed trap use in Menu Recovery

Apr 22, 2010, 03:05 PM
Update @ 4/22/2010:
-Updated Revenge Phantom Slash
-Updated Incapacitation Counting
-Added Successful Canyon/Wall Shots

Apr 22, 2010, 04:44 PM
Woot very good stuff here :) thanks for sharing Archan hope I see ya friday at Fontime I will be working and try to get on to support Topps.

Apr 22, 2010, 05:22 PM
you need to add Mine Sneak, the proper way. basicly, it's how you use Mine Sneak,. you run up to enemy(s), turn around while not ontop or in the middle of enemy(s), then release the PA and it'll do it's thing. it's annoying when people say it's crap when they just don't know how to use it.

Apr 22, 2010, 06:38 PM
you need to add Mine Sneak, the proper way. basicly, it's how you use Mine Sneak,. you run up to enemy(s), turn around while not ontop or in the middle of enemy(s), then release the PA and it'll do it's thing. it's annoying when people say it's crap when they just don't know how to use it.

Here's your thread on Mine Sneak, John: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176123

Apr 23, 2010, 12:54 PM
you need to add Mine Sneak, the proper way. basicly, it's how you use Mine Sneak,. you run up to enemy(s), turn around while not ontop or in the middle of enemy(s), then release the PA and it'll do it's thing. it's annoying when people say it's crap when they just don't know how to use it.

Actually... Hmm... Yeah, I'll post something on that.

Apr 23, 2010, 01:02 PM
Actually... Hmm... Yeah, I'll post something on that.

http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=176123 i knda made a thread about it already but it kept getting pushed down. i should have stickied it as a guide. i find your little tibits of info helpful.

Apr 23, 2010, 01:06 PM
Update @ 4/23/2010:
-Added How to Use Mine Sneak for Dummies
-Grammar fix on Wall Stalling
-Considering to add a weapon list of compatible tricks
-Added list of things I truly frown upon

Apr 23, 2010, 04:25 PM
*looks at things you frown upon* How about those who think Overend is bad because it's overrated? The last time I checked, overrated=/=bad.

Apr 23, 2010, 09:01 PM
you seem smart what type of DSi should i get....
My family wants me to get a DSi XL...... IS that a good DS to get?

Apr 24, 2010, 11:50 PM
you seem smart what type of DSi should i get....
My family wants me to get a DSi XL...... IS that a good DS to get?

Well, the graphics for PSZ looks better on DSi XL. There was some discussion about it earlier in the forums about the effects of DSi XL on PSZ. Try looking for it. It should be floating around somewhere. Also... well... you just made an off-topic question. No offense ^^;

@Rashidi: Let's see here... Over End is a really good anti-STATIONARY PA. If the opponent moves around a whole lot, that PA is BS. Overrated? Probably the most useful because of its high accuracy and power boost and its ability to flinch any enemy in a flinchable state. I'm not sure if that contributes to why it's considered to be overrated but, if you consider Over End overrated, might as well call Mine Sneak, Flame Hit, Bright Sign, Earth Bullet, Zeta Cutlass, Divine Ray, Cool Style, Magical Sign, Air Ride, Speed Rain, Bite Stamp, Bull Bash, Wild Blow, Zonde, Razonde, and Rodeo Drive overrated. I've seen more of these than Over End, believe it or not. Or maybe people like the fact that "Over End is overrated" has a really nice ring to it ^^;

Apr 25, 2010, 12:59 PM
i noticed that you can use shifta in the time between going to the next area part, and actually going there, you can use shifta, and even if you go before the shifta animation, you will get it on the other end.

this is helpful so if you are lazy like me, it takes no time to cast shifta

Apr 25, 2010, 07:03 PM
i noticed that you can use shifta in the time between going to the next area part, and actually going there, you can use shifta, and even if you go before the shifta animation, you will get it on the other end.

this is helpful so if you are lazy like me, it takes no time to cast shifta

Are you saying it's somewhat like Useless Flashy Bangs? Or is it that you use Shifta while the screen is whited out? Using Useless Flashy Bangs with a support tech such as Gishifta or Gideband requires a small space for it to transition properly. Maybe a little bit more description of the situation would be helpful.

Apr 26, 2010, 09:24 PM
you can do it while it is whiting out, and you will have shifta on the other side

Apr 27, 2010, 09:14 AM
now i understand why i have 150+ deaths :/ damned npc after this i hate them much more and thanks for the guide =)

Apr 29, 2010, 11:52 AM
@steaIth: Hmm... Okay. Lemme try and confirm what you're putting down.

@skull: Yup yup! That's why I don't really wanna play with NPCs. They make me look bad ^^;

Apr 29, 2010, 07:16 PM
I'm glad NPC deaths count on your records. It would've taken me forever to get the deaths achievement otherwise. I may have even had to purposely start killing myself to reach it

Apr 29, 2010, 07:52 PM
I'll have to try half of those tricks. Nice guide.

Apr 30, 2010, 01:57 AM
@Sammael: Haha! Yeah. It really raised brows when I found out about that XD

@Noblewine: Have fun <3 And remember to post over here if you find anything new.

Seth Astra
Apr 30, 2010, 10:15 AM
The "NPC deaths count towards yours" would explain all the deaths I have. The record on mine says 200+ I think, but I don't think I've even died 100 times. I mean, I've died a lot, but nowhere near 200+ times.

Apr 30, 2010, 04:25 PM
Yeah. I'm happy I found out about that ^^;

May 1, 2010, 05:48 AM
So I was playing around in ET and at L100 was facing a Blade Mother. Killed NPC early on in the fight as per usual.

So, I had my shield up, in camera aim/guard/shoot mode and I decided to take a hit to go into the quick item menu and use a Moon to bring back the meatshields. Spec started automatically facing BM and guarding her attacks while being in normal standing position.

I repeated this a couple more times (fluid use) on BM, and again on Heaven's Mother (who teleported, and Spec automatically faced while on guard).

I shall call it Auto Guard (or less catchy... Turtling).

How to: Equip a shield. Face general direction of enemy. Hold L and press Start. Character should automatically face enemy while guarding, though normal standing pose is in effect.

Only uses I can think of are for those who are too lazy to hold down L, ability to safely use items in the middle of battle or to allow players to regenerate HP (less so with PP) while going to the bathroom in the middle of a fight.

May 2, 2010, 11:13 PM
So I was playing around in ET and at L100 was facing a Blade Mother. Killed NPC early on in the fight as per usual.

So, I had my shield up, in camera aim/guard/shoot mode and I decided to take a hit to go into the quick item menu and use a Moon to bring back the meatshields. Spec started automatically facing BM and guarding her attacks while being in normal standing position.

I repeated this a couple more times (fluid use) on BM, and again on Heaven's Mother (who teleported, and Spec automatically faced while on guard).

I shall call it Auto Guard (or less catchy... Turtling).

How to: Equip a shield. Face general direction of enemy. Hold L and press Start. Character should automatically face enemy while guarding, though normal standing pose is in effect.

Only uses I can think of are for those who are too lazy to hold down L, ability to safely use items in the middle of battle or to allow players to regenerate HP (less so with PP) while going to the bathroom in the middle of a fight.

Hmm... The menu lock idea. I guess you beat me to the punch ^^;

May 3, 2010, 08:30 PM
Hmm...Maybe the trick involving chains to raise damage might be a makeshift for some of the Celeb element-lacking weapons I like to use. Have any idea if that trick affects the Act Trick PA? Since it's a PA and an uncharged tech as well, I can only wonder. Nice job on the guide btw.

May 3, 2010, 09:27 PM
Hmm...Maybe the trick involving chains to raise damage might be a makeshift for some of the Celeb element-lacking weapons I like to use. Have any idea if that trick affects the Act Trick PA? Since it's a PA and an uncharged tech as well, I can only wonder. Nice job on the guide btw.

Yeah, it works on anything as long as its anything charged. Act Trick is a charged attack, considering it's a PA. And yes, it applies to the chains.

And thank you ^_^


-Updated Chain Blasting
-Updated Things I Frown Upon

May 4, 2010, 02:50 PM
Hmmm...After reading the guide all over again, I'm surprised a certain thing wasn't there. It's not a crazy uber game-breaking trick, but it's still nice to know. I shall name it...Errrrr...Well..."Controlling PAs with more finesse"?

The main thing about it is the fact that, when you're not locked onto a target while executing a PA, you can "move" the PA's AOE or your character around, making the PA produce different results. For example, if you "move" around while executing Million Rave (pressing left or right on the control pad will make your character rotate while slashing), you can extend your range to enemies to either the left or right side instead of being restricted to striking stuff in front of you (nearly a 200+ degree range instead of a 120 degree one), which is useful when mobs sneak behind you. Another example of this can be seen with Mine Sneak and Sonic Raid; you can adjust to PA's movement to curve towards the left or right, adjusting your position after the whole movement to take full advantage of the PA scapegoat effect.

For stationary PAs like Divine Ray, Hollow snipe and OE, you can fine-tune your aim by rotating your char during the animation (with this, you can make OE strike mobs the are creeping to your side...or, if you're fast enough, you might be able to turn around completely and strike enemies behind you). Anyways, I'm not sure how useful this is, since I'm sure everyone knows it/doesn't bother to use it...

May 4, 2010, 04:59 PM
Hmmm...After reading the guide all over again, I'm surprised a certain thing wasn't there. It's not a crazy uber game-breaking trick, but it's still nice to know. I shall name it...Errrrr...Well..."Controlling PAs with more finesse"?

The main thing about it is the fact that, when you're not locked onto a target while executing a PA, you can "move" the PA's AOE or your character around, making the PA produce different results. For example, if you "move" around while executing Million Rave (pressing left or right on the control pad will make your character rotate while slashing), you can extend your range to enemies to either the left or right side instead of being restricted to striking stuff in front of you (nearly a 200+ degree range instead of a 120 degree one), which is useful when mobs sneak behind you. Another example of this can be seen with Mine Sneak and Sonic Raid; you can adjust to PA's movement to curve towards the left or right, adjusting your position after the whole movement to take full advantage of the PA scapegoat effect.

For stationary PAs like Divine Ray, Hollow snipe and OE, you can fine-tune your aim by rotating your char during the animation (with this, you can make OE strike mobs the are creeping to your side...or, if you're fast enough, you might be able to turn around completely and strike enemies behind you). Anyways, I'm not sure how useful this is, since I'm sure everyone knows it/doesn't bother to use it...

Ooh. So, you noticed too. I'll add this in then.

Seth Astra
May 4, 2010, 05:21 PM
Another thing about that trick. It works with lock on. Sometimes with a moving PA you'll change targets in mid move. Case in point: I once hit 4 enemies with tornado dance. I zig-zaged way faster than normal. Just thought I'd mention that.

May 4, 2010, 08:28 PM
Well...Once again, I'm not sure if this is widely known or not, but, meh, I'll just post it anyways. Just another fun little fact.

You all know that to the list of usual elements (fire, ice, lightning, light and darkness), PSZ adds 2 more, which are relative to gun shots and blade attacks (or Ranged and Melee elements, if you prefer), giving monsters a certain resistance value to each.

Thanks to those elements, using bullets on the enemies present in most areas (except Ozette Wetlands, Rioh Snowfield and Makara Ruins, where the enemies are ridiculously weak to Ranged attacks) was highly unadvised. But, there's one type of bullet that disregards that rule: those fired during the Bullet Dance PA. Instead of being tied to the "Ranged" element, these bullets are, surprisingly, doing "Melee" damage to foes.

You can try it yourself; use Bullet Dance on enemies in Gurachia Valley and you'll see that you're doing slightly more damage than a normal Gunblade swing (thanks to the 125% ATP modifier), while, if you use the same PA on enemies from Rioh Snowfield, your damage output will be significantly lower than that of bullets fired normally from a gun of the same ATP value.

Seth Astra
May 4, 2010, 09:26 PM
Hmm... Didn't know that little fact. I'll have to pull out PSZ and spend some time trying out some of this stuff.

Edit: This should be added to the list of guides in the sticky.

May 5, 2010, 03:01 PM
Well...Once again, I'm not sure if this is widely known or not, but, meh, I'll just post it anyways. Just another fun little fact.

You all know that to the list of usual elements (fire, ice, lightning, light and darkness), PSZ adds 2 more, which are relative to gun shots and blade attacks (or Ranged and Melee elements, if you prefer), giving monsters a certain resistance value to each.

Thanks to those elements, using bullets on the enemies present in most areas (except Ozette Wetlands, Rioh Snowfield and Makara Ruins, where the enemies are ridiculously weak to Ranged attacks) was highly unadvised. But, there's one type of bullet that disregards that rule: those fired during the Bullet Dance PA. Instead of being tied to the "Ranged" element, these bullets are, surprisingly, doing "Melee" damage to foes.

You can try it yourself; use Bullet Dance on enemies in Gurachia Valley and you'll see that you're doing slightly more damage than a normal Gunblade swing (thanks to the 125% ATP modifier), while, if you use the same PA on enemies from Rioh Snowfield, your damage output will be significantly lower than that of bullets fired normally from a gun of the same ATP value.

Oy, jigglypuffs >_< I did notice something like this going on. It was really weird, considering that I did 160+ to a Hildeghana with a heavy shot and then something like 90+ with Bullet Dance. Thanks for confirming what was going on <3

This just makes me want to use Bullet Dance much more often. Haha!


Update @ 5/5/2010:
-Added List of elements used by monsters
-Added Bullets That Bend Rules

May 5, 2010, 07:01 PM
I never knew Blaze Helions could use Heaven element. So that means they can OHKO you?! Eeeeeeeevil...

Seth Astra
May 5, 2010, 11:01 PM
I'm with BLB on this. I didn't know that. That's scary.

May 6, 2010, 03:30 PM
Yeah, it's confirmed. While I was playing with a few people online, I was watching a few of the people getting continuously hit by the Blaze Helion, and then suddenly from a person with full health, a purple Pikmin death spirit floated out and the guy died at the same time. Do know that I saw this happen more than 6 times, and I'm perfectly sure this is the case. If you saw in my previous posts a long time ago, I was claiming there was a glitch point on a Blaze Helion. I'm very sure that this was actually the result.

May 6, 2010, 04:09 PM
...I'm never going to get so confident around Blaze helions anymore then. Btw, I found out 2 little details about enemies, but, I'm sure they're widely known too.

1- in solo, leaving and then re-entering a room resets enemies to their full health and default status

2-Rooms have a set "capacity" of enemies they can have. Let's say this capacity is measured in "enemy units (EU from now on)", small mobs (i.e.: Usanis) being worth 1 EU, mid size mobs (i.e.: pythons) being worth 2 EU, larger mobs being worth 3 (i.e.: phobos) and bosses possibly worth 9. A normal room can contain no more than a total of 6 EU per enemy wave -so you can never have 3 Helions in a normal room- while "boss rooms" and the arena can contain only 9 EU (hence why the arena ALWAYS has 3 large mobs per wave at once).

Also, a room can only contain up to 2 different sizes of enemies at once in each wave. So you'll never see a Valley room with Vulkures, pythons and helions at the same time. But, the enemy sizes can vary in each enemy wave.

With all that, you can predict what kind of mob you have around you without seeing them all. For example, if a Helion appears in a normal room, you only have enough "space" left for either 3 Vulkures or 1 python.

The game likes to use these patterns a lot:
-5 small mobs
-3 mid size mobs
-2 large mobs
-2 mid size+ 2 small
-1 large + 2 small
-1 large + 1 mid size

...Not a game-breaking detail, but still fun to know.

May 6, 2010, 05:06 PM
There's also rooms with just one large unit ^^ I was concocting something like this but I just found out that the silly Phobos and Helions being by themselves just made my concoction explode. It hurt me lots T_T

Then, another thing that hurt me was 4 Usanny in a room instead of 5. It really made me red in the face. HAH! Get it? XD

Also, I didn't add it to my gameplay trick guide because it's not particularly a trick you can do. It just occurs ^^;

May 6, 2010, 05:22 PM
True. Man...So many things were hidden in there by SEGA...

May 6, 2010, 05:31 PM
Either that or lots of codings that have loopholes.

May 14, 2010, 12:50 PM
Hmm... I'm thinking there's something directly involved with canyon/wall shots. I think it goes by how far you are from the enemy. The closer you are, the more you'll hit. The farther you are, the more the enemy will guard. I'm still checking this out. Some confirmations from people would be nice.

May 17, 2010, 04:53 PM
Update @ 5/17/2010:
-Added Things currently being looked into list

May 17, 2010, 06:42 PM
Hmm... I'm thinking there's something directly involved with canyon/wall shots. I think it goes by how far you are from the enemy. The closer you are, the more you'll hit. The farther you are, the more the enemy will guard. I'm still checking this out. Some confirmations from people would be nice.

Well, I've noticed that it seems to be relatively random, but that would mean theres a RNG in place, as I can be on one side of a mine cart in Gurhacia Valley, and the enemy/enemies on the other, and I hit them for a damage/miss instead of guard rarely, but it also seems to be that way only with rifles. Then again, I don't use many other weapons that are ranged. On that note, the last hit is the one for me that has hit the most for typically guarded shots with rifles.

Hope that helps.

May 18, 2010, 05:14 PM
Hmm... I've also noticed that shots that are up in the enemy's face doesn't guard too much. Can you explain RNG a little more? There might be some kind of solution behind it ^^;

Anyone else want to help me out? ^^;

May 18, 2010, 05:27 PM
Hmm... I've also noticed that shots that are up in the enemy's face doesn't guard too much. Can you explain RNG a little more? There might be some kind of solution behind it ^^;

Anyone else want to help me out? ^^;

RNG = Random Number Generator. I know nothing about it. I just read about it somewhere, and some of them seem to have some sort of patch or something that stops the RNG from giving the same result over and over (hence why you may never ever saw "Antiparalysis (2)" on pso drop from one monster...Other than that, idk much.

May 18, 2010, 07:32 PM
Well, Galax pretty much summed up what RNG is. Basically, it's a set of code lines (or was it just one single command line?) that prompts the program to choose a random number. Since there is an infinity of numbers to choose from, that kind of command would seem useless at first (too many possibilities for the limited amount of memory you have in a cart). For it to be practical, the one who writes the code for the program using the RNG restricts the values it can choose to a certain range of numbers. That's the kind of RNG most games use to "roll a dice" and simulate random events (like what drops from a mob, what mobs you get in a room, how the damage you deal and receive varies, etc., etc.).

If you'd want to get a solution to your guarding problem by poking in the game's RNG, that would require you to alter the game's coding or just look into it, and...We all know that will soon after make everyone go "RARARARARARARARAR!!!WITCH HUNT!!!RARARARAR!!!YOU'RE NOT LOLGIT!!!RARARARARAR!!". Anyways, yeah, just picture the RNG as a dice that has a certain number of sides to fit the situation.

Seeing as the event of a mob guarding/evading an attack when there's an obstacle varies when you get close, I guess the distance might influence the range of numbers the RNG chooses from. As for making the RNG always choose the same number, that would be nearly impossible, since (in C# coding at least) the RNG bases its number choice on the current time, to the precision of less than a millisecond I think, making the same result occuring a few times in a row extremely unlikely if the possibilities to choose from isn't small enough.

May 19, 2010, 03:26 AM
I'm beginning to think it's along the lines of monster size. I'm noticing I'm hitting Phobos more often than Derreo, which is less than Eulid... Hmm... -looks at post #41-

Seth Astra
May 19, 2010, 08:17 AM
I noticed something that's similar to the PA scapegoat that you have in your guide. I was using tornado dance, was giving a command to the idiot brigade, I mean NPCs, and I hit a freeze trap. I had time to notice that the arrow on the text box seemed to be pointing to where I had started the PA, although with the 2d box on 3d screen it was hard to tell. It seems that for some things, the game considers you to be where you started the PA. I wonder what else works this way.

May 19, 2010, 06:31 PM
I noticed something that's similar to the PA scapegoat that you have in your guide. I was using tornado dance, was giving a command to the idiot brigade, I mean NPCs, and I hit a freeze trap. I had time to notice that the arrow on the text box seemed to be pointing to where I had started the PA, although with the 2d box on 3d screen it was hard to tell. It seems that for some things, the game considers you to be where you started the PA. I wonder what else works this way.

Basically, this works with any PA that doesn't keep you in one place.

Seth Astra
May 19, 2010, 10:29 PM
I was refering to effects that consider you to be at your origional location, not PAs. I already knew about what PAs to use. So far we have enemy targeting and text boxes that consider you at your original location.

May 19, 2010, 10:38 PM
I wonder...Do you think Unique weapons have slightly different proc rates than generic ones? Either that or I'm having crazy luck, 'cause my Fuuma Shuriken keeps instant killing mobs (I cleared Ozette on SH online just by spamming normal attacks). Granted, they are small, but those small mobs are usually the bulk of enemy waves. Also...Even though people say that Shifta does not raise ATA...It still feels like I'm hitting stuff way more with my lv. 10 Shifta on (as in, I rarely miss) than without (and I only have about 460 ATA, mind you). Well...Anyways, maybe it's just me being extraordinary lucky.

May 20, 2010, 11:07 PM
Whoever told you that Shifta doesn't raise ATA is telling bad information. It's just a puny raise in comparison to Zalure. Also, the smaller the enemy, the more prone they are to being killed by the Heavenly element.

Also, have you noticed how you absolutely can't confuse a Phobos without use of a confuse trap? It's weird! I'm looking at elemental (weapon attachment) resistance right now :3

May 21, 2010, 04:50 AM
Holding R causes the camera to lock in position (it doesn't target, it doesn't try to turn to where the character is going, it just stays).

Chukie sue
May 23, 2010, 02:58 PM
Uh... this interesting discovery might be appreciated here:

Offline Valley run - four way Flozir chain - I enter the boss portal with my Life Ains, and procede to attack. So the first interesting thing is even though I'm invincible, my health goes down with life elements effect. Second, my NPC's dont realize that I'm invincible and start healing me >_>

Meh, I thought it was a little interesting ;o

May 23, 2010, 03:03 PM
Uh... this interesting discovery might be appreciated here:

Offline Valley run - four way Flozir chain - I enter the boss portal with my Life Ains, and procede to attack. So the first interesting thing is even though I'm invincible, my health goes down with life elements effect. Second, my NPC's dont realize that I'm invincible and start healing me >_>

Meh, I thought it was a little interesting ;o

Invincibility only nulls damage from enemies. If you get burned/poisoned or use risk/life element, you still take damage.

May 24, 2010, 01:27 AM
Invincibility only nulls damage from enemies. If you get burned/poisoned or use risk/life element, you still take damage.

Yeah, I confirmed this. All element-related damage is not nulled.

Ooh, new discovery: You can't burn a Blaze Helion without a using a Fire Trap. Kinda makes sense, doesn't it?

@The_Pup: Wow, I don't know how I overlooked that o_o I'll add it later. I'm kinda lazy to update.

Jun 1, 2010, 01:28 AM
Hey everyone! I've come to notify that Froutang possibly might be invulnerable to stun. Also, Bazookas work really well against Helion, Blaze Helion, Froutang, Frunaked, Wetlands enemies (exception is the Pelcatraz family). Every hit that connects is a guaranteed flinch with these enemies, and that's not an easy thing to do.

Nick O'Demus
Jun 1, 2010, 01:58 AM
I've come to notify that Froutang possibly might be invulnerable to stun.

I've seen Froutangs stunned by the Bright Sign PA.

Jun 1, 2010, 12:37 PM
I've seen Froutangs stunned by the Bright Sign PA.

then that just means a higher-than-normal stun resist.

Jun 1, 2010, 01:00 PM
Hrmm... Froutangs... Lemme try some more with them. I've been shooting them like crazy with a Stun element and nadda. Maybe some more tries? o_o Then again, I've never seen a Froutang stunned before.

Jun 1, 2010, 01:30 PM
i use a pair of StunFenrir and can confirm that they can be stunned

Jun 1, 2010, 02:26 PM
I thought I have seen a Froutang being stunned with Zonde in the past...

Jun 1, 2010, 08:52 PM
Huh. I guess it's just my luck ^^; Anyway, thanks.

Jun 1, 2010, 11:09 PM
Hmmm...I wonder; are the mother spawns in ET influenced by the type of attack you use the most? I seem to get lots of blade moms when I use my HUcaseal's Ainsraiffe and lots of Force moms when I tech spam with my HUney...then again, could your character's class also influence each mom's appearance rate? Just putting this out there.

Jun 2, 2010, 01:21 AM
Hmmm...I wonder; are the mother spawns in ET influenced by the type of attack you use the most? I seem to get lots of blade moms when I use my HUcaseal's Ainsraiffe and lots of Force moms when I tech spam with my HUney...then again, could your character's class also influence each mom's appearance rate? Just putting this out there.

When I did a full run into SHET with my Hunter-FOmarl, I kept getting force mothers and I mostly attacked with hunter and ranger weapons.

Jun 2, 2010, 12:10 PM
I was kinda wondering that too. I guess there's a direct correlation to timing of the appearance of the mama... Hrmm... I don't really feel like going up ET to confirm this -_-

Jun 5, 2010, 09:12 AM
I've run the ET numerous times with different characters, and I'm something like 99.999999% positive that you get the different Mothers depending on who happens to be in your party.

For example, my first three runs I didn't see a single Shot Mother, I was playing a FOney and didn't have Ogi in my party. The first Mother I encounter after kicking Sarisa for Ogi? Shot Mother.

I've tested this in something like 12 50-floor runs with different NPC character combinations and PC classes and it's holding true. For the time being, anyway.

Seth Astra
Jun 5, 2010, 09:20 AM
Huh, that's interesting. However, I don't take ogi, and shot mothers are the most common. I wonder what affects it, or if it's just random. This will be an interesting thing to figure out.

Jun 5, 2010, 09:35 AM
Shot Mamas love me and I never use Ogi...

Jun 5, 2010, 09:43 AM
by my standards: it's random,
but my data could be biased cause I use the "original team" Kai, Sarisa, and Ogi + my HUmar.
it just seems to be an equal chance of any type of Mother to me

Jun 5, 2010, 10:18 AM
Heavens Mom is the rarest! *shot*
Anyway, I get alot of Shot Mothers too, but the again, on my only completed SH ET run, I got a ton of Force Mothers...

Seth Astra
Jun 5, 2010, 11:28 PM
I'm guessing it's not random, but programmed like the rest of this game. It only gives you what you don't want. Here are the three common mothers, from most to least common.
1. Shot (no RA chars)
2. Force (force is my seccondary char)
2. Blade (2 HU's, one is my main)
Just my theory.

Jun 6, 2010, 02:35 AM
I just confirmed that Froutangs can get stunned. -sighs-

Jun 12, 2010, 05:02 PM
Update @ 5/12/2010:
-Updated Chain Blasting

Jun 13, 2010, 04:31 AM
I'm guessing it's not random, but programmed like the rest of this game. It only gives you what you don't want. Here are the three common mothers, from most to least common.
1. Shot (no RA chars)
2. Force (force is my seccondary char)
2. Blade (2 HU's, one is my main)
Just my theory.

Nah. It's just the Random Number God doing whatever it does. People are putting too much theoretical order to known chaos.

Several runs through SHET with my FOney yielded myself seeing only blade moms, only shot/force moms (no blade moms) or only shot moms.

Nick O'Demus
Jun 13, 2010, 06:10 AM
I've got about the same number of Blade and Force Mothers, but only half as many Shot Mothers as either of the other two.

Jun 14, 2010, 02:47 AM
i think mothers are totally ramdom , ive done about 12 mixed et runs hard/sh , ive
only got 1 character (ramar) and always use the same npc's . some runs produced
heavy of each mother !! ie mainly shot or blade or force . usally a mix of two but sometimes a mix of all three . in all runs i got mostly crappy drops tho !!

Jun 14, 2010, 08:34 PM
I don't really think there's actually a significant order to the mamas. It's just that the likelihood of running into the same mama after another is less likely than running into another mama (just a thought).

Jul 20, 2010, 11:46 PM
Update @ 7/20/2010
-Added 2-Elements Theory


Yeah, 2-Elements Theory took a lot of time and is the most complex of my finds yet.

Jul 21, 2010, 01:01 PM
cool i could use some of this stuff :P

Jul 21, 2010, 01:08 PM
Btw Archan I am Neo. ^^ I'll also use some of this stuff as well. ;p

Jul 22, 2010, 02:26 AM
@Ranmaru: I don't mind if you do utilize these or not. Just note what's at the end of the first post <3

Jul 22, 2010, 05:21 AM
Ah, the thing about Tifa? ^^; I'm sorry. I'm not really sure when I can use that... I will definitly not use it around you. : ]

Hmmm, very useful. The most usefull I think is going to your items while being frozen. Usually I try to go behind Humilias (or any hostile) so that I don't get hit, and rinse and repeat. But sometimes I may get tripped up and get frozen D: (Maybe I think I can evade it but I don't evade the third shot, or I was running away from the blue/red/pink/orange panels lighting up and he freezes me while I am running away (couldn't see, need to make sure I know what he is doing while I am running away, meaning I should change my camera view to behind me)

And definitly the rotate a little before doing a pa. : ]

Jul 22, 2010, 03:12 PM
Seriously, the menu thing really comes in handy when against Humilias during the lighting of random panels situation. It sure beats getting hit by one panel to find myself getting hit by another ^^ Very pricey when you get hit by his shots after that. You can heal in between each shot, assuming that you got a fast thumb. Now, surviving those shots afterwards, his behavior is that he will do his charge slash when someone is hit by an elemental state after his shots, regardless if it was an elemental panel that hit you. Yes, that means if you have a Slow/Protect and Ice/Protect and take the shots, he will not follow up accordingly. However, you still have to worry about getting hit by the combo shots.

Jul 22, 2010, 04:28 PM
Yes, and I glad it is there. I mean, usually when Humilias shoots, I try to evade (or just see what options I have) basically one can get frustrated when you can get frozen and not being able to do nothing but hope to bring an ice protect. Haha I should look for one, actualy. Although I have 3 copies of all resist level 4 equipped, and a master/power.

Hmmm I see, I'm sure after all that I can somehow manage to get behind him... but hmm... Maybe if I do some pattern so that I can somehow miss one shot and evade the next two... Haha... Yeah.

But thank you, you are very helpful. When something puzzles me, I will ask you. : D (after re-reading this thread that is)

Jul 23, 2010, 08:53 PM
Haha! That's why I'm here ^_^ I'll try to give my feed on the situation.

Jul 23, 2010, 09:00 PM
...Wait a sec...Is that element theory of yours a hidden advertisment of Celeb?! That changes everything...

Jul 23, 2010, 09:04 PM
...Wait a sec...Is that element theory of yours a hidden advertisment of Celeb?! That changes everything...

Yeah, I'm advertising more use of Celeb so that there would be less cases of primary elements overriding my secondary element. However, there still are those pesky FOs and their Gimegid and Grants in the Shrine.

Jul 23, 2010, 09:25 PM
Erk...FO's. Stealing my kills with their fancy fairy sparkles. Be men and use your fists! Though, on the matter at hand, since it's the same enemy shown on the other DS' screen, it must have the same HP value on all the other DS's...Thus, the effects of your secondary element, despite not being shown, MUST've occured...I think?

I mean, if your secondary heat element, after dealing damage once or twice, is overriden by a stun element on the other screen, the HP value of the enemy on your DS would be lower than that on the on the other DS, which is not possible, right?

Aug 2, 2010, 05:21 PM
Erk...FO's. Stealing my kills with their fancy fairy sparkles. Be men and use your fists! Though, on the matter at hand, since it's the same enemy shown on the other DS' screen, it must have the same HP value on all the other DS's...Thus, the effects of your secondary element, despite not being shown, MUST've occured...I think?

I mean, if your secondary heat element, after dealing damage once or twice, is overriden by a stun element on the other screen, the HP value of the enemy on your DS would be lower than that on the on the other DS, which is not possible, right?

Basically, the enemies always have shared HP among all the DS. If there is damage inflicted, the HP is always distributed among all the DS.

Aug 3, 2010, 01:49 PM
Ah, so overriding elements isn't such a big deal unless you're using something that doesn't deal damage as your secondary element, right?

Aug 4, 2010, 12:38 AM
Even then, a prolonged paralysis secondary enables the player to become reckless with that one enemy. Unless you're talking about a confusion secondary on a single enemy, do as you so wish with the primary element.

May 9, 2011, 02:45 PM
A Useless fact: While this is not effective in battle, while the game states that CASTs can not use any techniques, they can pull off a basic zonde, foie, or barta. This is because access is allowed to the Photon Art Act trick. This is not technically a technique, meaning they can blast away.

Funny, but useless. Even if you went for optimum MTP It would still be pathetic, as you would expect, damage wise.

Sep 14, 2011, 04:06 PM
Weird how I actually was using stuff like the roll canceling before actually reading this. Though I did find out so much more here. Very cool guide and thanks!