View Full Version : PC game guard says i have a worm

Mar 13, 2010, 02:00 AM
Game guard says I have a worm. I just want to try the story mode in the game as its been a while and I want to familiarize my self and see if I want to go online at a later date. However, when I launch the game after the initial play, I get a worm pop up from game guard. Ive tried so many things that sort of pertain to fixing the issue that were suggestions off the web:

Firewall allow/ disable
Copying over the psu.exe file after initial game guard patch
msconfig to shut off all startup items
playing in safe mode

When I try to click the heal button it sends me to a site that wants me to buy a sub to clean it off my computer. If I click ignore, it just crashes.

The game works fine on first install, after that is when the bug happens. Please, any ideas?

Running xp on dsl
pretty basic stuff, it used to work fine!!!!

Mar 15, 2010, 09:49 AM
Looks like your PC finds PSU gameguard as a worm (since GG does act like one) so it stopped the game from running.
Try adding PSU to your antivirus & firewall to let it through. Otherwise, the game just hangs.

Mar 16, 2010, 12:18 PM
Well thanks for responding. I tried that again today for the umpteenth time, and still no go. Any other ideas?

Mar 16, 2010, 10:39 PM
Hmm.... I would say turn off your antivirus all together, when it clears the Game Guard part and launches you can turn it back on any time, It only stops it from launching nothing else...ie you have to do it every time you play also. It`s what I have to do to play the 1st Psu....oh I also did all the other thing`s too like change it to a XP mode, firewall access... etc. It see`s three file`s as worms the GameGaurd.exe, the PSU.exe and PSUoff.exe and only messes with it during launch but is fine during game play and closing. I hope this helps:)